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The Old Guy

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Originally posted by Hiku
Also, I agree with Foreignfilmfreak, I don't really get why some girls act like its the end of the world when they get a slight scar on their finger from a cut... I never minded getting minor scars, I think it’s just a minor process in life. From the scars you get when you trip, fall over from a bike ride when you are young to the random ones you suddenly find sometimes not knowing how the hell you got them.

My sister (3 or 4) was playing with some puppies at a house where we were visiting and she tripped over them and fell against a cement step. She had a cut next to her left eye that ended up a crescent scar. She was lucky that she didn't lose the eye.
When we were in Japan, she (9 or so) went down a hillside, where she wasn't supposed to be, while coming home from school. She tripped and tumbled down the hill and impaled her calf on a 3/4 inch pipe sticking out of the ground that caused severe damage. The scar tissue gradually cleared up pretty well. BTW, in High School, she competed on the balance beam...

Welcome to the Tavern, Hiku, we hope you enjoy it here...


Post last edited by husky51 on 04.05.2012, 02:45 AM.

04.05.2012, 02:43 AM husky51 is offline   Profile for husky51 Add husky51 to your buddy list Send an Email to husky51

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Originally posted by husky51
Originally posted by Hiku
Also, I agree with Foreignfilmfreak, I don't really get why some girls act like its the end of the world when they get a slight scar on their finger from a cut... I never minded getting minor scars, I think it’s just a minor process in life. From the scars you get when you trip, fall over from a bike ride when you are young to the random ones you suddenly find sometimes not knowing how the hell you got them.

My sister (3 or 4) was playing with some puppies at a house where we were visiting and she tripped over them and fell against a cement step. She had a cut next to her left eye that ended up a crescent scar. She was lucky that she didn't lose the eye.
When we were in Japan, she (9 or so) went down a hillside, where she wasn't supposed to be, while coming home from school. She tripped and tumbled down the hill and impaled her calf on a 3/4 inch pipe sticking out of the ground that caused severe damage. The scar tissue gradually cleared up pretty well. BTW, in High School, she competed on the balance beam...

Welcome to the Tavern, Hiku, we hope you enjoy it here...

Sorry for stirring up those painful memories Husky and I am sorry to hear about what happened to your sister. For her to compete on the balance beam after all that she has been through is just amazing.

Btw, I was referring to minor scars, I think severe accidents are a totally different story. My little sister also received a scar (3-4 as well) when a friend's little brother performed a tantrum and decided to hit her forehead with a block of wood. I remembered she bled a lot and her crying was heard all around the house. Luckily her scars are all healed up now and you can't really see it at all.

04.05.2012, 05:41 AM Hiku is offline   Profile for Hiku Add Hiku to your buddy list
The Old Guy

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The resiliency of youth... wonderful.

Despite the major damage to the leg, there wasn't as much scarring as might have been expected. I wasn't home during her High School years, so I don't know what the emotional aspects of her scars were like, but I do know that she became a registered nurse and has done well for herself. She is now married to a comedy club owner that she met while attending a soiree with one of her girlfriends...


04.05.2012, 12:12 PM husky51 is offline   Profile for husky51 Add husky51 to your buddy list Send an Email to husky51

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Soiree, LOL, Haven't heard this word used in years!

I can relate to the competition side, My sister about age 12 fell over and broke her wrist, prior to this she was a huge netball player at school in year 7 and 8, but because of her Wrist being weakened she had to give it up, what made it worse was the fact a year prior to year 8 she had to give up playing the trumpet in a band which she loved doing to play netball as she couldn't handle it all, so to have to make a huge choice that brought her to tears, to then be told that she would have to give up netball as it might lead to a re-brake. I was only about 6 or 7 but I remember her being extremely upset about all of it. She was very quiet for a while after it all happened so I think it did effect her mentally.

All that said and done, she soon took up dancing, singing and acting and is now doing a BA Honours Degree at The London College of Music in Musical Theatre! You have to ask though, Would she be doing this if she hadn't broken her wrist?

04.05.2012, 03:26 PM Wikidkid101 is offline   Profile for Wikidkid101 Add Wikidkid101 to your buddy list
The Old Guy

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hahaha, you have learned a lesson in life, my friend...

Little things that do not seem to be of major importance at the time can ultimately cause a major change in our lives later on.

I have many 'what ifs' in my life...

