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Posted by J.L.Jones on 07.23.2007, 12:12 PM:

  Ghost In The Shell

Was i the only one bored to hell with this?!?! I was told it is an incredible film but 10 mins in and i fell asleep!!!


Beyond The Black Moon Lies My Soul, Covered In The Shadows Of Time, I Dwell In The Comfort Of The Night

Rage Is Like A River, Hatred As Its Current Destroying Everything In Its Path...
This Beast That Lies Dormant Beneath The Exterior Feels Strong... It Feels Good... Watch It Rise To The Surface As My Blood Boils And Anger Engulfs My Very Soul

Posted by Snakebite on 07.23.2007, 04:42 PM:


It depends on what you like, I personally didn't think much to it either. It probably could of done with a better plot, you need to watch it a few times for it to make sence.


Posted by Miyrru on 07.23.2007, 05:43 PM:


anything from those sorts of films takes about 2 time thorought to get.

Akira took 2 to sink in and for me to appreciate

GITS was once and i enjoyed it

Jin Roh took once and then some stewing on it.

all in all they are very well put together and dare i say the pinnacle of anime. i would put those three at the top in no particular order.


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The truth had to be seen. Anything else was a story, entertaining but more embroidered fib then crude, shapeless fact. ~Dave Eggers

Posted by Saddletank on 07.23.2007, 06:10 PM:


The first GITS movie was excellent, very interesting premise, great artwork, excellent use of CGI, fair to middling plot, a wee bit of fanservice but on the whole very good indeed - quite a cerebral ending, quite philosophical. The second GITS movie was a bit too much up its own arse I thought, took itself a bit too seriously and was a bit too clever graphics wise, but still nice to watch. Some superb fight scenes though.

I didn't like the first GITS SAC TV series much howeevr I'm now watching the second and enjoying it a LOT more. There's one main plot running through the whole series which works better and there's more emphasis on the human condition within the cyborg world which is a fascinating question on its own.

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by Roarkiller on 07.24.2007, 01:06 AM:


Originally posted by J.L.Jones
Was i the only one bored to hell with this?!?! I was told it is an incredible film but 10 mins in and i fell asleep!!!

If you were looking for crash-bang action with hot girls and plenty of ha-ha, then of course you're gonna get disappointed.

The selling point of the movie, apart from the world-class CGI (at that time), was the deep philosophical storyline.

In other words, the audience is FORCED to think. Otherwise, you're just gonna see a shallow unworthy movie.

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I am Roarkiller.
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Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by Miyrru on 07.24.2007, 04:41 PM:


yeah, i tend to like philosophical-ness in film or books, im reading Ishmael by Daniel Quinn, and so far it is the best book i have ever read, and it forces me to think every page, i love it.

PS Roar, keep trucking Mr. Anomaly


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The truth had to be seen. Anything else was a story, entertaining but more embroidered fib then crude, shapeless fact. ~Dave Eggers

Posted by filter on 07.30.2007, 08:15 PM:


hey everyone whats up? i'm new here names filter yea ghost in the shell is sweet, u'm ive been a user on the madboards Australia for a couple of years now it is very similar to this but has a whole range if you would like to check it out it's

Filter's Flash

Posted by Saddletank on 07.31.2007, 04:15 AM:


Hi filter and welcome to the forums. Hope you enjoy your stay. Generally its rude to advertise other forums though, people are here because they like it, the place has its own unique feel and community and is small and cosy. Everyone is capable of finding other forums if they want to, so my advice is don't advertise.

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by fuji on 08.01.2007, 11:54 PM:


I did not fully like Ghost in the Shell until the second time I saw it. Ghost in the shell has a lot of small plots and characters to follow each with very subtle contributions to the overall story. It takes a while to get used to the pace and style of Mamoru Oshii films.

Ghost in the shell is one of the best film presentations of the concepts introduced by sci-fi classic literature like Neromancer. The directors of the Matrix trilogy were inspired heavily by this film.

Love it or hate it this film is a cornerstone in animation history.

I also realy like his live action movie Avalon which had similar concepts but was not as big of budget.

I've found Mamoru Oshii likes to make political thrillers a lot and I am not a big fan of that genera so his movies like Wolf Bergade may shock you because they are so different from his heavily tilted sci-fi themes.

Posted by Farren on 08.02.2007, 12:26 AM:


thats nicely put

i whatch the show but i don't usually have m,uch of an idea whats acually happan they talk all high techly about everything

pigeons funk the impossible

Posted by Omis on 08.19.2007, 04:56 PM:


Ghost in the Shell? Hmmmm..... Strange business.

Personally I've never understood what the fuss is all about. There's 2 movies isn't there. Innocense had Ghibli input from what I've read. I've only seen the first film. It was ok but way too over hyped. Never bothered with the series.

From that kind of genre I prefer Akira. I know its the cliche anime but it is a very good film. Akira is far superior plot wise to Ghost.

Rainy days! ...Cloudy days, or sunny days...which do you like?

Posted by Cronhole on 08.19.2007, 07:35 PM:


the first Ghost in the shell film was class , but the second was can i put it??..........Confusing as Hell the first time but the second time i was like "AH now i get it " ,god damn puppet master!!...

S.A.C is by far more enjoyable cause of the whole team, Kusanagi, Batoh, Togusa, Ishikawa, Saito, Pazu,Borma and Major, i like the squad thing they have going on

Posted by Roarkiller on 08.19.2007, 11:45 PM:


Technically, there are three movies. Solid State Society is a DVD release only I believe, otherwise a TV screening.

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I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by Farren on 08.19.2007, 11:56 PM:


there is the first movie in 1995 or somthin inocence and the other one

pigeons funk the impossible

Posted by Saddletank on 11.17.2007, 07:05 AM:


After a huge break in watching the 2nd GIG (series) at about ep.9 I am back to watching it again. I stopped before because Real Life (tm) came along but also other anime and I wasn't quite in the mood for techy sci-fi anime. But the other day I bought Solid State Society and enjoyed it so much I started on 2nd GIG again.

I'm glad I did. I never ever would have thought GITS would bring a tear to my eye but ep.11 did "Affection". Its the story of how Batou and Mokoto met and it really touched me. Wonderful anime, awesome and very sad.

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by JanJosé on 11.30.2007, 07:18 AM:


the end was a real anti climax i thought

Incase Anyones Wonderin Thats My head on the body of "Pokémon Trainer" from the forthcoming Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Posted by ={HSA}= MORO on 11.30.2007, 08:29 AM:


just wondering.
is it worth seeing?


Posted by Maho_Fushida on 11.30.2007, 08:34 AM:


In a word, yeah. Sci-fi is just not my thing at all, but this is different as it addresses things like what is the mind, the soul, the human identity, the personality.

I've only watched the first movie but it totally gripped me, and I think it was well ahead of it's time when it was made. I think in deserves a place up there in the anime all time top ten list along with things like Akira, and Spirited Away.


Posted by Roarkiller on 11.30.2007, 09:01 AM:


Try Freedom then. It's got the same style as Akira, and was pretty darn good when I saw it last week at the animation festival.

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by frigidchill on 11.30.2007, 09:29 AM:


Only just recently re-watched this with my friends. Still as good as I remembered it. Being the psychological trip that it is, it's right up my street - much to the horror of my flat mates by the way. They're quite content with 'chick-flicks' and action films. Honestly, it aint a good thing unless some element of the human psyche is questioned.

You just don't get that in '40 days'. :/

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