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Posted by squall_leonhart on 05.17.2006, 04:20 PM:

  Final Fantasy

has anyone seen Final fantasy unlimited or any other final fantasy related anime.

ive seen a bit of unlimited i thought it was cool
and ive also seen the ff7 anime it was called last order i thought it was pretty cool

has anyone else heard of final fantasy the legend of the crystals.

any info on other animation and your own comments would be greatly appreciated.

Squall: "Why do people rely on eachother? In the end, we're all on our own."

Posted by mpw3d on 05.17.2006, 05:54 PM:


I've not heard of "the legend of the crystals" but i've probably seen every other FF game and cartoon goin.
I didn't think much to "unlimited" though was as gd as i thought but "Last order" was a really gd cartoon proper enjoyed it lol...... Advent children film is gd but was alet down abit wen they made "spirits within".

My favorite FF game has to be either 7,8 or 10. Can't wait though for "FF: Crystal chronical 2" on WII.


Posted by nanashi on 05.18.2006, 01:39 PM:


the legend of the crystals
Is it this? I've not seen it.
It released in 1994 in Japan.
30min x 4episodes (1)wind (2)Fire (3)Dragon (4)Star
Director: Rin Tarou(1,4), Kanda Naohito(2), Ookubo tomihiko(3)
Script: Akahori Satoru
Character Design: Kanamori Yoshinori(1-4), Sakurai Kunihiko(1-4), Tazaki Satoshi(4)
Music: Satou Masahiko

My favorite FF games are 7, 4 and 11.

Posted by shiawase on 05.18.2006, 03:18 PM:


Originally posted by nanashi
My favorite FF games are 7, 4 and 11.

My favourite FF games are 8-10, and Crystal Chronicles for the GC. I've played the entire series except FFXI.


~Akarui Tsubasa~

I will save myself from the world I created.

Posted by squall_leonhart on 05.19.2006, 07:33 PM:

thanks for the links nanashi they really helped.

and shiawase, this is about final fantasy anime, not the games if you really want to talk about the games start up your own thread. thanks.

Squall: "Why do people rely on eachother? In the end, we're all on our own."

Posted by shiawase on 05.23.2006, 03:57 AM:


Advent Children was awesome, I really like that movie. I want to watch it over and over and over and over... ugh! Be right back, gotta go watch it now!! 8]


~Akarui Tsubasa~

I will save myself from the world I created.

Posted by anumalik on 06.07.2006, 06:34 PM:

  advent children is awesome

Before even seeing the movie I immediately grabbed the movie from Costco's shelf and bought it. I mean, just by the cover with cloud on it with his incredibly sexy motocycle draws you in. I watched the movie a couple of times, more than I do any movie...maybe exept for ghibli movies and other anime. Damn cloud looks hot! Anyways Final Fanasy is great, execpt a friend said advent children was hard to follow. The visuals are amazing, and the storyline perfect!


...when I look at him
I can see a boy hidden in the depth of his piercing blue eyes,
a boy who is longing his freedom......

Posted by squall_leonhart on 06.09.2006, 03:25 PM:


i tell you to slap your friend in the face. advent children is not hard to follow even for people who have never played the games ( which is very rare) i have the perfect example of it too. my cousin ( he has not played the games) could easily follow everything and to my liking he loved the movie. so like i said anyone you see who could not follow the storyline i tell you to use an

check this to figure out what it is.

Squall: "Why do people rely on eachother? In the end, we're all on our own."

Posted by Mei-kun on 08.06.2006, 09:01 AM:


I am fun final fantasy. I like this game.

Posted by nanafan on 08.06.2006, 02:10 PM:


i saw one final fantasy anime can't remember the name and did see advent children it was soo cool..kadaj is emo! lol


Posted by LittleWing on 08.06.2006, 06:44 PM:


The whole Final Fantasy world is amazing, magical, misterious! I like it a lot


"When you're old, all you want to do is stare at the scenery.
It's so strange. I've never felt so peaceful before."

Posted by Cherry on 08.18.2006, 09:43 PM:


somebody knows how talk diferent languajes except english ??


Sig made by Miyrru! <33

Posted by kittycatjess on 08.19.2006, 04:41 AM:


getting a little of the subject arnt we chihiro,

iv only seen the 2 movies and played a few of the games and found the captivating my mum hates the games coz theres to much fighting but thats the whole point lol
i found the second film more interesting then the first espesully the fight sean at the end it blew my mind lol


Posted by arren18 on 08.19.2006, 06:33 AM:


Originally posted by nanafan
i saw one final fantasy anime can't remember the name and did see advent children it was soo cool..kadaj is emo! lol

Everybody in Advent Children is emo lol.

I love Final Fantasy in all forms. I've played a fair few of the games; I've seen Last Order, Advent Children (as you might've guessed lol), Spirits Within (which wouldn't have been such a let-down if they hadn't called it Final Fantasy) and the first episode of Unlimited. I also started a forum for it. I think I'd better shut up now...


Posted by Snakebite on 08.19.2006, 09:23 AM:


I have all the games from 7 up to 10-2 and have have Crystal Chronicles for the game cube, though I have no intention of buying 11 due to having to pay about £12 a month to keep your character online. I think my fav AC character would have to be Yazoo. I think its way better than The Spirits Within (I think its called that?). I dont think really there all emos, its just that they all wear black, but Sephiroth looks like hes got black lipstick, he may be a goth?


Posted by mpw3d on 08.19.2006, 08:30 PM:


ive just baught the FF:Advent children film and i now own the FF:10 4 disk sound track but all the FF games are excerllent.... but i thought the 1st FF fislt (spirits withen i think its called) is abit odd though lol


Posted by Snakebite on 08.20.2006, 06:22 AM:


I thinks the Spirits within is a odd film as you put it because it wasn't based on a game and the storyline was random.


Posted by Roarkiller on 08.20.2006, 09:38 AM:


I personally don't see why people like to shoot down Spirits Within just because it doesn't have anything to do with the game. I mean, the title shouldn't play ANY part in judging the movie.

I've even heard of some reviewers who said the show "could have been good if only it didn't have Final Fantasy in the title".

What the hell? What does the title have ANYTHING to do with how good the movie is?

IMO people who rated the movie this way is either a hardcore FF fanatic or really stupid. Seriously.

Spirits Within is a very good movie. Straying from the game is totally irrelevant.

On the other hand, Advent children, while a visual spectacle and very action-packed, has but a mediocre storyline at best. Pacing is a bit off, too. Well, commendable at least.

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by arren18 on 08.20.2006, 02:09 PM:


I think Spirits Within is perfectly okay, and considering the fact that in general each Final Fantasy game has its own storyline, plot, characters and universe, it makes sense to have a totally different story in the movie.

So what I'm saying is that if they hadn't put "Final Fantasy" in the title, there wouldn't be so many disappointed fans.


Posted by dookie182 on 08.21.2006, 05:40 AM:

  Final fantasy

Woo final fantasy!
yeah yeah i love ff unlimited


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