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Posted by Kazegami on 10.28.2011, 04:17 PM:


Ah, it's nothing so interesting... it's just a certain disorder I've had for some years and I finally saw my doctor about it, and she's referred me to a psychologist who I'll get to see in a few months. If all progresses as I mean for it to then it'll really be the start of a new chapter in my life.

HL: Ah, got my essay in on time. But more importantly I got to spend some time with my best friend before she goes back to uni on Sunday. <3

LL: Lol, to get said essay finished I stayed up until 2 and got up at 5, so I'm a bit exhausted. :')


My Anime List

Posted by husky51 on 10.28.2011, 05:09 PM:


Well, whatever your disorderly disorder may be, here's to the health of the person supporting and sustaining it... (Oh, groan ) did I write that?, lol

got all 40 of the items in the DC Halloween search ... That was wild!!!


Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 10.30.2011, 10:40 AM:


I feel like I haven't posted on the Tavern much at all lately! Hope things are well with everybody, they seem to be from the posts written here.

HL: Huhhnnnnn, I'm not too sure. I had a nice morning with my boyfriend I suppose, things were kind of weird last night, he definitely wasn't himself so I was relieved things were back to normal today.

LL: So...much...homework.

Posted by husky51 on 10.30.2011, 11:47 AM:


Hi, NC... good to see you.
Your BF wasn't hinself? Who was he, Justin Bieber? D Gray Man? Haku?

hahahaha, sorry, I couldn't resist...

Its a beautiful day and I think I'll go for a ride on the cycle a bit later.

Went to the Casino yesterday and thru a mixup on my part, I thought that I was buying in for a short matinee sssion of Bingo. Found out that it was a special thing going on and It didn't end until 9:30 PM...My first time and I was just checking it out. Played thirty games and came close, within one number of winning, a number of times, but no show. No win either, lol But it was fun and I met some folks, people were winning on both sides of me, darn it... but thats the breaks of the game. A win on any of the games was $1,000 with one short game $3,000. Two people won twice.


Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 10.30.2011, 05:03 PM:


HL: Snow, lots of snow. :3 But it freaked me out.

Trying to make one of my boyfriend's friends feel better about the cold and snow. I think this is her almost second winter. She's not used to it, and it reminds her of when she first moved here, so it makes her depressed. I think I made her a bit happier. :3 She's young and she lost her five year relationship after moving here, so I understand. Good thing is is she's able to go to school here and do what she did back there. But I told her she could always move back if she wasn't happy enough here.

Opposite for my boyfriend's mother, who loves it here and wants to become a citizen. o.o It seems she likes me. I knew she liked my sister and mother, but she hasn't really met me much yet she treats me and talks about me like she has. Maybe since her children talk about me quite a lot. lol Kind of sad still that I'll never have the chance to meet his father.

LL: Didn't see him like usual on his weekends off. Aw well. He's going to take me Christmas shopping and also to the aquarium when his car is fixed. >:3 AQUARIUM~. <333333 I love making the seals dance. And the touch pools~!

Posted by husky51 on 10.31.2011, 11:37 PM:


Nice day today, no snow, warm t-shirt weather, hot even. Took my neighbor to a DR's appt and then did a little bit of shopping. Kicked back at home, got my new eggs, YAY!...

Lousy Halloween so far. Firat trick-or-treaters came by at 7pm (4 kids and mom) and there hasn't been anyone else since then. Now 8:30pm. I've said it before in here that when I was 12 and my sister 3 we were out to 1am, a mile from home and had enough candy to last six months at two or three pieces a day... It is sorrowful to me that kids have to miss out on fun like that because of idiots out there preying on the kids or screwing with the treats. One of the fun things back then was eating the popcorn balls and other homemade treats that we were given while walking along...

I had no more trick-or-treaters come by at all... Gotta full bag of candy that is too sweet for me. Some candies I like, in moderation, but these are just TOO sweet! I'll probably save them and give out to the grand kiddies...


Posted by husky51 on 11.02.2011, 02:54 PM:


Won again at bingo! And was happy for a friend of mine at the game. She hasn't won for a year and won twice! She had to share one pot, but she was happy...

sunny, clear, chilly and very windy... leaves and branches all over the yard...


Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 11.02.2011, 06:32 PM:


LL: Student at my school passed away. It's been sad going there. I don't want to go... it's stressing everyone out and making them depressed. : (

So Halloween was sad. No one really seemed in to celebrate it this year. Which is fine...

I'm not doing good on my biology labs.. I wanted to do so much better than we've done. I did three copies of the last one but I was still not pleased with it and forgot to add information. She might give me a chance to try and make up those marks. I've been really stressed to the point of tears lately, and the school environment right now is sad and tense. I want to just stay home but I'm not allowed to miss school..


LL: Strange thing behind my ear. If mom doesn't go to the funeral today, I'll have her take me to the doctor's if she can. It hurts..

