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Posted by Orphic Okapi on 10.20.2008, 05:21 PM:


Originally posted by JRR
I saw oldboy two days ago. I thought it was absolutely brilliant. I had read the manga comics it was based on and was glad to see that the adaptation really built upon the original. There were a few changes, but they were all for the good.
I really loved the film. I didn't find the violence so extreme though. It's quite normal "hard action" fare. Like in Bourne films for example. The sex scenes themselves weren't too extreme either in their cinematography, rather than in their meaning.

Well, I thought the, shall we say, "amateur dentistry" scene was pretty painful to watch, along with, you know, the one part involving scissors. It was mostly those two parts I was referring to. I guess it wasn't too bad, but I was trying to keep in mind that many of our members are pretty young. Same with the sex scene, in that regard.

I think, in hindsight, I did like it. Parts of it were extraordinarily well-done (the hall fight scene comes to mind), and certainly none of it was boring. Perhaps the main problem I had with the film was the villain. He didn't seem to have enough motivation to go to the extraordinary lengths that he did (I'll leave it at that to avoid spoilers), and it seemed implausible that he was able to become so powerful. But I think the ending would have fallen flat had what happens at the end not happened, so in that sense I think the plot might have backed itself into a bit of a corner. If that makes any sense.

I like tea!

Posted by Loscil on 10.21.2008, 04:25 AM:


Errm. Well in the case of the villain. What happened was a long time ago, so who knows how powerful a man can become. That thought had never even crossed my head.

In terms of mtivation. In the manga comic the reason for the imprisonment is different, and there you really think it lacks motivation. Maybe as a contrast, I was very happy with how the film handled it.

I don't really think the plot backed itself into a corner either. you kinda realise that everything was always proper planned out. Its even more obvious when you read the comic. It's all very deliberate and well thought out.

Posted by Orphic Okapi on 10.21.2008, 04:24 PM:


Originally posted by JRR
Errm. Well in the case of the villain. What happened was a long time ago, so who knows how powerful a man can become. That thought had never even crossed my head.

Well, it's just that he was pretty clearly sadistic, possibly sociopathic, and since neither of those traits are particularly smiled upon in modern society, it seemed a tad improbable to me he was able to become so successful. I mean, a lot of rich people are corrupt, but he wasn't so much corrupt as he was completely insane.

In terms of mtivation. In the manga comic the reason for the imprisonment is different, and there you really think it lacks motivation. Maybe as a contrast, I was very happy with how the film handled it.

I don't really think the plot backed itself into a corner either. you kinda realise that everything was always proper planned out. Its even more obvious when you read the comic. It's all very deliberate and well thought out.

I'm not saying his plan wasn't plausible; it was improbable, yes, but it made sense. The only problem I have is that I didn't understand the villain as a person.


I understand that he loved his sister, and that he was sad that she died, and that his sadness turned into anger toward Dae-su. That all makes sense. I would be pissed too (even though really the whole thing is a big misunderstanding, because Dae-su had only a very small part in the starting of the rumors).

What I don't understand is how his hatred was so enormous that he was able to carry a grudge for what must have been at least fifteen years while developing his plan (and meanwhile becoming powerful enough to be able to execute it), and then another fifteen while the plan was being executed. This isn't exactly something a normal person would do. I can understand anger. But anger is typically an emotion that burns out after thirty years or so, isn't it?

I don't know. I guess people are just messed up.

I like tea!

Posted by Dark Totoro on 10.23.2008, 11:27 AM:


I watched "oldboy" the other day too.. it was strange and funny

But i watched Im a "Cyborg but thats OK" and thought that was even better!!! lol

It's like I was frozen in a cryogenic tube

Posted by Kazegami on 10.25.2008, 11:52 AM:


I saw a film called "Sleuth" last night, really loved it. It starred Laurence Olivier and Michael Caine; in fact they were the only actors in the whole film. Seriously though, it's so cool. Really clever. The thing about it was that you could hardly ever tell when what was happening was real or just part of the "game" that they were playing... and most of the time, they couldn't tell either. One of them paid the ultimate price in the end though, so... kinda sad ending. At least the maniac who killed him was sure to go to jail.

Now, go watch it. 8]


My Anime List

Posted by Loscil on 10.25.2008, 07:04 PM:


I'm a Cyborg but That's Okay is brilliant. Really funny and cute. So charming.

Saw A Bittersweet Life today. Another Korean film. It was okay, cinematographically quite beautiful but otherwise standard ware. A few nice moments. Doesn't compare to Sympathy for Mr Vengeance by Park Chan Wook that I saw yesterday.

