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Posted by ^_^PRINCEOFTHEDARKFLAMES^_^ on 06.28.2007, 11:58 PM:



I like Kankuro and Gaara of the sand.... they are my favorite. I think to many people obssess with Sasuke...

commments, recommmendations, or just overall chat!


Posted by ^_^PRINCEOFTHEDARKFLAMES^_^ on 06.30.2007, 01:04 AM:


I must be the only one...


Posted by Ray15 on 06.30.2007, 01:13 AM:


I like Naruto, At first i hated Sasuke but now, hes okay, i don't have a favorite character

I like Fruits Basket, I haven't seen or read much of it but it's pretty good.

I use to watch Inuyasha, I still watch it just not as much as i use to

Thanks for the Sig #1 Sanfan

Posted by Miyrru on 06.30.2007, 11:20 AM:


Havent watched Fruits Basket so no comment

Inuyasha is dumb, its just another dud, mostly anything that comes over to North America is a dud, as it is just another endless show with fighting(see Dragonball Z).
Naruto - see above, i cant watch these, they just bore me to death, i want something with a story and characters ill care about.


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The truth had to be seen. Anything else was a story, entertaining but more embroidered fib then crude, shapeless fact. ~Dave Eggers

Posted by arren18 on 06.30.2007, 11:35 AM:


I haven't seen any Naruto, but I've heard good things, and I've got the manga.

I've heard Fruits Basket is good, but I don't know.

There is no need for Inuyasha. Nuff said.


Posted by Mononokehime on 07.15.2007, 04:57 PM:


I've never watched Naruto but I'd like to.

I LOVE Fruits Basket.


Posted by Saddletank on 07.15.2007, 05:39 PM:


My daughter is into Naruto right now but mostly because it has sexy boys in I guess...

I keep telling myself I ought to watch Fruits Basket but haven't got round to it yet.

If InuYasha is about fighting, I'll give it a miss (like Naruto - I mean any anime that runs to 220 episodes has to be inherently crap because you don't need more than 26 eps to tell the perfect story - any more is a cash cow).

The series that recently had a big effect on me (because they're just so well written, such great stories) are Kare Kano and Read or Die.

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by Seiji on 07.17.2007, 01:37 AM:


Fruits Basket is one of my favorite shows. Be warned though. It is very angsty, though all of the characters who are angsty have good reason to be, so maybe it would be more accurate to call it sad...ish. Near the second half of the series I tear up during every episode, and I don't even know why. Mostly the show is really funny with some drama and lovable characters. I need to get around to reading the manga one of these days so as to support my economy and help get Fruits Basket closer to the top of the New York Times best sellers list.

I wouldn't touch Naruto or Inuyasha with a thirty foot pole and a hazmat suit.

Just to reiterate, FRUITS BASKET IS GREAT!!!

Posted by Saddletank on 07.17.2007, 05:53 PM:


Sold! You know me, I love a good cry!

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by ^_^PRINCEOFTHEDARKFLAMES^_^ on 07.20.2007, 08:02 PM:


I love Aayame... and I am alot like HatsuHaru....... Illl do anything to prove a point!


Posted by ^_^PRINCEOFTHEDARKFLAMES^_^ on 07.20.2007, 08:03 PM:


Originally posted by Saddletank
My daughter is into Naruto right now but mostly because it has sexy boys in I guess...

I keep telling myself I ought to watch Fruits Basket but haven't got round to it yet.

If InuYasha is about fighting, I'll give it a miss (like Naruto - I mean any anime that runs to 220 episodes has to be inherently crap because you don't need more than 26 eps to tell the perfect story - any more is a cash cow).

The series that recently had a big effect on me (because they're just so well written, such great stories) are Kare Kano and Read or Die.

Who does She think is sexy.........???


Posted by Alighieri on 07.20.2007, 10:55 PM:


Fruits Basket is my second favorite anime right behind FMA. The Manga is better. More in it. If you've only seen the anime you should really check it out. I love how it looks like a cheery sitcom story and it turns out to have a really dark twist.

