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Posted by Roarkiller on 01.29.2007, 06:05 AM:


I work in the F&B industry. I've seen and dealt with extremely ugly people, both outside and inside.

Try me.

'Sides, I don't give a damn how you look or act. And you shouldn't either. People who bother about how other people look or act are insensitive anyway.

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 01.29.2007, 09:17 PM:


You aren't helping..
Hey, i'm not ugly(don't ask Ray he'll just
say yes)I'm just not aloud and will have to lieave if i posta picture of me. Besides, do you know how hard it is for me to even see what I look like in a picture? Wait
until the acne clears up and I like cameras with no
flash. Other wise i'll run away from it. Simple as that.
Besides, I wanna know why I'm treating my friends like dirt.

Posted by Saddletank on 01.30.2007, 03:10 AM:


Emi / FFF, you shouldn't be insecure on this forum. I think here, if anywhere you have some friends. So please just chill and stop taking anything and everything personally. It seems to me that you are going through that stage of your development that all people your age do - only in your case your hormones are messing with you just that little bit more than most.

Remember, no-one here wants to hurt you or intentionally annoy or trip you up with clever / obscure / strange postings.

So please just cool it a bit, everyone's fine here with you.

If anyone does get on your back there is always the forum admin to report abuse to.

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 01.30.2007, 04:52 PM:


'Kay. it's weird cause I don't show emotion at all really.
I just smile or bow my head in situations to hide from
something or for dissapointment.
I know, I feel so aawful for taking it out on you guys.
I've been out of wack like this since Gr.4.
Today I joined the evil side. My friend was annoying
me with weird names and I joined with Ray.
I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.*bows head in dissapointment*
I just won't post my picture, 'kay?
Alright, RK?

Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 01.30.2007, 06:08 PM:


I was wondering if anyone knew who this was, as well:

Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 01.30.2007, 06:30 PM:


Uhh..very familiar but can't think of anything right
now. Got the Melon song stuck in my head. Go Tia
and squish whatever that part is on the letter v!

Posted by arren18 on 01.31.2007, 12:24 PM:


Originally posted by Nausicaa_Cat
I was wondering if anyone knew who this was, as well:

Sorry, I can't tell when it's that small.


Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 01.31.2007, 01:08 PM:


this better?

Posted by arren18 on 01.31.2007, 01:10 PM:


Yes. But now I just don't know who it is. Sorry!


Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 01.31.2007, 01:26 PM:


*rolls eyes*

Posted by Saddletank on 01.31.2007, 03:24 PM:


One of those classic DOH! moments...

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by Roarkiller on 02.02.2007, 05:25 AM:


The background would remind me of a .hack series. Probably from that newest series, can't recall the title though. Kinda stopped watching after the release got too slow.

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by arren18 on 02.02.2007, 12:36 PM:


^ Good point about the backgournd Roarkiller. But I'm not sure if the character design is quite the same. Also, does this "new series" you speak of happen to be called SIGN, DUSK, ROOTS or Legend of the Twilight? If not, I need to get my ass onto Google.


Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 02.02.2007, 02:42 PM:


I was thinking it looked like .hack as well... If its helps it said when i saved it 'ninja.girl.jpg' any anime called ninja girl or something?

p.s Btw i know this is random, but does anyone know wat Phyrra's avatars of? Just curious.

Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 02.02.2007, 04:29 PM:


Hm, I should know that one too..
I wouldn't know .hack much. Never
really watched it. Used to be on YTV along with WHR
but I missed both sadly. Hm..

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