You should watch it Orph, it's the predecessor to Oldboy (as far as thematically linked films go). Not as intense in an in your face way, but slowly builds up connections. And very convoluted, in a good way. Things seem more believable (though I didn't mind that in Oldboy). I wouldn't say it's as good as Oldboy, but it certainly is very good.

Posted by BookWorm on 11.03.2008, 03:13 PM:


Last night I watched "Death at a Funeral." A great British comedy. It can be slow, but not in a bad way. You are always wondering, "What is going to go wrong next?" It is very funny...I would say watch that and "Hot Fuzz!"

I'll never get used to anything. Anybody that does, they might as well be dead. ~Truman Capote

Posted by turniphead1 on 11.03.2008, 03:52 PM:


@Book Worm - yay i love hot fuzz! Love the big fight in the supermarket at the end

Anyways, saw a lovely old British black and white film called Escape from Colditz or something similar. Basically, they had put all of the most prolific allied escapers into the high security POW camp, and the whole film is about all of their escape attempts, such as hiding in mattresses being taken away for cleaning, and making their own German uniforms and simply walking out. Apparently it was all a true story, but i cant believe that the Germans didn't punish the failed escapees more severly.. Anyway, nice film.

And in the air, the fireflies, our only light in paradise


Posted by BookWorm on 11.03.2008, 03:55 PM:


Thanks for the movie suggestion Turnip! Will have to watch it.

I'll never get used to anything. Anybody that does, they might as well be dead. ~Truman Capote

Posted by Loscil on 11.08.2008, 04:59 PM:


Saw Hunger by Steve McQueen.
Absolutely mesmerizing. Beautiful cinematography.
Most serene, peaceful and fundamentally disturbing film I have seen in a long time. Absolutely amazing.

Posted by Roarkiller on 11.09.2008, 12:11 AM:


Cowboy Bebop: The movie.

Was okay I guess, the series was much better. Lovin' the opening song though

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by ={HSA}= MORO on 11.09.2008, 04:14 AM:


i went out tonight and saw "zack and miri make a porno" it was really funny
good old seth rogan.. you can never go wrong with anything he's in.
id give the movie aboot a 7/10

definitely not a movie for those who don't like stupid comedy or don't mind hearing an f-bomb ever 4th word


Posted by turniphead1 on 11.09.2008, 08:29 AM:


Saw new James Bond couple of days ago - Quantum of solace.. basically it was crash, bang, wallop for around 2 hours. I know that James Bond is meant to be like this; but i honestly prefer films with some hint of plot. Thats why i enjoyed casino royale so much, it was much cleverer; plus i like all of the poker stuff 8]

favourite quote from casino royale "That last hand nearly killed me" - after Bond returns to the table after being poisoned

And in the air, the fireflies, our only light in paradise


Posted by Dark Totoro on 11.10.2008, 11:37 AM:


Originally posted by Roarkiller
Cowboy Bebop: The movie.

Was okay I guess, the series was much better. Lovin' the opening song though

Aww cool!!..

btw whats the end song called from the series??

the blues?? or something??

It's like I was frozen in a cryogenic tube

Posted by BookWorm on 11.10.2008, 10:12 PM:


@ would you say Zack and Miri is worth the load of money it cost today to get into the theater???I love Kevin Smith movies and I'm dying to see Z & M, but I have little spending money!

I'll never get used to anything. Anybody that does, they might as well be dead. ~Truman Capote

Posted by BookWorm on 11.10.2008, 10:12 PM:


Oh, is anyone else excited that Wall-e is coming on on DVD in a week????

I'll never get used to anything. Anybody that does, they might as well be dead. ~Truman Capote

Posted by Dark Totoro on 11.11.2008, 10:55 AM:


eeeeeva eeeeevaaa - waall-e waall-e!!

I watched DOOM for the first time last night, I thought that was quite good... only because I used to play it 24/7 lol..

It's like I was frozen in a cryogenic tube

Posted by Loscil on 11.12.2008, 04:30 AM:


Making movies today.

Posted by turniphead1 on 11.13.2008, 08:14 PM:


Grave of the Fireflies..still chokes me up no matter how many times i see it. Also, just a minor point.. is this technically a Ghibli or not? I know it was directed by Takahata, but im still not sure..

And in the air, the fireflies, our only light in paradise


Posted by arren18 on 11.14.2008, 08:11 AM:


It's definitely a Ghibli. It was made as a Studio Ghibli production, and was even a double feature with Totoro.


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