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Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 12.15.2006, 09:46 PM:


Hey, found an interesting anime!
Gankutsuou:The Count of Monte Cristo is totally
different from most anime, especially by art work.
I found it I think this time last year and thought it
looked cool, but there was another 2 I liked and couldn't
remember the titles, but luckilly found it on animeacademy
a week ago, checked it out, it made me cry! and it looks
SO cool!!
Has anyone heard of it? I may buy the english soon.

Posted by Saddletank on 12.15.2006, 10:01 PM:


Thanks for the heads up on this one, looks very interesting.

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 12.15.2006, 10:10 PM:


I found another of the 3 titles,
Junkers come here! is one cause it
looks ghibli-like.
This anime, I finally found a serious anime
other than FMA.
The third title, I can't remember but I know what
it looks like. Something maybe with a girl named Wendy
and a burgular? All I can remember is Wendy..hmm..
But this anime(the first title)I love the artwork and just
watched ranz's death. Made me cry, especially what
he said to Albert saying Happy birthday, your sixteen..
And he tried to bandage him up, but the blood soaked
through it, that was said..
I've got this one and Shutterbox on my list. They say
there's a book for Gankutsuou. Cool.

Posted by nanafan on 12.16.2006, 12:01 AM:


i have seen one episode the animation is sooo trippy..


Posted by Seiji on 12.16.2006, 04:23 AM:


Yeah, the animation is totally crazy(In a good way). It's like a bunch of different fabrics and textures or something. I've heard that it's good. I'll have to watch some more of it.

I believe that the "book for Gankutsuou" is the classic novel "The Count of Monte Cristo" that the series is based on.

Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 12.16.2006, 08:49 AM:


Yeah that's right.
I think the animation was cool. That
was the reason I could remember it
because it was one of a kind. I got
used to it right away and my sis thought
it was the coolest. Then I started freakin'
out about it(um, that's normal for me)and
started crying, before I watched it.
I almost forgot about it yesterday, but when
I was looking for info on Ashita no Nadja for
my sis I found this one and Wolf's Rain like in
CD form. I think I'll just buy this one though
instead of watching it on Youtube.
Adds to shopping list:
Junkers come here!
Some ghibli films
Me want ALL these!

Posted by Loscil on 12.16.2006, 12:45 PM:


dounds interesting. Will check it out!

ps: Death Note ep 11 is sooooo good..
this series is truly amazing!

Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 12.16.2006, 01:06 PM:


waaaa i cant find it on youtube!! Is it even on there? Mew...

Posted by Saddletank on 12.16.2006, 01:14 PM:


Junkers come here has been recommended to me and I am getting it for Xmas. It is a weepy however so beware.

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 12.16.2006, 01:27 PM:


Ghost Hunt is a good manga....
I swear, though iv seen lots of anime etc. Whenever i come on here i feel like a 3 yr old watchin pokemon for the first time again! Though i suppose thts not bad because then u guys can teach me even more about animes! And introduce me to even more gr8 books & shows! Yey for strudel!!

Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 12.16.2006, 01:29 PM:


NC, if you mean Gankutsuou, it's not on there.
I know that, that's why I said I was gonna buy
it on DVD.
Maybe for my sister on her b-day I'll by her Junkers.
Me and her and my cuz share our anime stuff, along with
2 of my neighbours.

Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 12.16.2006, 01:33 PM:


thanks to living in a what-the-hells-anime? kinda area its hard to buy any anime DVDs. All we've really got in my local DVD store r the Ghibli's and Elfen Lied... *sniff* I rely soley upon youtube and my friend (who also likes anime... Sadly all she owns is a couple of series of Cardcaptors on video. Not tht im dissin cardcaptors or anythin coz it rawks

Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 12.16.2006, 01:53 PM:


I live in the same sort of area, but since
we live next to the USA we get our anime
in it's own section, with one store all anime.
I'd like to find this one. But anime costs
WAY too much here. 30$ for 4 shows(I can
tell you what your price would be, this is Can.)
CCS is banned so I can't find that, Mew mew power
I haven't found, and REALLY wanna own Bleach but
there's only manga here right now.
Gankutsuou, look it up on eBay or something.
I've gotta check out HMV to see and I have seen it

Posted by nanafan on 12.16.2006, 02:55 PM:


ccs banned??? why??? that is wierd. i rely on youtube too.


Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 12.16.2006, 05:45 PM:


I don't know. It's just BANNED
here where I live and the USA.
Some mothers got it taken off
air. Stupid people..
But they could be smart because
the dumb(as I call must dubs except
FMA's one, it's cool)was really bad.
I love youtube because then I couldn't
watch Tsubasa, Ouran, CCS, or others
that are just in Japan right now.
I can buy Furuba, I know that.

Posted by nanafan on 12.16.2006, 06:38 PM:


that sucks yeah i can't see those shows either without youtube..ccs used to on foxkids a long time ago but never watched it and the dub i hear is horrible.


Posted by Loscil on 12.17.2006, 09:13 AM:


I guess it mighta been banned because of the obvious and open "homosexual" images.. eg: Tomo (that was her naem no?) is in love with Sakura.. + Shaolin is in love with that older guy. + both Sakura and Shaolin are in love with someone twice their age. i can see why american/canadian mothers wanted to get it off the air...

What is junkers about..

EVERYONE! WATCH DEATH NOTE ON YOUTUBE NOW! sooo good... its addivtive, like lost!!!

Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 12.17.2006, 10:03 AM:


Go on .
Go under the J's in the library and
you'll find a summary and review
of Junkers.
I'll check out Deathnote one day.
Maybe, if I figure out how, if I get
Gakutsuou I'll put them on Youtube
for you guys. some people are dissapointed
on there cause they can't watch it.
Is Junkers on there? No, it's not..
I was forces to watch Material Girls last night.
Oh man! I bet my sis that it was Pom Poko and
she said this one.
and now I won't shut up about Shutterbox or Gankutsuou.

Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 12.17.2006, 12:53 PM:


Found DN angel in my store today. Was shocked. Of corz plz, but shocked. Ill go check out Death Note in a sec it sounds delightful. Wats the show with the homosexuals? Sounds awesome.

Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 12.17.2006, 09:04 PM:


Cardcaptor Sakura.
My sis found the dub auful.
It made tomoyo not sound cute. She and yukito
are my favs!
My sis is a fan of DNAngel, watched it a few times
and laid it off to last minute watching list of animes
after some new ones I found she wanted.
Now I gotta buy her Kodoucha, they sell that one

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