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I kept calling her, Oh, come out, come out, it’s wonderful here! Dance with us! I went around several times lifting my palms so the cupped rainwater ran out down my arms, then held them level again so more gathered there. It was like standing in a hot shower, fantastic! It felt better than a shower because the water was so pure, no chemicals in it, nothing recycled, it came onto me straight from heaven.

“Ehn?! Nani…?!” Suddenly arms came round me and something was thrown round my shoulders and I was bundled away to where it was not raining. The person who’d grabbed me sat down suddenly pulling me down with them.

It was Chi, “No, no, no! Don’t bring me in where it’s dry, you come out where it’s wet! Dance with me, feel how happy he is, you big silly!”

“There’s nothing to worry about you ninny!”

But she wasn’t listening and I gave up persuading her, we sat there in an awkward damp bundle, my back to her chest, her face down by mine, both of us looking in the same direction out into the rain. Water dripped and ran down from my hair.

“Fwoot!” I huffed at my bangs which hung stickied down over my eyes, “Nyeeerh!” I shook my head vigorously and the hair flew about, droplets going everywhere, enough flew off so I could see well enough.

We sat quietly a little while. I could feel her heart beating and my chest heaved as I sucked in air. I suddenly felt quite tired, as though I’d done double PE.

"I'm not afraid." Chi whispered close in my ear, "I just don’t want to remember."

"I just want to forget, and yet everything wants to remind me."
I reached around and found her arms and pulled them around me, I folded my own over hers so we both hugged my belly, the wet cardigan closed round me under our hugging arms. I wriggled against her a little, she wasn’t as warm as the rain. I began to talk, words all tumbling out fast at once like they do when I'm emotional.

“Well, that’s the thing, hm? Forgetting stuff, sometimes it’s hard to forget, bad stuff keeps coming back when you’d rather it never even happened and sometimes though you forget stuff that you’d rather remember and that’s even worse because you can lose bits of who you once were.”

“There was once a kind boy who worked in a temple, a long time ago, he was an acolyte, a young priest just learning how to do his religious duties so this temple had a wayside rest house attached and as well as travelers who came to the temple and stayed a night or two, the rest house took in sick people, particularly sick pilgrims on the road or ill local people.. um... the acolyte worked partly at his religious duties and partly caring for the sick travelers.”

“One day he fell ill too and was in a bad fever for a long time, he was ill off and on for many years until the illness left him and those years were sometimes very hard to endure, he suffered a lot but when he was finally well his body had struggled so much against the illness that he had quite forgotten how to be a priest and all his work to be a faithful religious man was wasted and lost.”

“He knew he’d once been a promising priest but now he couldn’t be so he took up caring for the sick in the wayside rest house full time although he always regretted not being able to serve in the temple and was unhappy that he’d forgotten.”
I hugged her arms tighter round my middle. Outside the doors the rain pounded on the clean white gravel of the traditional little garden and made the long bamboo stems shudder with its force. I drew my legs up and sat cross-legged.

“Don’t wish too hard to forget something because everything makes up little bits that form part of you, they are all important, the good and bad, the happy memories and the nasty ones, eh? So just remember it all and realize that without the bad stuff as well as the good, you wouldn’t be the person you are now.”

“And if you hadn’t had those bad memories, you’d not have been scared of the thunder, or whatever it is you ran here from, and I wouldn’t have been told to follow you and we wouldn’t be here now, talking, would we?”

I turned my face partly round and looked at her wet eyes, hugging her hands tighter. I nuzzled her nose, “And I like talking, this is nice. Um, well dancing in the rain was nice too, we can go do more of it if you like, I think you’d enjoy it, but this is good too so, don’t forget, if you do you forget a bit of yourself. Just remember that even bad memories make up the super cute Chi that everyone here is starting to love.”

