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Posted by arren18 on 12.26.2006, 10:54 AM:

  Wolf's Rain

Has anybody seen this? I've got Volume 1 on DVD, and I haven't watched it yet.
It sounds awesome. Is it awesome?


Posted by Saddletank on 12.26.2006, 12:21 PM:


I've heard nothing but great things about it - it's on my list to get

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"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by Seiji on 12.26.2006, 03:12 PM:


wolf's rain is awesome. Amazing music, great characters, really cool wolves. My only complaint is that the middle of the series is really slow.

Now I feel like watching it all over again...

Posted by yoyo on 12.26.2006, 06:34 PM:


i don't love music ;) ;)
don't ask

Posted by arren18 on 12.28.2006, 01:34 PM:


It is indeed awesome now I've watched it. I must find a better price for Volume 2 than £20!!!


Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 12.28.2006, 02:45 PM:


I watched this at school with my friend.
She's OBSESSED with it, but hates the ending.
She spoiled it for me. She hit me because I
started laughing when she said what the ending was.
I'm sorta evil, eh?
Seems good. I can borrow it from her. She
owns all the shows and the OVA.

Posted by arren18 on 12.28.2006, 03:40 PM:


I think I just accidentally read a spoiler somewhere. I am currently swearing.


Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 12.28.2006, 10:12 PM:


Welcome to my life.
My friends always spoil the endings
to animes. But she won't shaddup about the
ending of this anime and FMA. I just
got the FMA movie and all the episodess.
Maybe because I'm sorta a newbie to anime.
Hehe, none of you knew that did you? Ahehe..uh..
It's true, I am a newbie, but have watched alot of
anime though, just never watch Girls Bravo.
In an catagory with Wolf's Rain, from what I've
read and stuff other animes for
fans of this one would be Black Cat, Witch Hunter Robin,
and you should read Shutterbox. THere were
some other titles, it's just that I can't remember
any more. Maybe Someday's Dreamers? Not sure,
only saw first two episodes.
PS:There's a member on here that I should get here.
Ichigo is the spoiler. She told me the endings! Urgh!
PS:She has a wolf quiz for Wolf's Rain. Cool.

Posted by bellmetalviscera on 01.19.2007, 04:41 AM:


I own the entire series in a box set, along with a stuffed Kiba and the soundtrack. Would you like to purchase it?

I was really into Cowboy Bebop in high school and on a whim at an anime convention bought all of it with just seeing a couple of episodes on [adult swim]. Not so bright.

I recently re-watched the entire series. Quite a downer. But I like the animation, elegance, intensity and music.


"Why must fireflies die so young?"

Posted by Roarkiller on 01.20.2007, 06:32 AM:


Without too much spoilers, a summary:

Wolf's Rain is a story of a pack of wolves, disquised as humans, in search of paradise, said to exist for wolves only. On the way, they had to survive against being hunted from humans who know their secret, food, as well as to protect a mysterious plant-human being who appears to have something to do with 'paradise'.

It's a rather haunting series, quite slow, yes, but full of meaning. Also, the series doesn't end at it's stated 26; there's actually two more eps continuing from the series' end to the true end.

Personally, the only thing I love about it was the ending (ey, Sakamoto Maaya is THE voice of an angel), but otherwise, it is to me just a pretty okay series. Not exactly too shabby, but not one you really need to see either.

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by bellmetalviscera on 01.22.2007, 02:55 AM:


p.s. Although I really love the animation. I really dislike the way the human noses are drawn when the shot is just slightly off looking at the character face on.

Like that. Except sometimes it's even more exaggerated.

I understand it's the contour of the other, shadowed side of the nose. But, being unshaded, I think it's distracting and strange looking.


"Why must fireflies die so young?"

Posted by arren18 on 01.22.2007, 12:17 PM:


I agree about the noses. I noticed that too.


Posted by bellmetalviscera on 02.09.2007, 03:11 PM:


p.s. I got to meet Johnny Yong Bosch at an anime convention. He's the American voice of Kiba. (^_^)

T'was sweet.


"Why must fireflies die so young?"

Posted by KibaYasha on 02.09.2007, 05:37 PM:


Wolf's Rain is AWESOME!! i have the special box set with the entire serise!! it is one of my most fav. anime out there. i just recently got into studio ghibli films and i also love them all! mos def check out wolfs rain tho!! well worth it. it is a bit sad at some points tho.

Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 02.09.2007, 08:16 PM:


Originally posted by bellmetalviscera
p.s. I got to meet Johnny Yong Bosch at an anime convention. He's the American voice of Kiba. (^_^)

T'was sweet.

He also voices Ichigo from Bleach, Renton from Eureka Seven,
Vash the Stampede from Trigun, Shotaro Kaneda from Akira,
and Albert de Morcef from Ganutsuou.
It's scary cause Stephanie Sheh voices Orihime from Bleach,
Eureka from Eureka Seven, Haidee from Gankutsuou.
I am now scared to say, SHE VOICES PENNY FROM ZATCH BELL! that will haun me forever, man that momodo scares
the crap outta me!

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