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Posted by husky51 on 09.27.2023, 04:15 AM:


I have in the past, but most fill in Mandelas nowadays... Spending hours doing them... Did a Peacock with spread tail one time, spent about 40+ hours on that one...

The next person has never ridden a horse?


Posted by arren18 on 09.27.2023, 01:19 PM:


False! I tried it a couple of times many years ago.

The next person is a fast reader.


Posted by ButaPairotto on 09.28.2023, 10:32 AM:


False! I actually measured my time a few months back and was below average by a bit I remember.

I don't mind though, I just like to enjoy it.

The next person has a Ghibli movie that they don't particularly like.

Posted by husky51 on 09.28.2023, 11:18 AM:


"Grave of the Fireflies"

My Sister was born when I was 9-1/2 yrs old and up to the time that she was 8-9 yrs old, was responsible for for a lot of her care. When she was 3 days old, I gave her her first bath at home. I changed her diapers and felt and had such a responsibility for her that I had a repeating nightmare where, briefly I had to carry her up a tall ladder and sit up there and spoon feed her there. She would fall and I would stand and push myself down, trying to get below her so that she would land on me, thus saving her.

Our age differences was roughly the same as the boy and girl in that movie and, watching it, immediately felt some some discomfort. As the movie went on, I could feel myself in the boys position.. only watched it the once...

The next person has sailed a small sailboat solo...


Posted by arren18 on 09.29.2023, 06:47 AM:


False. I've been on one a long time ago, but that's about it.

The next person enjoys cooking.


Posted by toriforiumu on 10.01.2023, 07:59 PM:


true! i’m not a great cook though….

the next person likes learning history

今日も夢みてる (^▽^)♩

Posted by arren18 on 10.03.2023, 03:35 AM:



The next person has been in business/first class on a flight.


Posted by husky51 on 10.03.2023, 12:07 PM:


False: Never had the opportunity!
Flown a number of flights, including a trip from Philippines to Japan: Japan to Alaska; Alaska to San Francisco...
Also from LAX (Los Angeles, Ca) to Heathrow, England: then Heathrow to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia... Then 2 weeks later, return in the opposite direction.. Flew across the States twice (LAX to JFK) and from Chicago to San Diego, California twice (years apart) and a number of flights back and forth between Sacramento and and Ontario airports in California...

The following player has sat on the Co-pilots lap of a loaded jet airliner while in flight... (aka "Airplane" )

edit: spelling


Posted by arren18 on 10.09.2023, 04:46 PM:


False. Do they really still do that?

The next person likes Halloween.


Posted by fenkashi on 10.26.2023, 02:08 AM:


Ohh what a throw back this thread this is. Cheers to whoever revived it.

True! I didn't care for it before but my kids are so into it, can't help but enjoy it now.

The next person is musical (instrument, vocals, whatever).


Posted by husky51 on 10.26.2023, 02:31 AM:


True! I've sang solo at a Locker Club restaurant talent night and was asked if I knew any more songs. Made me feel good. Sang solo's again at a Armed Forces YMCA stage show and at a USO show. Numerous times Karaoke while in recovery at the VA Hospital and also at a night club where I was working security... The KJ started calling me the "Singing Security", lol..

The next person rode a school bus to and from school as a child...

Good to see you, Fen... I guess the time you spent at the Stampede gave you some experience handling your kids, eh? lol


Posted by arren18 on 10.26.2023, 03:59 AM:


True. The route to my school was along a busy main road (not a street with houses) so especially when I was younger I took a bus. When I was in high school I got into the habit of walking though, since it was only about 20-25 minutes.

The next person gets into new hobbies often.


Posted by fenkashi on 10.26.2023, 08:32 PM:


No, I wish. Constantly short on time. Hardly have time for my existing hobbies and I try to maintain those a much as possible. Those being painting and hiking and rock climbing. Traveeeel.

The next person would be enjoy being famous.


