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  [*NO SIGS!*] Isakaya High School – Role-Play Only, Thread #4 Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Post Search for Posts by NON-PLAYER CHARACTER Report Post to a Moderator        IP Address Go to the top of this page



Eventually the chatter died down and people fell asleep. The night passed without incident: no angry forest spirits; no monsters in hedges attacked the defenceless maidens in their tent; no evil girls sallied forth to pull out the pegs holding up the boys tent.

Morning came but it was dull and grey and moist. There was no sunrise to speak of, the darkness merely grew steadily through lighter and lighter shades of grey until one dull pale shade filed the garden with an apologetic moist light.

The clouds had come in over night and the sky was filled with them. It looked like it would soon rain.

It was Sunday. Milder and without a breeze. Clammy.

05.07.2008, 05:51 AM NON-PLAYER CHARACTER is offline   Profile for NON-PLAYER CHARACTER Add NON-PLAYER CHARACTER to your buddy list
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I sniffed as my heavy eyes opened slightly. Through the eyelashes and crusted whatchacallit, the somewhat dim light allowed me to see past the leaves and towards the sky.

Damn, those are some dark clouds.

"Ah... tch! Sniff..."

Must be good luck to be woken up by this cold air. I usually woke up late if I went to sleep late. A little later and I'd probably be awoken by rain pouring down on me, and that would have been a reeeaaally bad start to the day.

I let my eyes droop back to closed status as I took a long sigh, stretching a little. Too cold to sleep, to tired to wake up.

Oh, the dilemma of youth, how thy has disturbed me plenty.

With my eyes still closed, I got up into sitting position, then opened it a slit. I looked down and realized that there was a blanket around my waist. Someone must have laid it over me, but had gone awry while I was sleepmoving.

I was still groggy, and not a tought passed in my mind at that time.

I turned around, caught sight of the tent, and crawled towards it.

"... ... ..."

Guy's tent is the other one, yo.

I lowered the flap and headed for the other tent, confirmed the existence of males, and dropped my body on the mat, falling asleep soon after, unawares of my feet still sticking out.

The blanket was still caught around my waist, although a good portion of it accompanied my feet outside the tent.

05.07.2008, 09:34 AM Roarkiller is offline   Profile for Roarkiller Add Roarkiller to your buddy list Homepage of Roarkiller

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I opened my eyes and sat quickly up.

I was the first to wake which suited me fine. I was in no mood to talk to anyone this morning. As quietly as I could I gathered up my belongings and crawled out of the flap. Outside it was grey and damp and a bit depressing. None of the boys seemed to be up either.

I went to the house to wash and dress. Coming back downstairs I bumped into Sadoru’s mother and we exchanged greetings. She asked if I wanted tea or breakfast but I decided to get clean away and politely said no. I told her I wanted to leave right away and thanked her for her wonderful hospitality. I asked her to thank Sadoru-san for the fantastic day yesterday and all his hard work and to give him my apologies for leaving without saying goodbye.

Then I went, glad to be out of there.

05.08.2008, 11:09 AM ..Ayami.. is offline   Profile for ..Ayami.. Add ..Ayami.. to your buddy list

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A slight chill woke me up, blowing in for a second as the tent flap opened then closed again. I closed my eyes, trying to sleep a little longer but my thoughts kept interrupting me.

Last night was...crazy. Did it even really happen? Maybe you dreamed it. Maybe you didn't fall in a bush, and didn't dance and...and didn't kiss Hibiki on the cheek!

Groaning I raised a hand to my face, rubbing one eye as I sat up and surveyed the tent. Everyone seemed to be in place, except for Megumi. Though it was hard to tell just from the hunched figures in their sleeping bags. I let out a quiet yawn, stretching my arms up in the air and shaking the last of the sleep from my mind.

I opened my bag, searching through for my toothbrush when I found the dress I forgot I had yesterday.

Damn! I could have just changed into that after my shower, though I was already wearing Megumi's clothes by then. Where is she anyway? I need to return these.

I lifted the dress from my bag, admiring it for a second. It was one of my favourites, a navy blue summer dress which I had had fitted on one holiday to Italy. It was cinched at the waist with a cute red bow, it was comfortable if not slightly tight. I had brought it with the current weather at the time in mind, but if that chill I had felt when the tent opened was anything to go by then I was in trouble.

Curled up inside the folded dress was the cardigan I had looked for last night but been unable to find. Argh! And now I have too clean Seisaku's jumper. Baka Chi.

