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Posted by tiki on 02.07.2008, 01:23 PM:

  Ghibli Survey

I saw this on another Ghibli forum. It's good to finding out what pple like about Ghibli. Here goes -

Which was the first movie you saw: Spirited Away
Have you seen any in theatres: Nope
Have you ever cried? If so, which scene(s): Grave of the Fireflaves and Spirited Away
What's one of your favorite funniest moments: Jiji in Kiki
Which character is your hero: Nausicaa
Who is your favorite villain: Dola
The best couple: Sheeta and Potzu
Which character would you like to have coffee with: The Baron
Which character would you sleep with (if any): Howl hehe
Which Ghibli setting or world would you like to live in: Kiki's
Have you ever been to the Ghibli museum: Nope but want to
How many movies do you own: erm 23 plus full box set.
What's your least favorite movie: Tales from Earthsea
Which soundtrack is your favorite: erm Spirited Away
Name some of the most beautiful scenes: On your mark at the end when she flies of and during Spirited Away when Chihiro remembers Hakus name.
What is your favorite movie: Whisper of the Heart, Spirited Away.

Posted by bijou_ on 02.08.2008, 06:44 PM:


oo this looks cool, so here goes!...

Which was the first movie you saw: Spirited Away
Have you seen any in theatres: No
Have you ever cried? If so, which scene(s): almost, in Whisper of the Heart at the end
What's one of your favorite funniest moments: same as tiki's choice! jiji is adorable, only in the japanese audio version though, i don't like the deep man's voice in the english version
Which character is your hero: Ashitaka/Haku
Who is your favorite villain: i don't like the villains, lol
The best couple: san and ashitaka
Which character would you like to have coffee with: totoro
Which character would you sleep with (if any): oh gosh...tehehee probably arren but only when he's not spazzing out, or alternatively, ashitaka (this is weird though cos their animated ...)
Which Ghibli setting or world would you like to live in: the setting of my neighbour totoro
Have you ever been to the Ghibli museum: No
How many movies do you own: 16
What's your least favorite movie: dunno haven't watched them all yet
Which soundtrack is your favorite: Spirited Away
Name some of the most beautiful scenes: the train ride in Spirited Away, and when Arren and Therru sit side by side on the rock
What is your favorite movie: Princess Mononoke/Spirited Away

lol bearing in mind that i've only watched 7 of the films!


Posted by ={HSA}= MORO on 02.11.2008, 11:07 PM:


Which was the first movie you saw: Princess Mononoke
Have you seen any in theatres: Yes, Spirited Away
Have you ever cried? If so, which scene(s): Almost...
What's one of your favorite funniest moments: Jiji in Kiki
Which character is your hero: Ashitaka
Who is your favorite villain: Yubaba
The best couple: Ashitaka and San
Which character would you like to have coffee with: Chihiro
Which character would you sleep with (if any): Next Question....
Which Ghibli setting or world would you like to live in: Spirited Away
Have you ever been to the Ghibli museum: I Wish
How many movies do you own: Well.... if u include DOWNLOADED, pretty much all of them
What's your least favorite movie: Porco Rosso
Which soundtrack is your favorite: Spirited Away
Name some of the most beautiful scenes: Way Too Many To Recall...
What is your favorite movie: Princess Mononoke

EDIT: 1000 post


Posted by tiki on 02.12.2008, 12:12 PM:


Congrats on ur 1000 post hehe.

You two have interesting answers too. :

Posted by Loscil on 02.12.2008, 02:45 PM:


Which was the first movie you saw: Nausicaa in the valley of the wind

Have you seen any in theatres: No

Have you ever cried? If so, which scene(s): Not in a Ghibli anime, no.

What's one of your favorite funniest moments: Just the small totoro's in general. Always make me smile. And hte big one too.

Which character is your hero: San

Favourite Villain: Count Cagliostro, if its only ghiblies though, then... the sleezy general guy in Nausicaa with the diagonal mouth (forgot the name...)

