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Posted by saviour2012 on 02.07.2016, 06:41 AM:


Originally posted by husky51
You don't have to mess with belts or buttons. You don't have to iron them, just a nice folding after washing them. You can answer the door if someone comes to visit. You can run to the store or McDonald's. And they are comfortable to sleep in...

I'm glad that sweat's and tee's were invented...

could not agree more, although i dont generally wear sweatpants but they(s.pants and t.shirt) are extremely useful at many situations

Watch everything but only take the good things from it

Ask, think and learn. Because the more we know the more we grow.

Watching the wrong to happen is the same as commiting the wrong.

If it looks like things are forcing you to be creative, Then be creative.

its a uniquely Miyazaki film, one only he could make and its uniqueness places it beyond being easily critiqued.[About Porco Rosso]
taken from a quote of Saddletank and Orphic Okapi

Posted by husky51 on 02.08.2016, 12:48 PM:


I'm awake and ready for a day of house-mousing,...

My foot itches!!!


Posted by belborges on 02.08.2016, 11:16 PM:


Originally posted by husky51
Originally posted by Lynnie
Nothing really....which sucks...............I duno wearing sweatpants??

hahaha, I don't know whether 'wearing sweatpants' is considered an LL or an HL???

Shorts or sweatpants and a tee-shirt is what I usually wear around the house, depending on the time of year... You don't have to mess with belts or buttons. You don't have to iron them, just a nice folding after washing them. You can answer the door if someone comes to visit. You can run to the store or McDonald's. And they are comfortable to sleep in...

I'm glad that sweat's and tee's were invented...

Shorts and sweatpants for the win!
In Brazil, despite being so hot, most people only wear jeans and I hate it, it's so uncomfortable! I'm all about going out on sweatpants or mesh shorts.

HL: Spent the night with my friend, talked a lot, watched some cartoons. We've been kinda disconnected, so it makes me glad to be close to her again.

LL: So sleepy...

Posted by FlareNetworkC on 02.09.2016, 08:34 PM:


HL: Snow day! I spent the day working and watching Black Lagoon. A day well spent.

3,2,1, Let's jam.

Posted by Kazegami on 02.11.2016, 10:26 AM:


HL: did my presentation for Asia-Pacific class yesterday. I don't think I'll get a great grade for it since I couldn't really answer the question I was asked afterwards and we kind of ran out of time to finish properly, but I'm just glad it's over. I hate giving presentations. Got a good long sleep last night too.

LL: it's silly, but I really don't like having to talk to people from charities who come to the door. Like I'd be happy to give a couple of pounds or so there and then but they're not allowed to take that now it seems; they need bank details. And I don't want to give my bank details to some guy at the door from some charity I've never heard of, which is reasonable, right? But I feel really bad anyway.


My Anime List

Posted by Saddletank on 02.11.2016, 11:46 AM:


That sounds like a scam to me. They possibly use clever people whose approach is to make you feel guilty or bad.

I tend to do what you do and drop a pound or two in a collection box when I'm out shopping.

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by husky51 on 02.11.2016, 12:09 PM:


I have a sign on my door that says "No soliciting"... On the few occasions that solicitors DO come to my door, I point out the sign and close the door. I have mostly gotten religious people coming by and have been told, "But we're not soliciting anything..." I tell them that they are soliciting their religion and close the door.

Took a while, but I seldom get any of them at my door, anymore...


Posted by Kazegami on 02.11.2016, 12:38 PM:


I've noticed a couple of houses around here have that kind of sign, Husky. It's only happened twice since I moved there, though, so it's not a big problem. I'll only be here 'til summer anyway. ^^

Mm, I know it could have been a scam but the person wasn't pushy at all and they were doing this in the pouring rain. ^^' I know what they can be like, some do try to guilt trip you and push you but it wasn't like that. I think they were genuine, I just can't help feeling bad in that situation.

As you say, Saddles, I just tend to drop some change in collection boxes when I'm out and about. Or if I see a homeless person I'll usually give them a pound or two (not that I ever see them where I live now, really, only when I happen to visit bigger cities).


My Anime List

Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 02.12.2016, 05:11 PM:


HL/LL: My interview went both great and horrible at the same time. But I left feeling pretty confident that hey, even if I messed up the next time I do it it'll go much better. I wished the person after me good luck before leaving.

Posted by Saddletank on 02.13.2016, 06:19 AM:


Originally posted by belborges
mesh shorts.

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by husky51 on 02.13.2016, 01:20 PM:


hahaha, now, Sadd....

Uh, wait a minute!!! Did bel say MESH shorts???

Now in my life I've seen mesh shirts, but SHORTS!

The concept is revealing... (sorry, I had to put that in )

I suppose that I could just google it (what a word for this topic) but could any of you LADIES please explain to this old guy what "mesh shorts" are?