What if I hadn't had TB as a baby? (In Vancouver TB Hosp. off and on until I was 4)
What if my birth father had lived beyond my 8th month?
What if my first step-dad hadn't been an alcoholic?
What if I had stayed in the Navy for the 20 years that I had planned on instead of getting out in 4?
What if I had been a simple 1/2inch taller? (I could have joined the SD Sheriff's dept when I got out of the Navy)
What if I had continued on with the Border Patrol after I had been accepted?
What if I could have stayed in the same schools as all my friends? (I attended 13 different schools w/ 3 yrs at one school)
What if I had stayed in Long Beach? (moved to San Diego because of a girl)
What if I hadn't ended up as a school/charter bus driver in San Diego after living a number of years in Long Beach? (I wouldn't have met the mother of my three children) (Or maybe I would have in some other way)

We all have things happen to us or come to forks in our road that cause changes in our lives that can result in many different pathways in our lives.

Many little, or seemingly little at the time, decisions can make BIG differences in our lives.

I could still be a Canadian citizen, never having moved to the States, never joining the US Navy, in some other line of work throughout my life, different number of kids, higher education than 2 yrs of college (or less), never having lived in Japan, never stumbling onto Ghibli movies and becoming a Ghibli fan. (HORRORS!!! ) You see what I mean. Any change at any point in my life could have radically altered the way my life would go...

And who's to say whether it was or would have been for better or for worse...

Not I...
This rambled and went WAY of topic and I apologize...


Post last edited by husky51 on 04.05.2012, 05:27 PM.

04.05.2012, 05:21 PM husky51 is offline   Profile for husky51 Add husky51 to your buddy list Send an Email to husky51

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Hmmm….. I can relate to how upset your sister was. I loved playing the violin. In an accident, a chunk of my little finger with my nails got cut off by a door. You can say I was left with a scar both physically and mentally. Some notes on the string I can't really reach with that length left. I was upset. I've been learning to play it with my right hand holding the bow and my left hand to hold the violin and reach the notes. My left hand was injured. One of my teachers told me that I can't play with that hand anymore.

Yes, there was definitely a time when I use to wonder, 'what if' I didn't use that door and all this wouldn't have had to happened (maybe). Why me who loves playing my violin and I just happened to have an accident with my finger? This just isn't fair (I thought back then, but nothing is fair in life… which makes it fair?) The doctors tried sewing my nail and the part that fell off back on. After a few days, my finger turned black. They had to remove it but the nail stayed.

Time, life moves on, I thought I needed to move from this stage. I was around seven then, I used examples of other who've been through more in life and more hardships to tell myself that I'm lucky I'm still alive… at least. Yes, I didn't want to give up playing it. So I switched hands. My music teacher kindly changed large parts of the violin for me. The chinrest was designed specifically for me to use, the strings were switched around, my pitching went back to amateur level when using my right hand. My mind needed to switch with using the correct strings properly after its been changed. Yes, some challenges that I need to go through but I'm happy that I can at least still play violin again. I still have the physical scar, that finger doesn't grow anymore although I did hope it would, but I'm all healed inside now. =3

I agree with Husky that "we all have things happen to us or come to forks in our road that cause changes in our lives that can result in many different pathways in our lives". Who knew I would play an instrument using opposite hands now? I'm actually glad that I went through all that, I learned to give what I love my best shot and even if I fail, I won't regret it because I know that I've tried my best.

Sorry I ranted on …… and sorry that this is unrelated to this thread…...

04.05.2012, 09:12 PM Hiku is offline   Profile for Hiku Add Hiku to your buddy list
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Every time someone tells me I can't do it, I will.

Every time someone tells me I'm not physically capable (I'm "skinny and weak", they say), I'll push myself.

Every time someone tells me something shouldn't be done, I'll ask why.

Other people don't set my limits. Limits are there to be broken. If I can't do it now, I'll work until I can.

In the wise words of Yoda: "Do, or do not. There is no try."

In my words: Do what you can, until you cannot. Then work hard until you can again.

@Wikid: I've injured a fair share of limbs. Despite what many doctors like to say, these injuries CAN heal and get stronger through therapy, even to the point before the accident.

@Hiku: Have you tried using a prosthetic rubber piece? The same way people with one leg shorter than the other can run by using padded shoes, you can try having a cheap rubber piece built for your finger.

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.

Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

04.06.2012, 03:38 AM Roarkiller is offline   Profile for Roarkiller Add Roarkiller to your buddy list Homepage of Roarkiller
The Old Guy

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I think that the rubber finger extension would be a moot point at this time as Hiku has already learned to play with the opposite hands, changing the violin strings much like a lefty can change the strings on a normal guitar and play it left-handed... although there is more to it with a violin... Just ask Seiji...


04.06.2012, 06:23 AM husky51 is offline   Profile for husky51 Add husky51 to your buddy list Send an Email to husky51
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