I unwrapped one hand from our hug and ran a thumb under her eyes and cuffed a dewdrop off her nose. I wiped the sticky snotty bit off on my knee, “Eh? Yeah? Even the gunky boogers are a bit of you that makes you special and if something that horrid is special, stuff that’s up in your head, no matter what it is, is awesome!”

Post last edited by natsuba on 05.17.2008, 03:20 AM.

05.16.2008, 07:30 PM natsuba is offline   Profile for natsuba Add natsuba to your buddy list Send an Email to natsuba
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I sprinted to the porch just in time before the downpour came down.

"Safe!" I yelped in mock baseball fashion.

"Nice, Icchan," said Jun, who had just came out with a sandwich in hand. "But you ought to give more thought to your friends."

I turned around... and saw Natsuba dancing in the rain.

"Aye..." I sighed, shaking my head.

05.17.2008, 04:46 AM Roarkiller is offline   Profile for Roarkiller Add Roarkiller to your buddy list Homepage of Roarkiller
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Cupping a fresh mug of coffee in my hands for warmth and shaking water from my hair I stood under the porch and watched the downpour.

Icchan ran under the cover and people grudgingly made room.

"Nice, Icchan," said Jun, "But you ought to give more thought to your friends."

"Aye..." Icchan answered, looking out at the lawn
I looked too.

“What on earth…? She’s got nothing on! She’ll catch her death!”

Just then Kashikoi dashed out onto the bridge, grabbed Na-chan and rushed her under cover of the summerhouse, the bamboo stands blocking our view.

“Volunteers to go out there and take a coat?” I suggested.

I stood aside expecting to be trampled in a stampede of gallant gentlemen with nose bleeds.

05.17.2008, 05:25 AM Saddletank is offline   Profile for Saddletank Add Saddletank to your buddy list Send an Email to Saddletank

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As I stepped in out of the rain, Sadoru came a long and spoke to me.

"Did you see Kashikoi-san and Na-chan on your way in? They're not here."
"Really?" I said. But I was so sure she'd gone in...

No you weren't. That was just an excuse not to look for her.

"Um... I saw Na-chan... She, er, seemed to be enjoying herself." I paused and looked outside. Where I'd left Na-chan, there was no longer anybody there. "Oh... she was there a minute ago-" I indicated the patch outside the tents. "-so I don't know where she's gone. And Kashikoi... she was there too, but she ran off. I thought she had come inside..."

I stared out at the murky landscape of the garden. What am I supposed to do now?

Then Icchan came in and distracted Sadoru. He probably wasn't listening anyway. They mentioned something about Na-chan, and I blinked and looked out properly - as opposed to just gazing blankly - and I spotted her. Wait... is she-?

I turned and looked incredulously at the other two, who were casually discussing how strange slash potentially dangerous it was for her to be dancing outside in the rain. Naked. As if she was just having a bit of a laugh and not completely insane, and as if it was perfectly normal for them to see girls dancing outside in the rain. Naked.

When I looked back out, she was gone. That... was more of Na-chan than I expected to see...

Pfft. That almost sounded like a complaint!

Post last edited by arren18 on 05.17.2008, 05:41 AM.

05.17.2008, 05:31 AM arren18 is offline   Profile for arren18 Add arren18 to your buddy list Homepage of arren18

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“Well, that’s the thing, hm? Forgetting stuff, sometimes it’s hard to forget, bad stuff keeps coming back when you’d rather it never even happened and sometimes though you forget stuff that you’d rather remember and that’s even worse because you can lose bits of who you once were.”

I don't want that part of me though. That part can die, even if it means other parts of me die with it.

I hugged her a little tighter, my arms wrapped around her small belly. Drawing comfort from the warmth of her leant up against me. I stayed silent as she continued her story, telling me about the young priest who lost some part of him and was never the same again.

Don’t wish too hard to forget something because everything makes up little bits that form part of you, they are all important, the good and bad, the happy memories and the nasty ones, eh? So just remember it all and realize that without the bad stuff as well as the good, you wouldn’t be the person you are now.”