The best couple: Seiji and Shizuku

Which character would you like to have coffee with: Shizuku

Which character would you sleep with (if any): i prefer to stick to real girls

Which Ghibli setting or world would you like to live in: Tonari no Totoro

Have you ever been to the Ghibli museum: Not yet!

How many movies do you own: If this is ghiblies only, then all except Yamadas, Pom Poko and Ocean Waves. If it's in general, then a few hundred.

What's your least favorite movie: Gedo Senki, its the only bad one.

Which soundtrack is your favorite: WotH

Name some of the most beautiful scenes: The opening of WotH, the scene in OY when the sun rises over the fields, the end of OY, train ride in SA... too many. Most of them are in Only Yesterday.

What is your favorite movie: WotH, closely followed by OY.

Posted by Little Tanuki on 02.13.2008, 02:49 AM:


Which was the first movie you saw: Laputa
Have you seen any in theatres: Yes I saw "Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi" (Spirited Away) in a theatre in Matsuyama, when it first came out, summer 2001.
Have you ever cried? If so, which scene(s): Grave of the Fireflaves. I always cry.
What's one of your favorite funniest moments: Lupin & Jigen driving through the bushes.
Which character is your hero: Lupin III or Kiki
Who is your favorite villain: Neko-no ou
The best couple: Shizuku and Seiji
Which character would you like to have coffee with: The Baron
Which Ghibli setting or world would you like to live in: Laputa
Have you ever been to the Ghibli museum: Definitely wanna go!!! Never got that far East.
How many movies do you own: Quite a few
What's your least favorite movie: None so far.
Which soundtrack is your favorite: Spirited Away
Name some of the most beautiful scenes: Shizuku and Seiji's jamming session in the grandfather's basement.
What is your favorite movie: I like them all so much!

Asobou ja nai ka?

Itsudemo dareka ga
Kitto soba ni iru
Omoi dashite wo kure
Suteki na sono na no

Posted by tiki on 02.14.2008, 06:56 PM:


It's hard to choose a favorite.

Posted by Saddletank on 02.14.2008, 07:25 PM:


Originally posted by tiki
It's hard to choose a favorite.

No it's not, it's easy...

Which was the first movie you saw: Porco Rosso
Have you seen any in theatres: only Tales from Earthsea
Have you ever cried? If so, which scene(s): In all of them I think, some more than others: Whisper: often, Only Yesterday: TONS, Yamadas: tears of mirth, GotF: never. I hated that movie.
What's one of your favorite funniest moments: Many of Porco's lines are brilliant. "I'd rather be a pig than a fascist" comes to mind Also most of Yamadas is brilliantly funny.
Which character is your hero: Shizuku, (hero? heroine?) closely followed by Porco, closely followed by Pazu, closely followed by Kiki... and then all of them really. Except anyone in GotF
Who is your favorite villain: Dola
The best couple: Sheeta and Pazu / Shizuku and Seiji kind of share the top spot, it swings between them, they are both adorable and strong couples.
Which character would you like to have coffee with: I think Mr Nishi would be an interesting person to talk to. And maybe Shizuku's parents.
Which character would you sleep with (if any): None, I don't do guys and all the girls are too young or too sweet.
Which Ghibli setting or world would you like to live in: Maybe Sheeta and Pazu's and share some adventures with them.
Have you ever been to the Ghibli museum: Sadly, no. When I win the lottery...
How many movies do you own: All but Earthsea which I won't buy.
What's your least favorite movie: GotF
Which soundtrack is your favorite: Whisper closely followed by Laputa.
Name some of the most beautiful scenes: Too many. Whisper is packed with them, as is Porco, Laputa has some nice ones, Spirited away's train ride... nah, too many to mention.
What is your favorite movie: Whisper of the Heart. It is the most wonderful and inspiring movie I have ever watched and is my favourite film of all time.

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by Feline Monstrosity on 02.23.2008, 07:51 PM:


Hi guys, I'm new!

