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Posted by mpw3d on 06.13.2006, 10:45 AM:

2nd side sig

i had nothing to do in the afternoon so i decided on making some more sigs for ppl and i've done some ghibli ones lol
most of you seem happy with ur current ones (im im v happy) but if any off yea want a 2nd sig to go with it then u can use some off these....

oh im currently or plannin on doin some more so i'll post the rest as soon as there finished....


Posted by Pendragon on 06.13.2006, 11:22 AM:


They are so pretty!


Howl avatar made by ushitora Thanks!

Posted by shiawase on 06.13.2006, 01:23 PM:


Can you make a small sig, like a banner size maybe 90 x 270, that says akarui tsubasa in gold and the background is bright angel wings?


~Akarui Tsubasa~

I will save myself from the world I created.

Posted by mpw3d on 06.13.2006, 02:29 PM:


i hope this is what u ment:


Posted by shiawase on 06.13.2006, 03:41 PM:


A lil less girly, i was hoping for the wings to be the background, spanning the entire 270. A little less rounded and more exotic and feathery. And maybe drop it down to 60 x 300. Just move the 30 pixels to the end. Not to be picky,,, actually I told myself I wouldn't go with the flow and ask you to make me one... but hey, we'll see how it turns eh? thanks man...


~Akarui Tsubasa~

I will save myself from the world I created.

Posted by mpw3d on 06.13.2006, 04:24 PM:


im afraid not a v succeful im afraid but it was quite difficult gettin the wings and that

unless u like them then ok then.... lol


Posted by Sunchaser on 06.13.2006, 07:28 PM:


mind if i use the mononoke one? it's teh awesome


First signature made by kittycatjess. Thank you so much!
Second signature also made by's our joint sig!
Third signature made by mpw3d . Thank you!

Posted by shiawase on 06.13.2006, 09:22 PM:


can you change the font to a more angelic font, like a cursive but still legible. And the feathers a little ruffled or more distinct. Since you are trying I might as well make you go all out right? thanks alot again. I like it very much


~Akarui Tsubasa~

I will save myself from the world I created.

Posted by SpiritedSen on 06.14.2006, 09:18 AM:


Dude, what's going on with all the lovely sigs you made? The one you made me with the tv screen, and all the little kodamas has vanished! What's happening dude?! Luckily, I still have the original one you made me, but I'd love to know why all the weirdness!? I've noticed a lot of peeps sigs have vanished...twilight zone, oooooooh!!


Posted by Roarkiller on 06.14.2006, 09:45 AM:


Most of the sigs I've ever made are all text apart from the one on one forum (they used to have k001 pics, but no more, so no pics now for me).

But if I may request, I'd like to see if it's possible to write my name in blue lightning italics style. Dunno what would be good for a background, suggestion maybe a grey skull aginst a black background done in an optical illusion way. Y'know, like the black-dots-in-a-grid optical illusion style?

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by mpw3d on 06.14.2006, 05:27 PM:


Grave of the fire flies:

Howls moving castle:

Kiki delivery service:

The cat returns: (hope thats right)

feel free to use any of these sigs for any purpase same with the others as well *(^-^)*


Posted by SpiritedSen on 06.14.2006, 05:35 PM:


Dude, loving your new work! The backgrounds are great, especially The Cat Returns one! Love the effects on the Spirited Away one too! The colours you've picked are really are a talented little sausage, ain't ya??!!


Posted by mpw3d on 06.14.2006, 05:41 PM:


not sure wot u mean by a "sausage" lol but thx u for the gr8 comment and u can use any off them if u like.. just like everybody else


Posted by SpiritedSen on 06.14.2006, 06:19 PM:


Originally posted by mpw3d
not sure wot u mean by a "sausage" lol

Don't worry's a good thing! People always say 'you silly sausage', I've just adapted it! That's me...original!!


Posted by Sunchaser on 06.14.2006, 10:15 PM:


heh heh, okay so does anyone know how to get the signature to show up? heh.....i'm really bad about these things...geez, i feel so stupid...*blushes*


First signature made by kittycatjess. Thank you so much!
Second signature also made by's our joint sig!
Third signature made by mpw3d . Thank you!

Posted by SpiritedSen on 06.15.2006, 07:24 AM:


Originally posted by Sunchaser
heh heh, okay so does anyone know how to get the signature to show up? heh.....i'm really bad about these things...geez, i feel so stupid...*blushes*

OK...right click on the sig you want, click on Save Picture As, and save it to your hard drive. To get pics on the forum, I go to . If you go on there, it says Upload File in the middle of the page. Press Browse and you can look for pics on your hard drive. When you've done that, click Host It!. Wait a min, and it'll bring up some URL'S, just click and copy the one that says Direct Link To Image.
Then, when on Ghibli Tavern, go to Profile at the top of the page, and click on Edit Signature. Click on the IMG button above, and paste the URL you've just copied into the hole provided! Eh, voila!!
Hope this helps!!


Posted by Sunchaser on 06.15.2006, 07:41 PM:


thankies spiritedsen...however, do you have to register to make it work? cuz it doesnt work for me otherwise...


First signature made by kittycatjess. Thank you so much!
Second signature also made by's our joint sig!
Third signature made by mpw3d . Thank you!

Posted by SpiritedSen on 06.15.2006, 08:00 PM:


Originally posted by Sunchaser
thankies spiritedsen...however, do you have to register to make it work? cuz it doesnt work for me otherwise...

No registration necessary, just go straight to the site. What bit of it isn't working for you? Let me know and hopefully I can give you a hand!!


Posted by shiawase on 06.15.2006, 08:20 PM:


What happened to revamping the wings! You're so close


~Akarui Tsubasa~

I will save myself from the world I created.

Posted by Sunchaser on 06.15.2006, 08:28 PM:


Originally posted by SpiritedSen
Originally posted by Sunchaser
thankies spiritedsen...however, do you have to register to make it work? cuz it doesnt work for me otherwise...

No registration necessary, just go straight to the site. What bit of it isn't working for you? Let me know and hopefully I can give you a hand!!

Well, I went to the site, and I browsed for the siggy picture, and then I clicked upload...but there weren't any links....??? it's weird...


First signature made by kittycatjess. Thank you so much!
Second signature also made by's our joint sig!
Third signature made by mpw3d . Thank you!

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