"But that priest, he didn't want to lose that part of his life did he? He had it taken away from him, and afterwards missed it. If I had these memories taken away...then I wouldn't miss them. I don't care if they would take away what makes me who I am as long as nothing of who I was remains." I said, finding each word harder and harder to say as if there was some sort of invisible force preventing my mouth from uttering what had taken me so long to conceal.

"Its not that i'm not happy, I am, in fact most of the time I don't have a single thing to complain about. Its just whenever I seem to be on the right track, and look like im forgetting it, something will happen that sends me back into that darkness. I don't suppose you can understand what its like to watch the sunset and feel terrified at the idea of night."

"I'm afraid."

“And I like talking, this is nice. Um, well dancing in the rain was nice too, we can go do more of it if you like, I think you’d enjoy it, but this is good too so, don’t forget, if you do you forget a bit of yourself. Just remember that even bad memories make up the super cute Chi that everyone here is starting to love.”

I gave a hollow laugh. "Even the bad memories eh?"

Well I have plenty of those.

But i'm also starting to have some good ones.

And if I can make some more good ones, and get over my fears then surely I can beat those memories? I dont want to be stuck scared for the rest of my life. I mean I overcame being scared of crowds didnt I? With Kahei's help. Maybe with the help of other people I can beat those other fears too.

"Okay Na-chan, introduce me to your friends." I said, giving her a trembling smile "I'll dance with your thunder and lightening."

I can do it.

05.17.2008, 06:33 AM Nausicaa_Cat is offline   Profile for Nausicaa_Cat Add Nausicaa_Cat to your buddy list

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"But that priest, he didn't want to lose that part of his life did he? He had it taken away from him, and afterwards missed it. If I had these memories taken away...then I wouldn't miss them. I don't care if they would take away what makes me who I am as long as nothing of who I was remains."
"How can you know? If the memories you hate were taken away, how can you know what you'd grow up like? You might grow up spoiled and com- com- com-play-cent, uhm that's the word, selfish even, so the bad bits are what makes you, you, just like the good bits. Without the bad you wouldn't be Chi, you'd be someone else. Uh, does that make sense?"

"Uh, and I'd care, I'd care if you were different..."
I squeezed her where she hugged my middle.

"Its not that I'm not happy, I am, in fact most of the time I don't have a single thing to complain about. Its just whenever I seem to be on the right track, and look like I'm forgetting it, something will happen that sends me back into that darkness. I don't suppose you can understand what its like to watch the sunset and feel terrified at the idea of night."

"I'm afraid."
I squeezed her arms tighter around me, rubbing her hands to warm them. "Ah, I guess we're all the same, we're all trying to go on and learn and meet people and discover things and stuff in our past..." my words faltered a little, "Stuff holds us back, its part of growing up, ne?"

After that was when I turned to her and nuzzled her and wiped her eyes and nose.

"It's not just you, everyone's the same I think and if we all could hack out chunks of stuff at will and dump it, well, we'd all end up as different people completely, we might not even like each other, or even meet."

I hugged her hard, quickly.

"And that would be terrible."

"Even the bad memories eh?"
I looked at her quite seriously, "Especially the bad memories."

Unwinding her hands from me I awkwardly turned round and knelt up so I could hug her properly. With my face beside hers I said, "Someone once said to me 'Before a person can recieve a blessing someone else has to be willing to bear a burden.' " I pulled back so she could see my eyes, "Your burden makes you, you and without it you'd be someone different... and... um... I like this you! Ha! You've carried your burden, now go and bless someone."

"Okay Na-chan, introduce me to your friends."

"I'll dance with your thunder and lightening."
I didn't move because I wasn't sure if she meant this literally or not, first things first. I knelt back down on my rear, knees together, heels spread out. I dragged her sopping wet cardigan around me, being a little smaller than her it was like a very short knitted dress on me, it came down to just cover the important places.