Which was the first movie you saw: As far as I remember, Kiki's Delivery Service
Have you seen any in theatres: Yup, and that's where they're best!
Have you ever cried? If so, which scene(s): No
What's one of your favorite funniest moments: "My arm, it's cured! OW! No, it's still broken..."
Which character is your hero: Ashitaka
Who is your favorite villain: Kurotowa
The best couple: Ashitaka and San
Which character would you like to have coffee with: Sparrowhawk (because I've read the books)
Which character would you sleep with (if any): Princess Mononoke
Which Ghibli setting or world would you like to live in: Tales From Earthsea
Have you ever been to the Ghibli museum: No, but I'm dying to
How many movies do you own: Only 5
What's your least favorite movie: Yewhat?
Which soundtrack is your favorite: Tales From Earthsea
Name some of the most beautiful scenes: The heart of the forest in Princess Mononoke, the train in Spirited Away, the collapse of the castle in Howl's Moving Castle, the underground forest in Nausicaä
What is your favorite movie: Depends on my mood.

Posted by Theowne on 02.23.2008, 10:42 PM:


Which was the first movie you saw: Mononoke-Hime
Have you seen any in theatres: No
Which character is your hero: I don't know if I have a "hero", there are characters that gain my respect, such as the grandfather from Whisper.
Who is your favorite villain: Lady Eboshi
Which Ghibli setting or world would you like to live in: I enjoy the sort of atmosphere in Whisper of the Heart.
Have you ever been to the Ghibli museum: No
How many movies do you own: Most of them except Cat Returns and other "minimal" movies.
Which soundtrack is your favorite: Mononoke-Hime
Name some of the most beautiful scenes: The scene where Ashitaka speaks with the wolf as San is sleeping.
What is your favorite movie: Whisper of the Heart

Posted by Miyrru on 02.24.2008, 04:01 PM:


Which was the first movie you saw: Technically it was Kiki's but that was a long time ago, so the real answer is Spirited Away
Have you seen any in theaters: No, small town, middle of nowhere don't get that luxury
Have you ever cried? If so, which scene(s): No raw emotions, but several scenes are sad, but not verge-of-tears sad IMO
What's one of your favorite funniest moments: No specifics that I can remember
Which character is your hero: None really qualify was heroes, but I would give it to perseverance of Ashitaka
Who is your favorite villain: Jigo of Mononoke, great behind-the-scenes pulling.
The best couple: Ashitaka & San
Which character would you like to have coffee with: Porco, listening to military stores
Which Ghibli setting or world would you like to live in: Mononoke, best world hands down.
Have you ever been to the Ghibli museum: no
How many movies do you own: 3, but most of the other via the less legal method
What's your least favorite movie: Whisper of the Heart
Which soundtrack is your favorite: Mononoke's is perfect
Name some of the most beautiful scenes: Train scene in Spirited Away, the only reason to watch the film IMO, ending of Mononoke with the trees regrowing. The tour and collapse of Laputa is pretty high up on the list too.
What is your favorite movie: Princess Mononoke


Click for Gallery^^
The truth had to be seen. Anything else was a story, entertaining but more embroidered fib then crude, shapeless fact. ~Dave Eggers

Posted by dballred on 02.24.2008, 09:56 PM:


Which was the first movie you saw: Grave of the Fireflies

Have you seen any in theaters: Yes. All Ghibli, starting with Spirited Away

Have you ever cried? If so, which scene(s): No crying, but lots of tears--mostly of joy.

What's one of your favorite funniest moments: The Tanuki parade.

Which character is your hero: Chihiro

Who is your favorite villain: Witch of the Waste. Oddly, I don't like Howl's Moving Castle that much.

The best couple: Shizuku and Seiji

Which character would you like to have coffee with: Zeniba

Which Ghibli setting or world would you like to live in: Koriko

Have you ever been to the Ghibli museum: Yes

How many movies do you own: All of them

What's your least favorite movie: Mononoke

Which soundtrack is your favorite: Spirited Away

Name some of the most beautiful scenes: The scene in Porco where Gina recalls her flight with Marco. Chihiro's train ride, the sunrise ending in Whisper.