I hurried into the house and changed, undoing my pontyail and tying a red ribbon into my hair so as to match my dress. If I remember correctly i'm meant to be having lunch with father today, so I should probably dress my best. If I want to impress him.

I caught sight of Okayu's mother and gave her the friendliest "Ohayou!" bowing my head politely before hurrying back into the garden. The clear sky from the night before had gone to be replaced by grey clouds and biting wind.

I plopped myself down beneath the thickest-leaved tree and pulled out a pen and pencil from my pocket.

Time to right a "Goodbye, sorry I had to leave, but thank you!" letter. I mean, theres no point hanging around...i'm not sure what to do anyway. I mean last night I felt so comfortable around everyone, but today, for some reason i'm just not sure where I stand.

I chewed at my pencil for a little while before scribbling something down.

I admired my handiwork.


I sighed, turning from my hardwork to look over at the tents. I wonder if anyone else will be getting up soon?

Post last edited by Nausicaa_Cat on 05.08.2008, 06:29 PM.

05.08.2008, 06:17 PM Nausicaa_Cat is offline   Profile for Nausicaa_Cat Add Nausicaa_Cat to your buddy list

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I woke up with a soft yawn and rubbed my eyes. It was odd to awaken in a strange place, I felt as I glanced around at the lumpy sleeping bags around me.

I rummaged through my bag and fished out my change of clothes. Then I gathered my toothbrush and stuff, and headed out of the tent and into the house.

Where do I go again? I can't remember...

I'm sure you'll find your way around somehow.

I wandered about inside, glad that nobody was around to see me being such an idiot getting lost in the house, and eventually found the bathroom.


When I felt a bit fresher, I came out of the house, wondering what I'd do next. I decided to go back to the tent to see if anyone else was up, and spotted Kashikoi sitting outside the girls' tent with a little bit of paper. Walking in that general direction, I hoped she'd see me and say hello, because I knew I wouldn't say anything.

I'd like to at least make one friend before I go.

Only after losing a few, of course.

05.08.2008, 06:46 PM arren18 is offline   Profile for arren18 Add arren18 to your buddy list Homepage of arren18

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I saw Hibiki walking towards me and raised a hand in hello. He was looking pretty unsure what to do next so patted the ground next to me.

Sometimes he really did look like a fish out of water.

"Ohayou Hibiki-kun." I said, grinning as he came closer.

"Last person I see before I go to bed and the first I see when I get up in the morning? We should be careful not to make a habit of this." I laughed, winking at him.

"I mean just think of what the neighbours will say." I raised a hand to my cheek in mock horror before smiling.

"Here, come help me write a letter so Okayu-kun." I said, holding up my piece of paper "I've got to go soon, maybe before he wakes up..."

I pulled out my phone from my pocket, checking my inbox, nothing new. So I still had a little time before the car came. Good.

05.09.2008, 12:39 PM Nausicaa_Cat is offline   Profile for Nausicaa_Cat Add Nausicaa_Cat to your buddy list

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"Ohayou Hibiki-kun."
I walked a bit closer, but didn't sit down. "Ohayou," I replied. I still sounded rather sleepy: evidently I hadn't quite woken up yet.

"Last person I see before I go to bed and the first I see when I get up in the morning? We should be careful not to make a habit of this. I mean just think of what the neighbours will say."
I gave an embarassed laugh, but said nothing.

Can't you even answer?

It's not my fault!

"Here, come help me write a letter so Okayu-kun. I've got to go soon, maybe before he wakes up..."
I looked at the paper without reading it. "Um... why do you need to leave so early?" I asked. When she took out her phone I pointedly looked away (none of my business...) and when she was done I sat down next to her.

"The grass is kinda damp this morning..." I commented. Then I thought of something. "Hmmm... wait here a moment. I'll go and get rid of this." I indicated my toothbrush and things, which I was still holding.

I headed back into the boys' tent, careful not to wake anybody up, and walked to where my bag was. I put away my stuff, and picked up the sleeping bag.

Leaving the tent messily, I returned to where Kashikoi was sitting, and spread out the sleeping bag on the ground. "Sit on that," I said. "Imagine what people would think if they saw you walking around with a wet bum."

05.10.2008, 05:49 AM arren18 is offline   Profile for arren18 Add arren18 to your buddy list Homepage of arren18

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He seemed embarassed by what i'd said and I had to stop myself laughing as well. Obviously i'd have to be careful, he didn't seem the type of guy who was comfortable easily.

"Um... why do you need to leave so early?"

"I..." I stopped there, why do I need to leave so early anyway?