"They are really fun, don't you ever be scared of them, they just like to show off, they are big kids, full of themselves with inferiority complexes which is why they stamp and shout so much - haha! Attention seekers. They won't hurt you, but they like it if you enjoy their show and clap and dance. Come on, look out the door."

I stood up and taking her hand in one of mine and holding my wet clothing closed with the other we stood and looked out the door. The storm was moving away now, the bruised green-purple thundercloud was half over and there was a little more light. The rain was heavy and steady, long wires of it stretched down as though joining the sky to the ground. In the distance another spear of lightning shot down with a faint crackle and seconds later ...inazuma ju_roku, inazuma ju_shichi, inazuma ju_hachi, inazuma ju_kyu, inazuma... came the dull distant rumble of thunder grumbling and apologising for scaring Chi. A long way away.

We stood and watched in silence for another minute, another flash. I counted, this time to twenty seven before the small peal of thunder rumbled over the hills.

"He's going. He's saying sorry. He didn't mean to scare you. He says next time he comes, he'll promise not to scare you and you can listen to him clapping and watch his friend Inazuma dancing and not feel afraid. Ah, he says he'll put on a special show for you." I paused.

{{ hai. go on. words can be like hugs if you say them right }}

"uhm. trying"

"Ah... next time he comes I think you'll have more friends, they can watch the show with you, and dance with you too." I squeezed her hand and turned to look at her, "Do you understand?"

I waited for her answer before asking, "Do you want to go out in the rain?"

Post last edited by natsuba on 05.17.2008, 07:44 AM.

05.17.2008, 07:39 AM natsuba is offline   Profile for natsuba Add natsuba to your buddy list Send an Email to natsuba

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"How can you know? If the memories you hate were taken away, how can you know what you'd grow up like? You might grow up spoiled and com- com- com-play-cent, uhm that's the word, selfish even, so the bad bits are what makes you, you, just like the good bits. Without the bad you wouldn't be Chi, you'd be someone else. Uh, does that make sense?"

Yes it does.

"Your right." I sighed, tucking a sopping, dark curl behind my ear "Its just sometimes it'd be easier to have no regrets, then again whoever said anything was easy?"

"Ah, I guess we're all the same, we're all trying to go on and learn and meet people and discover things and stuff in our past..." my words faltered a little, "Stuff holds us back, its part of growing up, ne?"

Each time she spoke I felt it like a drop of medicine going down my throat, easing my anxiety and at least for the time being calimg my fears.

"Growing up is a painful buisness I think." I said quietly "So far I have grown very little and not much of it upwards and yet I sometimes think in here..." I let go of her stomach to pat my heart "I think I have grown up too much, nobody seems to understand me very much these days."

I put my hand back down around her, returning one of her frequent hugs.

"Especially the bad memories." "Someone once said to me 'Before a person can recieve a blessing someone else has to be willing to bear a burden.' " "Your burden makes you, you and without it you'd be someone different... and... um... I like this you! Ha! You've carried your burden, now go and bless someone."

"I get to bless somebody?" My eyes opened wider as I thought about it. I'd never seemed to help anybody really, more of a nuisance then anything. Espescially to my family. But maybe if shes right it means I can give something back.

"Well you can be the first person to have one of my blessings." I smiled, leaning my head against hers "Arigato Na-chan."

She pulled me to my feet, explaining to me about her Inazuma and Ikazuchi. I liked the way she talked about them as people, it was comforting. When they were just nature they seemed so much more frightening then when they were as she described them, flamboyant and unruly 'big kids'.

"He's going. He's saying sorry. He didn't mean to scare you. He says next time he comes, he'll promise not to scare you and you can listen to him clapping and watch his friend Inazuma dancing and not feel afraid. Ah, he says he'll put on a special show for you."

"He's forgiven." I said, looking out on the retreating grey clouds. They seemed to be going almost as quickly as they came. "Bye-bye Inazuma!" I called, waving a hand at the sky "Bye-bye Ikazuchi."