I am sure that they are not what their name seems to implicate... But then I have not kept up on worldwide fashion changes,,,


Posted by belborges on 02.13.2016, 05:37 PM:


I just google'd "mesh shirts" to see what you were so surprised about and OMG HAHAHAHA THIS IS INSANE

Sorry, I used Google Translate to see what Portuguese "malha" was in English and got "mesh". It's just a type of cotton fabric that's really comfortable, really.

Here's what I meant with "mesh shorts":

See? Just comfy shorts! Girls use this to sleep and work out, mostly.

Srsly 'tho, mesh shirts are BIZARRE! I've never seen this in my life.

Posted by husky51 on 02.13.2016, 11:12 PM:


I've seen some celebrity type and some Beach girl types that wore them, quite revealing, really. The shirts I mean... Usually meant to be worn over a tank top or bikini top, but not always.

Of course there are the optional clothing beaches in California as well, part of the Torry Pines State Beach. Not really legal but clothing not strictly enforced either. A hang-gliding and para-gliding port at the top of the cliffside.

The wife and I went there one time with some friends. After a bit, we felt uncomfortable with the little clothing we had on... so eventually that went as well. It was almost all adults, so no big deal, we figured. You have to remember, this was back in the late 60's and 70's...

I am not promoting this sort of behavior, but it does happen.

The mother of two of my grandsons was back in town this weekend and I helped her with some historical stuff as well...

Over dinner we were talking about various things and it came up about what the boys names would have been if they'd been girls instead....... We were both laughing so hard a number of people must have thought we were nuts! hmmmmm... heh heh , now I wouldn't do that would I???

Hahaha, you bet your sweet bippy I would! First chance I get......

I bit of editing required, my 'c' key acting up...

added the next day...
You gotta remember that this was when I was fairly young and adventurous....


Posted by belborges on 02.14.2016, 03:44 PM:


HL: Being visited by a friend tonight! He studies where I live and goes back to his hometown on holidays, now he's here again. I have some other friends in the same situation and I just can't wait to see them again.

Posted by arren18 on 02.14.2016, 08:57 PM:


Yesterday's highlight: I went to Kyoto for the day and met up with some friends from my dorm two years ago.


Posted by Lynnie on 02.20.2016, 07:17 PM:


Originally posted by belborges
I just google'd "mesh shirts" to see what you were so surprised about and OMG HAHAHAHA THIS IS INSANE

Sorry, I used Google Translate to see what Portuguese "malha" was in English and got "mesh". It's just a type of cotton fabric that's really comfortable, really.

Here's what I meant with "mesh shorts":

See? Just comfy shorts! Girls use this to sleep and work out, mostly.

Srsly 'tho, mesh shirts are BIZARRE! I've never seen this in my life.

Those shorts are cute tbh.

My highlight?? uhhh I guess completely a lot of work today..


Posted by FlareNetworkC on 02.21.2016, 12:18 PM:


LL: Not feeling too good today... Think I'm coming down with a cold...

3,2,1, Let's jam.

Posted by husky51 on 02.21.2016, 03:29 PM:


Flare, hope that you're feeling better soon...

Had a good weekend so far. With my buddy Bob, down at the 'Vietnam Veterans Unit Memorial' down in San Diego area. Then stopped the paragliding flight center on the way home, yakked with some Russian young people, had a few laughs with them. Used a couple of Russian words that I knew... Talked about how cool it was that it was so different than back in the days of the 'cold war' between our two countries. Yeah, I know, Russia is not the USSR, but all the same, it was cool that he and his friends could visit here and do some paragliding...

Them Russian ladies were purty!!! Hey, I may be old, but I'm still a guy... All that climbing mountains to jump off of, I

Kidney op this Thursday, not looking forward to the recovery time, but oh well... stuff happens... If I'm unable to, I'll have daughter post my condition in here.

But in the meantime, fun, fun,


Posted by husky51 on 02.21.2016, 04:47 PM:


re-read to last few postings and came across the 'Mesh shorts' thing again...

Actually saw a young woman wearing nothing but a sports bra or top and a very brief pair of mesh shorts!!!

We got to talking and most of the people around the paragliding site were wearing long pants and sweaters or coats... I aked her if she was cold and she said "not too much" but a few moments later she came back wearing a tee-shirt and a light coat but still nothing but the shorts below. I would have liked to check for goosebumps, but chastised myself and said, "behave yourself, Husky"... lol

I did comment on how, when I was a kid, the girls wore skirts and dresses to school most of the time and never seemed to feel or mind the cold on their legs... We laughed...


Posted by husky51 on 02.22.2016, 03:28 PM:



Goof on my part... I had the date of the operation right, I just had the mindset of it being on Thursday... One of my daughters-in-law texted me to verify the date and time. I was checking things out and suddenly realized that I had the day wrong!!! lol

All straightened out now, the slice-and-dice will be on Wednesday of this week...


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