What is your favorite movie: Spirited Away -- by far

Posted by WindRider on 03.08.2008, 11:57 AM:


Which was the first movie you saw: Laputa: Castle in the Sky
Have you seen any in theatres: No
Have you ever cried? If so, which scene(s): Grave of the Fireflies. Near the end, when Setsuko is seen playing in front of the shelter.
What's one of your favorite funniest moments: Hard to pick one. Many funny moments in Pom Poko, Porco Rosso and Howl's.
Which character is your hero: Nausicaä
Who is your favorite villain: Dola from Laputa
The best couple: Toki and Kohroku from Mononoke (What?)
Which character would you like to have coffee with: None. A guided visit of the toxic jungle with Nausicaä.
Which character would you sleep with (if any): Lady Kushana (I'm not afraid)
Which Ghibli setting or world would you like to live in: I'd like to live in the Moving Castle, specially the flying model seen at the end.
Have you ever been to the Ghibli museum: No
How many movies do you own: most of them
What's your least favorite movie: Tales from Earthsea
Which soundtrack is your favorite: Nausicaä, Laputa, Whisper, Totoro, Spirited Away and many others. I love Ghibli music.
Name some of the most beautiful scenes: the outside view of Laputa, the underground forest in Nausicaä, all the beautiful scenery in Howl's.
What is your favorite movie: Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind

Optimism is true moral courage.

Posted by husky51 on 03.23.2008, 02:34 AM:


Which was the first movie you saw: Spirited Away...
Have you seen any in theatres: No...
Have you ever cried? If so, which scene(s): Grave of the Fireflies (sad) and Whisper of the Heart (glad)...
What's one of your favorite funniest moments: When Haru sits on Muta in "The Cat..."...
Which character is your hero: Shizuku...
Who is your favorite villain: Yababa (spelling?)...
The best couple: Taku and Rikako in "Ocean Waves", although they don't really become a couple until the last seconds of the movie...
Which character would you like to have coffee with: The owners of the bakery shop in 'Kiki'...
Which character would you sleep with (if any): Doesn't pertain to me here...
Which Ghibli setting or world would you like to live in: The house in 'Totoro'...
Have you ever been to the Ghibli museum: No, but I would like to visit...
How many movies do you own: 15 ghibli's and some others, lol...
What's your least favorite movie: Howl's...
Which soundtrack is your favorite: different versions of 'Country Road' in "Whisper..."...
Name some of the most beautiful scenes: Too many to be able to single out just one...
What is your favorite movie: "Whisper of the Heart"...


Posted by Ramah on 04.23.2008, 07:08 PM:


Which was the first movie you saw: Laputa
Have you seen any in theatres: Nope
Have you ever cried? If so, which scene(s): Grave of the Fireflies, Only Yesterday, Totoro... possibly others.
What's one of your favorite funniest moments: Many scenes in Porco Rosso, or maybe anything with Mae in it in Totoro.
Which character is your hero: Nausicaa.. possibly Ashitaka.
Who is your favorite villain: Dola
The best couple: Sheeta and Pazu
Which character would you like to have coffee with: The Baron
Which character would you sleep with (if any): Too weird.
Which Ghibli setting or world would you like to live in: Mononoke's.
Have you ever been to the Ghibli museum: Nope.
How many movies do you own: All of them except for Ocean Waves.
What's your least favorite movie: My Neighbours the Yamadas is supremely unfunny.
Which soundtrack is your favorite: Laputa
Name some of the most beautiful scenes: The Gina/Marco flashback scene in Porco Rosso - possibly the most perfect scene in any film, animated or live-action.
What is your favorite movie: Laputa/Nausicaa.

Royal: I'm very sorry for your loss. Your mother was a terribly attractive woman.