"Ah... next time he comes I think you'll have more friends, they can watch the show with you, and dance with you too." I squeezed her hand and turned to look at her, "Do you understand?"

"Yeah I understand." I nodded.

"Do you want to go out in the rain?"

In answer I pulled her out into the rain giggling, I quickly became dripping wet. I stopped a second, a shiver travelling down my spine.

"I love the rain." I grinned.

I raised my spare hand into the air, catching at the raindrops as they fell. Movement over by the house caught my attention. There seemed to be a group of extremely suprised boys gathered by the door.

I stepped in between them and Na-chan, though she was now thankfully slightly clothed. "Peverts!" I yelled at them, giggling away.

Rain is good, it cleanses. It makes things new again.

05.17.2008, 08:09 AM Nausicaa_Cat is offline   Profile for Nausicaa_Cat Add Nausicaa_Cat to your buddy list

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I was still staring at the bridge Na-chan had been standing on. Now aren't you glad you decided to come along to this?

After a few minutes, she came back out, pulled by Kashikoi. Okay, don't want to know. As if to demonstrate my point, I turned away and left the other guys to their fantasies. Then I heard a familiar voice:

I laughed, and felt quite proud of myself for having looked away. Definitely gay.

05.17.2008, 08:22 AM arren18 is offline   Profile for arren18 Add arren18 to your buddy list Homepage of arren18
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"It's gonna rain within two hours, maybe one. We should get inside soon."
I just sat down, damn it. I looked up at the darkening sky and was rewarded with a raindrop in the eye.
"Scratch that, it's starting to rain already."
I noticed. Reluctantly, I got to my feet and followed Hibiki into the house, leaving my shoes at the door. I stood in the doorway looking out, the rain was getting heavier and heavier by the second and soon the hallway was quite crowded. Before long there was just one small figure left outside in the pouring rain. Na-chan was out on the bridge, and...

Even the half-second glimpse I got felt unbelievably wrong. I turned right round and edged past the others, into the dining room. My eyes...
“Volunteers to go out there and take a coat?”
"Sadoru-kun, I'll go, if it's alright." I said quickly, going back into the hall and glancing venomously at the group of boys clustered round the doorway. Sickos. As I waited for his reply, avoiding anyone's eyes, I suddenly wondered what the hell I'd just said that for. I'm thinking this is some bizarre method of apology. That'd work. Or... something like that...

Post last edited by Kazegami on 05.17.2008, 10:11 AM.

05.17.2008, 09:30 AM Kazegami is offline   Profile for Kazegami Add Kazegami to your buddy list
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"Yeah, please do," I said in reply to both Sadoru and Kazuo, as I stood up straight.

"Know what, I think I'll go too. I mean, there's a limit to how naive you can get. Someone needs to give her a lecture, if Kashikoi-san hasn't yet."

"And you guys... c'mon, show's over."
I waved my hand at them as I made my way in and after Kazuo.

Wait... where's the coat and umbrellas anyway?

05.17.2008, 10:07 AM Roarkiller is offline   Profile for Roarkiller Add Roarkiller to your buddy list Homepage of Roarkiller
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"They came back out." I breathed a sigh of relief, at least she'd put something on now. "This is nuts, they'll both catch colds. What's wrong with them? Are you guys going?" I turned to Icchan and Kazuo who both seemed happy to go and stop the madness.

"Uh... chotto matte..." I held up a palm indicating they should hold on and went barefoot through the house to the front entry and picked up dad's golf umbrella, plenty big enough for two girls to share, my black school umbrella and mom's flowery one, plenty of shelter for a rescue party. I returned to the back lobby, the rain wasn't so intense now but had settled down to that moderate steady kind that looks like it could last all day.

Great, I've got to get those tents down some time today. And clean away those ashes.

I held out the three umbrellas to whoever wanted to take one, "Here."

I got two warm fluffy white towels from the cupboard in the shower room and stayed inside the back door.