Posted by Kazegami on 11.04.2011, 01:58 PM:


HL: Discovered a really delicious drink today, by the name of Eristoff Black. Sounds like some cool character. It's so good. Only had a shot of it and discovered that it stains your lips and tongue black for a while. I found that a bit hilarious. :')


My Anime List

Posted by fenkashi on 11.04.2011, 04:28 PM:


HL: SNOW! Like Christmas snow. It's crazy ^^


Posted by Kazegami on 11.06.2011, 09:29 AM:


Aw, I'm jelly...

HL: New chapter of D.Gray-man~

LL: Fifteen pages. Wth, Hoshino. Wth. B|


My Anime List

Posted by husky51 on 11.06.2011, 01:41 PM:


Originally posted by foreignfilmfreak

LL: Strange thing behind my ear. If mom doesn't go to the funeral today, I'll have her take me to the doctor's if she can. It hurts..

Thats called a brain, FFF.. When not used for awhile it hurts...

hahaha, just funning with ya.. Hope it is alright and you're feeling better

It was a nice day yesterday after the rain and I went to a historical photo show and met some of the old-timers from this town (YES, even older than ME!!!


Posted by husky51 on 11.07.2011, 03:07 AM:


Major storm came thru this evening. Haven't seen it so bad for years. MAJOR lightening and thunder and HEAVY, HEAVY rain!!! The storm paused over my small city for hours and my yards were flooded bad then... a massive amount of snow fell, covering everything with two or three inchs of snow in only an hour. Huge temp drop that is now warming up somewhat... Oh yeah, and the power went out right after a HUGE blast of thunder and lightening around 6:30 PM and lasted until amost 9PM... I think it affected a large part of the city...

It is over and supposed to be clear tomorrow... we'll see, lol...


Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 11.07.2011, 08:19 PM:


Weird-Light: Didn't realize until now how awkward dating someone religious is. XD He was saying something, but never implied who the guy he was he was talking about.. he told me everything I like about him is because of his teachings, and everything I don't like is due to the teachings he failed.

Me: Huh? What? Who? Your dad?

Actually, it could be his dad, but I think he mentioned God in passing about something a few minutes ago... o.o


Oh jeez. I hope they don't mind me. >.<; All of them are insanely religious, but they aren't annoying like some of the religious people here. I don't know much about religion.. He's Catholic.

Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 11.09.2011, 07:33 AM:


Weirdlight: Think I slept from about half 6 till 10 am this morning, I hadn't realised I was so tired but I lay down for just a second and I was out like a light. I've been feeling kind of ill and depressed over the past few days and I think it was having more of a physical effect than I realised. I feel a lot better now though, finally shaken my sad mood.

HL: Today's my precious wednesday off school~

Posted by husky51 on 11.09.2011, 02:06 PM:


Hahaha, I've had nights like that myself, NC..

had a good time at bingo last night even tho I didn't win anything. Came close a few times, but no cigar... A lady who has sort of challenged me did win and made sure that I knew it was her. hahaha It ws funny...

Like I've said before, I don't have to win to have fun...


Posted by husky51 on 11.11.2011, 04:11 PM:


YAYNESS!!! I got a Gold egg....


Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 11.13.2011, 04:14 PM:


LL: I began my day feeling stress free. Now I'm worrying over growing up.

My mother was asking me if I'd rather have clothes for Christmas, or things I'd need for university. After having to explain to my boyfriend that yes I am moving out next year, it's still hitting me now. Some of my friends are taking it worse than others. We've been talking about what we'll each be doing next year and practically none of us will be within reach of one another. It's okay with us realizing we might never see each other again, and we seem to be accepting that, but it's just.. hard. With one friend in the hospital who's isolated from us all, it's kind of bringing us together since we make plans for her. She might be back after Christmas, which almost made us all cry, but we'll still throw a sort of holiday party for her. She'll hate us, but I think it will be good. She's admitted to missing us. If she applies in time, we might be heading off to the same university. We won't be taking the same major, but we wanted to be roommates. She's not the type to take friendly to many people and hates humanity. XD Hahahaha. And me.

HL: Boyfriend invited me to a Christmas party for his work. This shall be interesting. My mom likes these parties, which means they have to be pretty darn good.

Posted by captain george on 11.14.2011, 08:09 PM:


i saw a giant wooden man in a field, with fir branches as facial hair.

Brightened up my week, never mind my day

Posted by husky51 on 11.15.2011, 01:29 AM:


I know that it WELCOME to the Tavern, capt george...

had a good day, nothing much happened, gambled a bit, lost, but not much and still had fun...

damn it, started sneezing and it won't stop... dwi3&65w8%%4#2TRg!!! just bit my tiongue... owtch!!!

mipelled 'welcome', sheesh

edit my edit:
mispelled 'mispelled' ...


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