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Posted by Farren on 01.03.2014, 06:36 AM:

  Exchange to the U.K and travel Advice

I haven't been on the Tavern for a long time, but I remember that quite a few of the members here are British or European, so I thought I would tap into local knowledge..

I am currently in the process of applying for exchange at the University of East Anglia at Norwich, for later this year (September), and I hope to fit in a fair bit of travel, not just throughout the U.K but before semester begins. My finances are limited so I thought of doing some wwoof-ing (willing workers on organic farms) which a few of my mates have done and said was awesome, and there are some amazing farms to work at too.

Basically I'm just after advise about hidden gems to see, particularly around the U.K, which I'll be calling home for awhile.

I'm also on a budget, but want to see as much as possible (common dilemma..), I want to steer clear of commercial tours, where the tourists get ridden off everyday or line up for hours to see statues.

I should be in Europe from around August through to late January.

So there is a fair bit to organise, but yeah any tips, warnings and advise would be very welcome!!

pigeons funk the impossible

Posted by Calforsale on 01.12.2014, 12:41 AM:


Sounds very exciting! I'm sure you will have lots of fun. If you happen to be on youth allowance, supposedly you can still be on it during exchange because you are still enrolled at your university.


Posted by Koda on 01.14.2014, 05:09 PM:


London, it's busy but there is lots to do. Stay clear of the more popular museums as they are so packed.

Hyde park is lovely
London Eye

There is a cinema in China town that plays Studio Ghibli films every Sunday .

Cornwall and Devon are nice.

It depends what you want ?.....

"A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge

Posted by Roarkiller on 01.15.2014, 12:32 AM:


Originally posted by SpideyIncarnated
There is a cinema in China town that plays Studio Ghibli films every Sunday .

In japanese?

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I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
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Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by Koda on 01.16.2014, 06:05 PM:


Haha I haven't been yet, getting into London is a pain in the arse and expensive for a student. Plus on a Sunday, trains aren't frequent. I do plan to go sometime, but not for a while.

I think they are in Japanese actually , it's literally a special haven for us haha. They are an independent cinema, so they do awesome marathons.

"A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge

Posted by Koda on 01.16.2014, 06:08 PM:


They obviously are popular, they are showing them on Thursdays as well wow.

I might see if I can go see Whisper of the heart, I'd love to see that on the big screen. Now to find someone to go with :/. All my friends work on Thursdays

"A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge

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