05.17.2008, 10:42 AM Saddletank is offline   Profile for Saddletank Add Saddletank to your buddy list Send an Email to Saddletank

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"...then again whoever said anything was easy?"
Not Ama Mizu, that's for sure...

"Growing up is a painful business."

"So far I have grown very little and not much of it upwards and yet I sometimes think in here... I think I have grown up too much, nobody seems to understand me very much these days."
Her words could have come out of my own mouth, it was like I was speaking and she was my echo. I giggled a little at her joke, "I seem to have trouble growing too, and I won't race you! It's a race even you would win easy!"

"I get to bless somebody?"
I could hear the surprise and even pleasure in her voice, "Hai!" You're doing it right now, and you don't even know it!

"Well you can be the first person to have one of my blessings."

"Arigato Na-chan."
I leaned my head against her too, we rubbed heads, arigato. I hope you'll go on and bless someone in a big way.

Then we stopped the serious talky stuff and went outside, we got re-wetted through again at once. I told her all about the storm people. I didn't tell her about Ama though, the rain-man. Another time for that, ooh yeah!

"I love the rain." Chi grinned
I laughed at her as we went out over the little bridge and between the clumps of bamboo, her knitted cardigan seemed to go more stretchy as it soaked and that was enough to cover me. I let go her hand to button it up though as it kept flapping open. I still wasn't cold at all, it was like being constantly cuddled out here.

"Nani?" I said not understanding what she was shouting at, or why. There were a group of people sheltering under the porch and inside the back door. I waved to them.

"Come on out! It's amazing!" she was giggling and that made my laughing worse too. We got to the lawn and I reached for her other hand and gripping both I began to circle round, I spun round hauling her after me. Linked arms out straight, spinning and spinning I put my head back, the rain poured over us, I laughed like crazy!

05.17.2008, 11:01 AM natsuba is offline   Profile for natsuba Add natsuba to your buddy list Send an Email to natsuba

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As we reached the lawn Na-chan began spinning us around, I couldn't help laughing. Leaning my head back and catching raindrops on my tongue like I used to when I was little. There was another bustle of activity over by the door and I could see the guys now had acquired some umbrellas.

I raised an eyebrow, "Oh no you don’t!"

I gave Na-chan’s hands a quick squeeze before letting go of them.

I managed to keep my voice serious but I couldn't help giving them a playful grin. "Me and Na-chan are having a little, rather crazy, dance in the rain. We're just about to come in. Please put the umbrella's down and avert your eyes."

I turned to Na-chan and winked "I know you don't realize it, but your naked dancing has quite excited these guys. But don't worry I'll protect you!"

I gave her the 'V' sign with my fingers before giggling.

Brrr I wish the rain didnt have to be so very cold.

Post last edited by Nausicaa_Cat on 05.18.2008, 08:40 AM.

05.17.2008, 12:23 PM Nausicaa_Cat is offline   Profile for Nausicaa_Cat Add Nausicaa_Cat to your buddy list
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I heard Na-chan's call for me to stay. I held at the doorway and took up a position leaning against the structure outside. I stared at the ground a little listening to the pitter patter of the rain. I felt something coming or something here already, or maybe, something is here with something else coming. Confusing.

She was speaking to the 'he' again. Saying he was here. Which means that he probably was. The only things that changed since our discussion last night was the rain, thunder and lightning. I pondered for a while wondering if 'he' might be one of them. A force of nature being her spirit guide of sorts was a little weird. I considered it, but didn't give it much of a chance. I filed it in one of my many folders in the case it might be useful to mention that later. I closed my eyes and thought. The conversation was a little far for me to hear. I felt the air move as Chi presumable rushed out to her and they must have been talking. I wasn't there. I felt a weird sensation in the rain and went to my place, my fire.