Becuase you have no clue how to react to everybody when they get out of their tents. Last night seemed like some sort of witching hour and now its over I dont know where I stand.

"No reason I suppose. I just seem to have..." I blushed a little, suddenly feeling like a complete idiot "Woke up shy."

He mentioned something about the grass, then dashed off into his tent. He returned carrying a sleeping bag. I raised an eyebrow, WHAT? Did I miss a step or something?

"Sit on that, Imagine what people would think if they saw you walking around with a wet bum."

OH. Thats what he meant.

I burst out laughing at my own stupidity, it took me a few minutes until I managed to stop and even then I was wiping tears of mirth out of my eyes.

"Im sorry, I just thought..." I turned to look at him, my eyes still a little blurry with happy tears and a big lopsided grin plastered across my face "You don't even want to know. Trust me."

05.10.2008, 08:49 AM Nausicaa_Cat is offline   Profile for Nausicaa_Cat Add Nausicaa_Cat to your buddy list
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I felt a pair of feet shuffle past me noisily and carelessly, budging me from my slumber once more. I roused grumpily, wondering who that was. Wrapping the blanket tightly around me, I poked out of the tent, wiping away the eyecrusts in an irritated manner.

Outside, Hissori and Kashikoi were sitting on the ground together. Towards them I lumbered heavily, eyes hal-closed, and plonked myself heavily beside Hissori.

"Ohayo," I mumbled. "You're up early."

I yawned heavily without bothering to hide it. I pulled my legs closer and laid my head on my knees, hugging myself for warmth.

05.10.2008, 08:57 AM Roarkiller is offline   Profile for Roarkiller Add Roarkiller to your buddy list Homepage of Roarkiller

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Im sorry, I just thought... You don't even want to know. Trust me."
I frowned. I don't understand...

Pfft, what's not to get?

Hmmm? Wait... Ohhh.

I looked away, and sat down next to her, being careful to leave a bit of space in between us. Awkward... Then, suddenly, Icchan sat down next to me. What the hell?

"Ohayo. You're up early."
He gave a great yawn and started curling up. I shuffled away, bumping into Kashikoi. Looks like you just couldn't keep away... I spun round. "Gomen!" I said hastily, feeling like an idiot.

05.10.2008, 09:12 AM arren18 is offline   Profile for arren18 Add arren18 to your buddy list Homepage of arren18

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I woke and lay there a moment while a couple of people came and went. Then someone else came back for their bedding. Hm, can’t sleep like this. Need to get up.

I pulled the blanket aside, picked up my bag and in shorts and tee-shirt went out. I was met by a grey and wet day. It looked like it would soon rain. Breakfast indoors then…

I went past a few others huddled outside under the trees and gave them a grin, “Hi guys, sleep OK?” I went in the house to get washed and dressed then found the kitchen. Sadoru-san’s mother was up bustling about, I said hello and since our host was still asleep offered to make some tea and take it outside.

A few minutes later I took a tray out to the others by the trees and left it on a log.

“Help yourselves!” I cheerily waved a hand at them and went to tidy up my things before coming back out. By then Jun and Yukio had surfaced too and I sat on a log a little way away to sip my tea.

I kept one eye on the doorway of the girls tent to see who would come out next.

05.10.2008, 09:54 AM NON-PLAYER CHARACTER is offline   Profile for NON-PLAYER CHARACTER Add NON-PLAYER CHARACTER to your buddy list

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Hibiki seemed to be becoming more awkward by the second, I wasn't sure what to do. I'd never met someone so nervous. Well not someone but I had met something I suppose. My mind drifted back to when I was younger and had been given a little pony for my birthday. I spent everyday with that creature and yet if anything it seemed to become more nervous, but then Kahei taught me how to handle it.

{"Look, your almost as nervous as it is because you dont want to frighten it. You need to show it some confidence"}

"But Kahei, it just runs away when I try and pat it or go close to it!"

{"Watch, i'll show you."} I watched as he laid a hand on the neck of the horse, moving slowly forwards and whispering into its ear before holding his hand in front of the horses nostrils. It instantly seemed calmer, even moving closer to Kahei.

"What did you do?! How did you get it to do that?"

{"I just told it, it doesnt need to be afraid. If you just explain things clearly and honestly then even an animal will understand you."}

I returned to the present, mulling over the memory in my mind. Hibiki wasn't a horse but maybe the same idea of being more confident then you actually feel could be applied? It probably wouldn't work but it was better then him jumping out of his skin everytime I said something to him.