Posted by arren18 on 10.30.2023, 04:36 AM:


I'm thinking false - at least in terms of having less privacy and being under scrutiny all the time. It just seems especially bad nowadays. BUT then again, I do like the idea of being recognised and appreciated for some kind of artistic work.

The next person always eats the same thing for breakfast.


Posted by husky51 on 10.30.2023, 11:05 AM:


hahahahaha! Busted! True~

I usually drive by my local Jack-in-a-Box and pick up a "#24 loaded breakfast combo with a regular Iced caramel coffee, a mini-churro (5-piece cinnamon-sugar confection [bite-size]) and either a milk or an orange juice." Once the ladies know it is me, they greet me by name and they already have my order memorized... I also add two large diet-Dr Pepper's with extra ice, that I nurse thru the rest of my day (into the late evening) adding ice at home as necessary.

The sandwich is two-slices of toasted sourdough bread, two eggs, paper-thin slice of ham, two strips of bacon and a small sausage patty and a small hash-brown potato patty... I then usually drive to a local Park and sit and read while dining.. If the weather is bad, (or I just feel lazy) I stay at home and have an oatmeal breakfast...

The following person likes doing crossword puzzles...


Posted by arren18 on 11.03.2023, 04:38 AM:


True, but not that I do them very often at all, since I never buy newspapers. And I'm not much good at crosswords with cryptic clues.

The next person likes swimming.


Posted by husky51 on 11.07.2023, 02:59 PM:


True!!! Loved to swim!! Have swum in the Pacific and the Atlantic, Unfortunately found a "Portuguese Man-O-War" jellyfish the hard way off the coast of Virginia... (boy, did that hurt).. I've enjoyed the waters of the Hawaiian Islands, Midway Island, Japan, Hong Kong, Subic Bay in the Philippines (nice Sharks and Barracuda there, lol) Vietnamese waters (both beach and river), Acapulco, Mexico and in a pool in Saudi Arabia and many, many hours in the public pool where I live... At the age of 60, I could swim the length of the pool underwater (abt 75 feet)... So, yeah, it could be truthfully said that I like to swim...

But, unfortunately, my Doctor has forbidden me to do anymore swimming for medical reasons, SIGGGHHHH!!!

Once, in the middle of the Pacific, the Captain stopped the ship for Swim Call. Depth was about 2 miles, but I missed that opportunity to swim as I was up on the Signal Bridge of the ship, with a rifle, on shark watch.. darn it, lol.. We even lowered one anchor to 100 feet to determine visibility in the water...

The next person is an Agatha Christie fan...


Posted by fenkashi on 12.12.2023, 04:02 AM:


Sort of. I have a core memory of reading And Then There Were None. I want to say it was my first ever murder mystery. Loved it. Was so disappointed when I leaned about the underlying and explicit racism in her original writing though. I read modern editions so didn't see the that as much, but ultimately it coloured my view of the author and made it hard to be a fan.

The following person does therapy. Or if that's too personal, the following person is looking forward to their holiday plans


Posted by husky51 on 12.15.2023, 03:45 AM:


Hahahaha! A couple of decades ago, It was suggested that I attend some one-on-one therapy sessions, so I did. When done, the therapist told me that he wished more people were as insane as I was.. lol

But with two teenage girl Birthdays, a Daughter-in-law Birthday, and the Holidays still ahead of be before the Year's end, yeah I'm going to be so busy, lol but the is an Annual thing for my Family, so I am ready!!!

It has been so long since I rode a train on an overenight ride, I don't even know if they still have Pullman cars.. I know there are sleeper cars, but whether they are Pullman's, I don't know... That being said.....

The following person has ridden in a sleeper booth in a Pullman Car with the net clothes bag hanging in the window..

edited for spelling errors


Posted by belborges on 12.15.2023, 04:24 PM:


False! I've never ridden a sleeper train, and I didn't even know what a Pullman Car was.

The next person went to the beach in 2023.

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