It was still dark as always, with the same flame, redish-purple like Na-chan said my flame was. It danced like fire normally does, but flicked a little more like it was being rained on. I figured it wouldn't be put out so I watched it dance. The ghost of the flame was gone, but something else felt weird. Then I heard something. As if someone was counting. It sounded like Na-chan, but noise outside doesn't reach me here, unless it was addressed to me. I heard the same after lightning count she was using and then an after thunder count as well. Lightning flashed in my place and stoked up the fire. Each flash revealed a shadow in the flame. So he hadn't left. I pondered this and listened to the rhythm of the lighting and the thunder. It was quite nice, I remained spaced out for a while until I heard what sounded like an offer to take coats or something outside. The only sound that ever reached me was sound concerning me. I left my place and turned in from the door as he was coming with umbrellas. He looked a tad to eager for the job and I shot him and eye that froze him, and took the things and headed towards the girls.

"Come on out! It's amazing!"

"I believe you, but" I said half-way to them, "You are getting your host worried, I'm all for dancing in the rain, but... you may be showing 'off' a little too much." I said turning away and not looking at them, I felt my cheeks turn red slightly as I tried to look innocent and not look at either of them for embarrassment's sake.
As I got a little closer I made a quite comment.
"I realize I'm intruding, but still, this might be a little more 'public' then you had envisioned" I said as I handed them the closed umbrellas.

Post last edited by Miyrru on 05.17.2008, 12:40 PM.

05.17.2008, 12:30 PM Miyrru is offline   Profile for Miyrru Add Miyrru to your buddy list Send an Email to Miyrru
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Seisaku snatched the umbrellas right out of Sadoru's hands and made a beeline straight to the girls.

I raised an eyebrow at him, but didn't say anything. Better him than me, anyway, I thought.

I crossed my arms and waited at the patio, eyebrows wrinkled and "patiently" waiting for the girls (girl) to come in.

05.17.2008, 12:48 PM Roarkiller is offline   Profile for Roarkiller Add Roarkiller to your buddy list Homepage of Roarkiller
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"They came back out."

"This is nuts, they'll both catch colds. What's wrong with them? Are you guys going?"
"Hai." I nodded.

He disappeared for a minute and returned with three umbrellas, a big one that would do for the two girls, and two others. But before I could do anything, Seisaku stepped in and took them and was gone outside just as quick.
"Who the hell does he think he is?" I said quietly. I glared at his back for a few seconds before retreating back into the dining room, leaning against the wall and staring sourly at the floor. Jerk.

05.17.2008, 12:57 PM Kazegami is offline   Profile for Kazegami Add Kazegami to your buddy list
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Finally someone acted and Rakki went out there to stop the sillyness. I waited just inside the main door.

It'll be me who gets ripped into by dad if either of you are off school sick. Idiots. I scowled at them playing in the rain, then Kashikoi started yelling at us all manner of silly things.

Stupid child. Just get indoors.

I thought Kashikoi was a little over-playful last night and that had resulted in some awkwardness but this was too much. So Na-chan liked communing with nature and other weird things, well that's fine young lady but just think where you are before you do it.

Kazuo went past me into the dining room with a rather black look on his face. "Hey," I said as he went by, I gave him a friendly nod, "Good idea, just keep out of the way, I have a bad feeling Kashikoi-san will just accuse anyone who tries to help and isn't wearing a skirt of having unsound motives."

We need a girl to sort this out. I could just imagine how Kashikoi would act once she got in, shouting rude things at people who were just trying to help and being all silly and hyper. I turned to Hirata-san who was just inside the dining room door.

"Hi. When those two get in please just get the boys out the way and make sure they get straight out of those wet clothes," I indicated the shower room with a nod of my head, "And put these on them." I gave her the towels, "Then could you take them upstairs, I'm going to run a bath."

I went up, shaking my head at the stupidity of some people.

Post last edited by Saddletank on 05.17.2008, 01:02 PM.

05.17.2008, 12:59 PM Saddletank is offline   Profile for Saddletank Add Saddletank to your buddy list Send an Email to Saddletank

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"Yay! Wheeee! Yes!"