"Ohayo. You're up early." Icchan said as he plopped down beside us.

Hibiki went to make room for Icchan to sit down, and accidently bumped into me in the process.

he said, spinning around with a horror struck look on his face.

Before he could move away I leant a hand on the bottom of his jumper, pinning it to the grass.

"You do realise, i'm not letting you go until you get over your phobia of me." I said, looking up at him (since he was taller then me even when sitting down) my voice sounding completely serious but the smile on my face giving my extreme amusement away.

"We've already talked about this last night, it is absurd for you to have a heart attack everytime I say the wrong thing."

"So i've decided I shall simply hold you captive until you stop having a heart attack whenever I talk to you." I gave a the-things-I-do-for-you kind of sigh, before grinning at him then turning to a sleepy Icchan.

"Ohayou to you too, I hope you had a good nights sleep." I said, before accepting a cup of tea from Tsugara, mouthing him a polite "Arigato". People seemed to be getting up now and I watched them walk by trying their best to wake up and smiling whenever I caught someones eye.

In one hand I held the tea that I sipped at every now and then and with my other hand I was probably causing irreparable damage to my friendship with Hibiki. Nevermind.

05.10.2008, 10:34 AM Nausicaa_Cat is offline   Profile for Nausicaa_Cat Add Nausicaa_Cat to your buddy list

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I came up from the nothing of unconsciousness into half-waking… warmth, cozy warmth around me; a strange smell, earthy and rich, like soil; a cool gust of breeze on my hair; voices. It was the voices I focused on… in my room there are never voices… well there are but I hear them with my mind. These came to me through my ears.

“…careful not to make a habit of this.”

“…come help me write a letter…”


“…kinda damp this morning... wait here a moment… sit on that.”

A chuckle of laughter. I smiled with it, a nice sound. The girl’s voice and the boy’s voice carried on. I opened my eyes.

Canvas. Then I knew where I was…

Tent. Garden. Soil. Rain. Warm. Party. Dancing. Hug…


These thoughts tumbled down from me and were all I could think of.

Hug. Kodo-Ra. Perfect shape.

I closed my eyes again and snuggled down into the warmth of the blanket. I didn’t need to think of anything else right now. So I didn’t.

The voices continued, another boy spoke. Icchan. I knew him, then others. People were getting up. I lay for five minutes letting the sounds and feelings and thoughts go round and round…

Opening my eyes again I wiggled up a bit and lifted an arm, I pushed the tent flap open, flipping it back. Light flooded in. I wriggled more, on my back, shuffling my head and shoulders out of the tent door. I turned my head. Kashikoi, Icchan and Hibiki were sat under the trees on the damp ground, some other boys were on the logs drinking tea. I pulled the blanket up round me to cover my bare shoulders and lay there watching them.

"You do realise, I'm not letting you go until you get over your phobia of me."

"We've already talked about this last night, it is absurd for you to have a heart attack every time I say the wrong thing."

"So I've decided I shall simply hold you captive until you stop having a heart attack whenever I talk to you."
I said nothing but lay and enjoyed the feelings I was having, the smells of warm bodies in the tent, various perfumes and soaps, the clean smell of wet grass, the metallic hint of coming rain.

If I wasn’t in danger of being trodden on I could go to sleep again…

Kodo-Ra. Hug.

05.10.2008, 12:44 PM natsuba is offline   Profile for natsuba Add natsuba to your buddy list Send an Email to natsuba

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I was about to move away again when she suddenly pinned me down. My eyes travelled up from her hand to the big, poorly-suppressed grin on her face.

You do realise, i'm not letting you go until you get over your phobia of me."
"Oh" was all I could say just now.

"We've already talked about this last night, it is absurd for you to have a heart attack everytime I say the wrong thing. So i've decided I shall simply hold you captive until you stop having a heart attack whenever I talk to you."
"Um... okay. I understand." I felt like I was a prisoner already. Aren't you going to stick up for yourself? She's not exactly big, is she?

I remained silent as she spoke to Icchan and took tea from the tray that Tsugara was offering. I picked up a cup as well, trying hard not to make it look as if I was getting up to run away, because the resulting tackle would no doubt injure me with scalding tea.

Post last edited by arren18 on 05.10.2008, 05:35 PM.

05.10.2008, 05:29 PM arren18 is offline   Profile for arren18 Add arren18 to your buddy list Homepage of arren18

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"Um... okay. I understand."

I took one look at his nervous-pony eyes and instantly an alert went off in my brain: ABORT THE PLAN, ABORT THE PLAN!