Posted by Yay! Kiki on 04.23.2008, 08:35 PM:


Which was the first movie you saw: Kiki's Delivery Service (I watched it every day when i was four)
Have you seen any in theatres: No... but I almost did.
Have you ever cried? If so, which scene(s): I might have. Let me think... darn, I don't think that I have.
What's one of your favorite funniest moments: Muta and Haru- that's my favorite, yay..
Which character is your hero: Kiki! (namesake, eh?) and perhaps Shizuku.
Who is your favorite villain: All of the brothers from Castle in the Sky and Lady Aboshi. She's part good, anyway...
The best couple: all of them! How can you possibly choose? I mean, they're all great..
Which character would you like to have coffee with: The Baron!
Which character would you sleep with (if any): umm...
Which Ghibli setting or world would you like to live in: perhaps Kiki's. Maybe The Cat Kingdom... or Earthsea.
Have you ever been to the Ghibli museum: nuh uh. I didn't even know that it existed until a while ago.
How many movies do you own: (counts on fingers) 1..2... 7... 8. perhaps more.
What's your least favorite movie: O.O
Which soundtrack is your favorite: Earthsea, The Cat Returns, Kiki's Delivery Service
Name some of the most beautiful scenes: The end of Whisper of the Heart (but the marriage proposal was.. um... unrealistic) Therru's song in Earthsea, Kiki talking with Tombo on the beach (OK, not pretty, but I like that scene so just live with it!!) and that's all, I think..
What is your favorite movie: Kiki's Delivery Service, Whisper of the Heart, um... perhaps more.

Posted by OnYourMark on 04.24.2008, 02:22 AM:


Which was the first movie you saw: Princess Mononoke
Have you seen any in theaters: No
Have you ever cried? If so, which scene(s): I don't think so. Grave of the Fireflies was the closest though.
What's one of your favorite funniest moments: When Porco gets hit on the head by the seaplane.
Which character is your hero: Porco and Taku
Who is your favorite villain: Lady Eboshi
The best couple: Seiji and Shizuku
Which character would you like to have coffee with: Taku
Which character would you sleep with (if any): umm none
Which Ghibli setting or world would you like to live in: Whisper or Ocean Waves
Have you ever been to the Ghibli museum: no
How many movies do you own: more than 12, less than 17
What's your least favorite movie: Gedo Senki
Which soundtrack is your favorite: Mononoke ^_^
Name some of the most beautiful scenes: The end of Ocean Waves
What is your favorite movie: Mononoke, Porco, Ocean Waves

Posted by NADiN3 on 04.27.2008, 12:02 AM:


Which was the first movie you saw: Spirited Away
Have you seen any in theatres: No
Have you ever cried? If so, which scene(s): Grave of the Fireflaves when Setsuko dies.
What's one of your favorite funniest moments: When Howl was all gooey and they carried him upstairs then his towel fell.
Which character is your hero: Patzu
Who is your favorite villain: Dola
The best couple: Shizuku and Seiji
Which character would you like to have coffee with: The Baron
Which character would you sleep with (if any): Howl!
Which Ghibli setting or world would you like to live in: Chihiro's in Spirited Away. It seems creepy, but fun.
Have you ever been to the Ghibli museum: Nope but want to
How many movies do you own: I don't. I rented them XD
What's your least favorite movie: None.
Which soundtrack is your favorite: Whisper of the Heart. I got "Country Roads" stuck in my head!
Name some of the most beautiful scenes: Tales from Earthsea, when they arrived in Hort Town. The art is amazing!
What is your favorite movie: Whisper of the Heart, Laputa Castle in the Sky.

Posted by husky51 on 04.27.2008, 12:19 AM:


A good first post, Nadin3... come to discussions and start your own thread so that we can all properly welcome you...


Posted by Saddletank on 04.27.2008, 03:45 AM:


Originally posted by NADiN3 What is your favorite movie: Whisper of the Heart, Laputa Castle in the Sky.

Good for you! *does a little dance*

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

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