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Posted by Saddletank on 03.01.2007, 07:03 PM:


I think you'll enjoy it. Eventually.

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by arren18 on 03.02.2007, 12:51 PM:


Hopefully he'll have the sense to send the DVDs at the same time as my b-day pressie.


Posted by Roarkiller on 03.07.2007, 02:44 AM:


Yoz people, been a while since I dropped by, so yeah.

Anyway, staying on the current discussion, no, Asuka's not dead, Shinji strangled her but not to death, and that's a fact, not opinion. She's not dead. Period.

Second, while partly opinionated, the reason for Shinji being with Asuka in the "true" ending was because he likes her (I think this part should be pretty obvious), and obviously, when you have a choice if who you want to be with, you'd choose someone you love.

Either way, it's still a stupid way to create a new world.

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by Saddletank on 03.07.2007, 10:45 AM:


Originally posted by Roarkiller
Yoz people, been a while since I dropped by, so yeah.

Hey, where ya been?

Yes, I'd come round to thinking Asuka at the end must have been alive, she spoke after all. Even so, Shinji put a heck of a lot of effort into that strangle didn't he?

And he wasn't exactly an Asuka fan in the dream sequence either..

But, yes, given Shinji's choice of companion and assuming Rei was no longer an option (even though I feel sure she could have created at least a duplicate of herself to be his companion) the only other person Shinji could have chosen would be Misato.

But given the choice of Misato or Asuka I'm still not entirely sure Asuka would be the better companion for him.

Clearly, of the three, he was fondest of Rei, I don't think that can be disputed.

But are we left at the end with just an Adam and Eve situation, or is the earth populated by other people? All of them? Or just those who chose to return to corporeal bodies?

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

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