Obviously my pony theory didn't seem to be working.

"Gomen." I sighed, lifting my hand from his jumper and instead raising it to my face and over my eyes.

I didn't like the dark , but for some reason I always found it more easy to be honest when I was I couldn't see. As if as long as I couldn't see whoever I was talking to then saying what I truly thought wouldn't be so hard.

"Of course you don't understand, I was just trying to make everything perfect. In my normal, pig-headed way."

I took a deep breath before continuing "But in turn, I will understand if you think i'm some crazy midget and if you want to run away as fast as you possibly can."

"I was just super nervous." I took away my hand, blinking a few seconds in the light before turning to him.

I felt better now I had gotten that out of the way and even managed to turn back to him with a smile on my face.

"But if your wondering if i'm mostly harmless and this is just my absurd way of making friends then..." I nodded.

05.10.2008, 06:14 PM Nausicaa_Cat is offline   Profile for Nausicaa_Cat Add Nausicaa_Cat to your buddy list
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"Ohayou to you too, I hope you had a good nights sleep."
"Not really," I said (mumbled, more like). "I'm not used to staying up late, plus I was sleeping outside in this cold air."

"Grateful for the blanket though,"
I yawned, pulling the blanket tighter again as I sat up and half-opened my eyes again to greet Tsugara.

I need five more minutes to wake up, I thought, staring blankly at everyone and no one.

05.11.2008, 12:09 AM Roarkiller is offline   Profile for Roarkiller Add Roarkiller to your buddy list Homepage of Roarkiller

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Lying here wasn’t getting anything done and I wanted to be around people, every minute lost when I could be around people was too precious. I wiggled back inside the tent and rolled over, wrapping myself up in the blanket. I made sure nothing showed and stepped out.

“Whoo! Tsumetai!” I squeaked as my bare feet touched the damp grass.

I tip-toe-ran over to the others, scurrying like some weird furry little animal forced out of hibernation against it’s weird furry little will. I sat down fast on the log that was nearest to the trees where they were, my back to the dead fire. “Ohayo gozaimasu!” I sang cheerily to them all in general, “Yowee, it’s freezing out here!”

I pulled my feet up and tucked them onto the curve of the wood, and pushed the warm blanket under them making myself into a little bundle, the blanket wrapped securely round.

“You’re all up early!”

“Ooh, what time is it?”

[Tsumetai! = cold!]

05.11.2008, 03:53 AM natsuba is offline   Profile for natsuba Add natsuba to your buddy list Send an Email to natsuba

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"Grateful for the blanket though."
I could hear Icchan mumbling in the background. Yeah, you're welcome... I thought sarcastically, but didn't turn to look at him.

Then Kashikoi apologised suddenly, and then let go and covered her eyes. Oh no, what have I done?

"Of course you don't understand, I was just trying to make everything perfect. In my normal, pig-headed way... But in turn, I will understand if you think i'm some crazy midget and if you want to run away as fast as you possibly can. I was just super nervous."
I looked at her, feeling a bit sad. As she took her hand away, I tried to be as nice as I could (good luck!) saying softly, "No, it's okay... don't think that..."

"But if your wondering if i'm mostly harmless and this is just my absurd way of making friends then..."
She was happy again, just like that. That was quick! I grinned back at her, and really felt like giving her a hug, but held back.

Aren't you already taken...?

What's that supposed to mean?

Remember that poor girl you're always horrible to for no reason? Green hair? Fairly small?

This is nothing like that!


05.11.2008, 06:01 PM arren18 is offline   Profile for arren18 Add arren18 to your buddy list Homepage of arren18

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When I re-opened my eyes from the darkness of my thoughts I managed to find a little light. A bit of hope that I hadn't gone and trashed my friendship with Hibiki. A smile.

"Yay! Hibiki-Smile!" I laughed, grinning so widely there was a chance my smile would fall off my face all together.

Before I could lose my happy boost of confidence I looped my hand beneath his arm and rested it there for a second, I know he'd probably freak out if I touch him much more than this so this awkward-arm hug will have to do.

For a few seconds I enjoyed the wamth of his arm on mine before pulling away, laying my hands back down on my lap where they would behave.

Stop it. You only want what you can't have.

Do I want him? I don't even know. I'm tired, I need to go home and stop acting like an idiot.

Suddenly Na-chan bounced onto the scene, all loud shouting and flamboyant gestures.

I eyed her early morning energy and excitement with envy.