We spun round and round and the world became a wonderful blur of rain, laughter and her smile. Then she did something stupid and let go my hands.

Aaaa! I flew backwards and went down on my backside then onto my back, legs in the air. My legs flopped down flat and I lay there, arms out wide and continued to laugh. I couldn't stop, I laughed and laughed but trailed off when it sounded like Chi was cross, or playing about in a pretend cross mood.

I sat up.

He's here. He came out! I got to my feet and went over to where they were talking. It looked like everything had been misunderstood and I'd done something wrong, or Chi had, I didn't understand which. I didn't understand hardly any of what she was talking about either.

"Kodo-Ra! Hi!" I beamed at him, "You're getting wet!" I reached for the umbrella he held out. His face was bright red and he wouldn't look at me.

Then I understood. Mai had said things about this in the tent yesterday. I'd completely forgotten. I reached for the cardigan hem which had rucked up my hips and pulled it down. Suddenly it all went wrong, I felt stupid and awful.

I took the umbrella, "Kodo-Ra, arigato gozaimasu. Gomen. I did something wrong. I didn't mean to make you feel bad." I put the umbrella up and stood under it feeling terrible. The rain rattled off it.

I reached for the other one and gave it to Chi, "Here, let's go inside."

He was still there getting soaked, "Kodo-Ra, please don't be cross, and put your umbrella up too, you're getting wet."

I still didn't quite understand what was wrong and what I'd done but I seemed to have upset him and that hurt.

Post last edited by natsuba on 05.17.2008, 01:16 PM.

05.17.2008, 01:16 PM natsuba is offline   Profile for natsuba Add natsuba to your buddy list Send an Email to natsuba

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I heard a yelp and turned back to see Na-chan on the ground. Woops!

I was about to apologise when Seisaku walked down to us with the umbrella's. He handed me with one and I nodded my thanks, I looked over to the people who'd been by the door but a few had gone by now. Sadoru was looking over at us frowning, I immedietly stopped smiling. Instead as he turned away I began blushing, I had obviously just made a bit of an idiot out of myself.

But I was only trying too...


I sighed, forcing my smile back onto my face and walking towards the house. Hirata walked up to me, offering a warm towel to change into. I took it, a little confused what to do next. I stepped outside a second to wring my wet hair and tie it back up into a tight ponytail. At least now I wasnt dripping so much.

I walked back over to Hirata, and thanked her. I popped my head into the nearest room, a little confused where the bathroom was. Kazuo stood, leant against the dining room wall with a not entirely happy look on his face.

"Hey." I said quietly, stepping inside the room "Did I cause that unhappy look? Sorry if mine and Na-chans behaviour caused you any trouble." Oh dear. "I...I didn't mean to do anything bad." I gave him a feeble smile. Well this is a record, you managed to last an entire night without doing anything too outrageous. Too bad.

Post last edited by Nausicaa_Cat on 05.18.2008, 08:50 AM.

05.17.2008, 01:21 PM Nausicaa_Cat is offline   Profile for Nausicaa_Cat Add Nausicaa_Cat to your buddy list
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I handed her the umbrella and she seemed rather oblivious, it seemed to click and she took a more embarrassed position.

"Kodo-Ra, arigato gozaimasu. Gomen. I did something wrong. I didn't mean to make you feel bad."

"No no, its not that you did anything wrong, and I don't feel bad, just a little awkward. It is sorta something that other people will give you a few weird looks." I looked at Na-chan then to Chi-san hoping that she would concur.

I popped the umbrella and helped them inside. Chi went right away talking to Hirata-san, I nudged Na-chan. "Hey, you might want to go see her and take up her offer of dry clothes and a hot bath. Before I left her on her way, I had a question:[b]"Hey, I have something to ask you, 'he' was here wasn't he?"

05.17.2008, 03:06 PM Miyrru is offline   Profile for Miyrru Add Miyrru to your buddy list Send an Email to Miyrru
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