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Posted by Kitsune on 06.06.2002, 02:46 PM:

  Read or Die ^_^- the anime that is

One of my latest favorite anime has been Read or Die. Its an action-type genre with a animation style that reminds me somewhat of cowboy beebop but not too much- its really nice and smooth. The setting is a British intelligence group who are trying to stop some guy who wants to kill the world and sends resurrected dead scientists and composers etc to keep from being stopped. There are also several old books he's trying to steal (to make more resurrected dead guys?) and that's where our main character comes in. She's known as "the Paper" and is obsessed with books and reading. She's also this cute mousy girl with glasses- not a typical heroine but she busts out some whoop ass sometimes ^_^ Her parner, who she meets later, is Miss Deep. They each have a really cool power, but I won't spoil it- you'll have to watch to find out ^_^.
I know the plot sounds a little odd (maybe I just misunderstood parts) but it really is a fun anime as long as you don't take it too seriously. I mean, what other anime will you see the heros plummet off a tall building in a huge paper airplane? ^_^ Its a 3-episode OAV, so its pretty short (wish there was more.) I don't know if its been licensed here yet or not.

Posted by UO on 06.06.2002, 11:03 PM:


hehe, RoD is also one of my favs, simply because the graphics, the music, and i'm a big fan of paper :tongue:

but it really is a fun anime as long as you don't take it too seriously

lol... def not, with that white house intro XD

Posted by on 07.01.2002, 12:10 AM:

Very good animation and music, but the substance of the show isn't very deep. Gets a little silly at times too (Mozart?!?!?!?)

Posted by TrippleBeem on 02.12.2003, 03:44 PM:


ROD is amazing, excelent animation, goofy story..

Posted by SpiritedSen on 05.14.2006, 11:50 AM:


Read Or Die is sooo good, everytime I hear Ode To Joy now, it always makes me think of R.O.D. If I remember rightly, that's why I dyed my hair purple (Miss Deep rocks!!)


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