"I wish I could be as cute as that." I grumbled, stifling a yawn against the back of my hand.

"Ohayo Na-chan! Your looking very chipper this morning." I called out, waving a hand in a lazy 'hello'.

05.11.2008, 06:18 PM Nausicaa_Cat is offline   Profile for Nausicaa_Cat Add Nausicaa_Cat to your buddy list

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I sat quietly for a few minutes just listening to them talk. They spoke in normal voices even though they were talking about something private. It was odd, Hibiki clearly wanted Icchan to go away, his body language was shouting it loud enough. He even ignored my casual greeting, I didn’t mind, I’d just thrown it out generally but Chi didn’t seem to even notice Icchan and she said hello to me. So… um… Hibiki had problems here, Chi didn’t.

Hibiki… you…

You like her...?
I put my head on one side and let that thought lie there a bit and studied it. It made me smile. I lifted a hand and ran it through my hair. Ugh, rats nest. I really should go and wash and tidy up but this was so nice, being with people I liked and who liked me. It was so new I couldn’t help but stay and drink from this fountain.

"Ohayo Na-chan! You’re looking very chipper this morning."
I smiled at her funny expression. Whatever ‘chipper’ meant I certainly felt it. I nodded back to her, “Heee! It’s because I’m pleased to be here. My first night camping. My first night ever not with mummy. My first friends! It’s really fun!”

I looked at Icchan. He didn’t seem to be too offended by Hibiki’s brush off, he wasn’t quite with it yet anyway. I grinned again, the three of them sat there in a row looked like the three wise monkeys. I decided straight away that I like watching people.

In my head an imaginary conversation started up.

Aren't you already taken...? my imaginary Hibiki asked himself.

What's that supposed to mean? another made-up part of himself asked the first part. I chuckled at the silly idea of two parts of him talking to each other.

Ah, I really like him, but I don’t want to mess things up before they’ve started. And anyway, you only want what you can’t have. my made up version of Chi said to herself.

I snuggled down further and watched intently. It struck me that this made up conversation wasn’t like my others, usually the people play out a silly conversation between them, but this time my mind was doing funny things and just pretending to put their thoughts in there. It was nice. I let it carry on.

Remember that poor girl you're always horrible to for no reason? Green hair? Fairly small? my imaginary Hibiki-thinking continued.

“Megumi,” I whispered to myself, “Noriki-Me.” I’d never commented on my made up conversations as they went before…

This is nothing like that!

“Whatever,” In there Hibiki you say “Whatever.”

{{ my heart is open in peace and welcome, i touch my spirit to yours, i bow in greeting }}

“ama! ohayo! peace and greets and spirity stuff to you too!”

Grinning happily I turned my head to look at him, tilting it way back because he was stood close behind me by my left shoulder just the other side of the log. His arms were folded.

{{ what are you doing? }}

“mind the tray! you’ll knock it”

{{ are you listening? }}

“hm, no, just watching the three wise monkeys”

{{ ? }}

{{ you are listening }}

“no. well i am a bit but they don’t mind”

{{ aigyo-aoi minds when you listen }}

“not that sort of listening silly! just them talking”

{{ not with their mouths }}

I frowned at him, “what are you saying?”

{{ be careful kijiku. it is not yet the time }}

“time for what?”

He looked down at me, in such a way with such… I don’t know what but I knew he saw right through me at once. Was I lying to him? No, I never do that.

“ama, please, i wasn’t listening. just doing silly made up conversations like i do, it wasn’t like with aigyo last night, i swear”

{{ i know you speak the truth. i ask this. do not play at made up conversations any more }}

“oh. hai.”

{{ they were once made up. they are no longer. you cannot do that any more. before was a game, a practice if you will. now, no more practice kijiku. now, what kijiku does in her head, is not made up }}

My frown deepened.

{{ you understand. your heart tells me that you understand ama's words }}


{{ good. do not dwell on that now. do not feel chastised. ama is proud of kijiku }}

“he is?”

{{ of course. as always }}


There was a spare cup of tea on the tray. I looked round but no-one looked about to claim it so I lifted it to Ama. You want this? my expression asked. He shook his head once. Shrugging I lowered it and cupped it in my hands for warmth and took a sip.

Too strong, Ren, you silly boy. We like it much weaker. I found my grin returning again. People would soon start thinking I was mad.

Post last edited by natsuba on 05.11.2008, 09:28 PM.

05.11.2008, 08:36 PM natsuba is offline   Profile for natsuba Add natsuba to your buddy list Send an Email to natsuba
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