I've only seen two Naruto episodes and couldn't bring myself to watch anymore. I found it to be highly overrated.

It's a shame about Inuyasha. The story really isn't bad it's just the writing that's terrible, and the consant fighting senarios get old fast.

Posted by Moroko on 07.20.2007, 11:14 PM:


Furuba (fruist basket) is my favorite manga ever. It's become an unheathly obssesion.

I've never seen Naruto or Inyasha and I agree with Seiji about the thrity-foot pole.

I wouldn't touch Naruto or Inuyasha with a thirty foot pole and a hazmat suit.


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Albert Einstine

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Posted by The Cheshire Cat on 08.15.2007, 11:06 PM:


Naruto's cool, never saw fruit basket, Inuyasha's special 147-148 or so, the one where we see how they met, is very well made and is a great special episode. The rest of the series is like pokemon, next to no storyline development.

Posted by Theowne on 08.15.2007, 11:14 PM:


Naruto.......well, it's a show that I watched when I first got into anime.

To be fair, the first bunch of episodes are not bad at all. In the fact, the first 20 episodes would be a decent shounen anime on their own. Even after then, it is okay. There are many spots where it is obvious that it is aimed at young boys - the typical shounen heroics, the "underdog" storyline, etc.

However, there are also some well-done scenes that certainly stretch farther in terms of emotion then what you'd generally expect from a shounen series like this. Beyond that, there is also something else you rarely see in action series for kids, which is a certain sense of ambiguity. I am not kidding that someone one told me they had cried over the death of the two villains. Not because she was crazy, but because of the way the story was told. That should tell you it isn't the regular "young boys" fare you should expect.

Anyways, just my two cents. Perhaps I am partial to it because it was my introduction to the world of anime, so maybe I'm blinded by nostalgia.

Posted by frigidchill on 08.16.2007, 03:59 AM:


I think Naruto was the third Anime I started watching. Sure, it was awesome at the time, and the story was certainly interesting but when I made it to the end of the fifth series it just felt like it could go on forever. (Injecting new characters, villain has new powers) so I stopped. Having said that I have never watched a shounen anime since, possibly because I fear it will have all the stereotypical characters and plot-lines that I keep hearing about in shounen.

Other than that I've never seen Inyasha. Is Fruits Basket the one about people can't hug or something?

Posted by Roarkiller on 08.16.2007, 05:17 AM:


Fruits Basket is about a family whose descendants inherit curses or something, turning them into animals of the zodiac at times.

Haven't seen it actually, so I can't really comment.

I wouldn't touch Naruto with anything. Actually, anything with more than a hundred eps disgust me. Bleach has successfully entered that category, in case anyone's wondering.

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I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
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Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by Theowne on 08.16.2007, 09:55 AM:


Originally posted by Saddletank
you don't need more than 26 eps to tell the perfect story - any more is a cash cow

I think I can assume you have never seen Maison Ikkoku or Kimagure Orange Road. I would definitely rethink that one..

Posted by The Cheshire Cat on 08.16.2007, 11:00 AM:


26 is a pretty ruff number, I agree on how no story should take 100 episodes to tell, but Death Note for instance is a very good anime, in my opinion, and it has 37 episodes.

Posted by Miyrru on 08.16.2007, 04:18 PM:


i would say that no more than 52 eps should exist, that would be maybe 2 seasons, could be stretched to 4.

something like naruto annoys me as nothing really happens in the epsiodes, you have to watch 3 in a row to be equivalent to a regular anime episode.

i agree that anything over 100 eps is wway to long, but i wouldnt cap it at 26 like saddles, i dont mind in most cases if it is a good show for them to keep going for a bit more, but dont go overboard.


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The truth had to be seen. Anything else was a story, entertaining but more embroidered fib then crude, shapeless fact. ~Dave Eggers

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