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Posted by FlareNetworkC on 06.03.2015, 03:43 PM:


Super true.

The next person would rather watch a simple, family comedy over a thrilling action flick.

3,2,1, Let's jam.

Posted by husky51 on 06.03.2015, 04:22 PM:


Yes, most definitely... Altho I do like the occasional action flick...

The next person has a family member (no names) that they dislike...


Posted by arren18 on 06.10.2015, 04:19 PM:


False. There are some I don't know very well or see very often, but I wouldn't say I dislike anybody.

The next person has a least favourite colour.


Posted by husky51 on 06.10.2015, 04:31 PM:



For some odd reason that I am unaware of, I simply cannot eat off of purple dinnerware if I have any choice in the matter. Now while dining out at a friends house or in a restaurant, I will just grit my teeth and deal with it. I consider it rude to do otherwise..... I have no idea where this came from??? Now say little purple flowes or thin stripes, no problem, but a solid color bowl, regardless of shade, from lilac to deep purple, sorry, but it nauseates me.

My ex one time served me stew in a purple bowl and I got up and poured it into another bowl and threw the purple one away. She had done it on purpose. knowing how I felt about it. She tried to retrieve it later and I broke it.

The next person favors their mother rather than their father in appearance...


Posted by FlareNetworkC on 06.10.2015, 08:45 PM:


False. Skinny father replica.

The next person is constantly smiling and trying to be positive.

3,2,1, Let's jam.

Posted by Saddletank on 06.11.2015, 04:07 AM:


Sort of. I always try to be positive and look at the best side of things but I'm no great smiler. Many say I have a bit of a stern scowl, but that's just my normal relaxed face!

<<< ------- Sadoru Stern Scowl

The next person prefers TV history documentaries over science ones.

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by arren18 on 06.11.2015, 03:53 PM:


False, I think. Both are fine. Personally I would be more interested in nature documentaries compared to either.

The next person hasn't needed to see a doctor for a long time.


Posted by fenkashi on 06.14.2015, 08:09 PM:


False... I was pretty sick before I left for my trip. And then I had to get all my immunizations.

And I normally see my doc at least once a year.

The next person is a good liar.


Posted by FlareNetworkC on 06.14.2015, 09:11 PM:


False. Mostly.

The next person prefers vanilla over chocolate.

3,2,1, Let's jam.

Posted by husky51 on 06.15.2015, 02:19 AM:


Actually, I do, thank you very much...

I like chocolate, but usually get vanilla ice cream, shakes, etc.

The next person looks forward to getting a job in the family business or profession when schooling is completer...

(by profession, say your father is a plumber, then maybe you would be a plumber)


Posted by Yay! Kiki on 06.16.2015, 01:28 AM:


False! There isn't really a particular family profession for me to get into, unless I want to move all the way to Texas and take over my dad's landscaping business. Which, I mean, I don't.

The next person likes going out at night better than going out during the day.

Posted by FlareNetworkC on 06.16.2015, 12:03 PM:


False. Daytime is brighter and easier to navigate.

The next person uses emoji's a ton.

3,2,1, Let's jam.

Posted by arren18 on 09.06.2023, 08:00 AM:


I would probably say false nowadays!

When I was clearing out some spam I came across this thread. I'd forgotten all about it, but I figured it might be fun to revive even if it's quiet here!

The next person prefers waking up early.


Posted by ButaPairotto on 09.12.2023, 01:19 PM:


True, depending how early you consider early. But I enjoy the quality of light outside in the morning.

The next person enjoys skiing.

Posted by husky51 on 09.12.2023, 07:20 PM:


Yes and NO...
Never had the opportunity to Snow Ski or even Snow Board, I DID have the opportunity to Water Ski one day, but my Stepdad, driving the boat one time, on a u-turn going back under a cement bridge, almost wiped me out into one of the bridge supports at a high rate of speede...

The next person likes to skin dive often, either snorkeling or


Posted by toriforiumu on 09.13.2023, 11:48 PM:


False LOL!

I'm scared off all those things lol!

The next person prefers pancakes over waffles !

今日も夢みてる (^▽^)♩

Posted by arren18 on 09.14.2023, 03:30 AM:


Oooh, that's a tough one, but I'm thinking... true! But I do like waffles too.

The next person likes going to the beach.


Posted by husky51 on 09.14.2023, 11:13 AM:



When I was a kid and into a young adult, it was my favorite... I used to ride the rip tides (also known as undertows), but in later years the beach life guards started chasing people away from them and flagging them off... Did a lot of body-surfing tho...

The next person likes to drive their car...

edit: spelling


Posted by arren18 on 09.26.2023, 06:27 AM:


I think I'd have to say n/a on this one. I can't drive.

The next person had a childhood pet.


Posted by toriforiumu on 09.27.2023, 12:48 AM:


true! i have a silly little dog who’s been with me since I was 6!

the next person enjoys painting

今日も夢みてる (^▽^)♩

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