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Registration Date: 09.11.07
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It was deep in the night and I woke. I was suddenly wide awake. Movement had woken me. The warm body behind me wriggled in tight and was still. Then an arm came across me, over the dip of my waist, a hand rested on my tummy.

I had turned over in my sleep. I faced the rest of the tent, my back to her. She had snuggled up behind me. Not two feet away the bump of Momoko’s hip blocked my view.

But… behind me… ah! Adrenaline flowed. My heart was bumping madly. Ba-dump, ba-dump, ba-dump it went, like in a manga. I made myself relax back against the warmth behind me. The shape of her cupped me, her front to my back, her knees came up under my rear.

I moved my arm down from the pillow so it lay down my side. I put my hand over hers. Hers turned and joined mine. She’s awake! Our fingers laced together. I sighed with happiness. A thought came to me, I turned my head and whispered.

“When I was little and had bad dreams Hiromi would say that if two people sleep holding hands, they would dream the same dream.”

It was quiet for a moment, her breath tickled my neck. “I would say to her, ‘Hi-chi, please don’t have nightmares.’ ”

I smiled and squeezed her hand. “And she would say back, ‘Holding your hand? I don’t think so.’ ”

“Because you are with me, Hikari, I will have beautiful dreams. Go to sleep.”

I felt her snuggle in close.

I lay awake for a long time after her steady breathing told me she’d gone. I lay there wondering and dreaming and thinking and imagining. I tried to calm myself by breathing deeply and slowly but sleep wouldn’t come. I think I wanted to stay awake, just to experience this, just to feel her warmth, hold her hand and feel her cool breath on my neck.

In the darkness I lifted her hand in mine. I could just make out her paler skin against my own. I brought her hand up, mine holding the back of it. I kissed her palm then lowered it and placed it on me, placed it over myself where I curve and am softest. I squeezed her hand against me and felt my heart bumping through her hand.

I drew in a big breath and let it out.

I closed my eyes.

Utter peace.

This time sleep came.

05.23.2008, 04:45 PM Maho_Fushida is offline   Profile for Maho_Fushida Add Maho_Fushida to your buddy list

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Sadoru continued.

Is that how he sees me..?

I was caught up in a feeling - I wanted to be him for a little while. To see what I look like in his eyes. And for him to see himself the way I saw him.

His hand brushed through my hair. It felt like when I was young, and my mother was brushing my hair... Almost.

It's a little different, because it's him.

“Which is why… I want to do this…”

And because I can brush his hair too.

I put my hand up behind his head. I'd noticed that whenever he was nervous, even just a little bit, he'd ruffle his hair back there. I wonder what it's like?

His red hair felt rough and new between my fingers. It wasn't like mine at all. I smiled.

He pulled away a little bit, and without skipping a beat, continued with poetry.

Aren't you nervous? I am. It's cold, and I'm trembling. I can't stick two sentences together right now. How do you do that? How do you say such... such amazing things?
“You are very pretty Takako.”

I swallowed.
"And you're so calm, warm, and crazy," I replied.

[I]Wait, what?

My heart was way ahead of me. He didn't seem to care. I closed my eyes and relaxed, letting him go.

* * * * * * *

He tapped my nose. He kissed my nose.

"Iya!" I breathed quietly as he touched it.

And my chin.

And what about you? I'll wait my turn.

* * * * * * *

He moved up to my forehead.

Carry my own bag... Well, I tried.

"Please let me know her more.”

"Mn." I opened my eyes, and looked to his. "Anything you want to know."

* * * * * * *

“Ears. Uhn… Did I ever mention ears? I don’t think I did. I was sat in class one day, um, and it struck me how cute they are as well.”

You're so weird.

He leaned over beside my head, and then...


I swallowed again. It was such a strange sensation. I'd never thought of ears that way. But all of a sudden it seemed so natural. I gazed around to make sure nobody was watching. The coast was clear.


“And here, where you speak and breathe, where air is drawn in and gives you life, where your lungs push it out and you smell so sweet, I love you here too.”

Very weird. I love you.

He leaned forward. This time, the lips. I watched his closely, and tried to line up...

I breathed in sharply. And then we touched. It was just beginning to become familiar territory. Not awkward at all. Just us two. We were talking, but not with our voices. When you're each so aware of the other's movements, it's the most intimate kind of conversation there is. No time to second-guess.

Post last edited by Mush on 08.10.2008, 02:37 AM.

08.10.2008, 02:28 AM Mush is offline   Profile for Mush Add Mush to your buddy list
Miyazaki's Best Friend

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It was only a minute or two minutes though it felt like forever. But it was a forever I was happy to exist in. The feel of her, the taste…

"And you're so calm, warm, and crazy,"
Her words of a moment ago came back to me. Calm? Right now? I smiled at that. If this was calm what must agitated be like?

My tongue withdrew… I broke the kiss but put my face down and forward a little. My forehead tilted so our brows rested together. Hm, like the other day. This was our way of resting. My heartbeat was doing funny things now, erratic bumpy things. I could feel the colour in my face. Inside me deep down something warm and burning had added itself to the crazy roaring in my chest. Not moving I glanced down below her neck, at her front, let my gaze rest there a moment then looked at her eyes again. I was so nervous, fantastically, exquisitely on edge.

Calm? Haha. I’m a teenage boy with a girl in his arms. How can I be calm?

Maybe this is what being calm feels like?

Or maybe when you really get close to someone and rest with them a long time and relax, that is calm? That's never happened to me. I wonder how that would feel, to have so much time with someone that you could spend hours, days, just holding, hugging, completely relaxed, no need to say anything or think anything. Or if you did think and say anything it would just come out gently and easily. Hm. I would love to experience that.

My voice was the merest whisper, even less than that, perhaps just mouthing the words. Because I loved her, because I was so close to saying the thing I wanted to, yet fearful too.

“And your heart, it’s beautiful too. One day, when we know each other better, I’d like to show you how beautiful I think it is and how much I love that too. If… you want.”

"Mn… Anything you want to know."
A few moments earlier I had not responded to that, I was in some sort of demonstrative headlong rush. But now something came to me. Things I wanted to discuss. “Anything you want to know.” Hm, lots.

“I’ll get a blanket.”

“Gomen, chotto.”

I was getting cold, I could feel it now. I got up and raked the dying coals with a stick and put another couple of logs on the fire. I sat back down having retrieved a blanket. We sat side by side, pressing close together. I pulled the blanket up around us so just our heads poked out. The glowing of the ashes, the crackling of the dry wood and the sharp fresh smell of the sizzling pine sap in the darkness made me think of natural primitive things…

I reached for and held her hand, our fingers interlaced, resting on my leg.

I kept my voice low so that I wouldn’t be overheard. “I wanted to talk about a few things. We never seem to have much time, there’s always things going on. Today I was busy and lots happened and at school you get talking and the bell goes five minutes later.”

“Are you okay to talk about things?”

08.10.2008, 05:18 AM Saddletank is offline   Profile for Saddletank Add Saddletank to your buddy list Send an Email to Saddletank
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