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"Well I'm torn between people being able to change or being unable, I like it regardless of whether it's depressing or the like. It’s just a thing that makes me tick, and so I keep it."
Oh, no, no, no, that’s not what I meant at all. I didn’t mean… Ah… oh! I got up suddenly in a bit of a panic, tell you later!

"Ne, Na-chan, chotto-"
“Oh, ah, would you mind?” I thrust my empty breakfast things into Icchan’s hands as he came by, “Ah, onegai! Arigato!” Jumping round I ran out into the hallway, mustn’t keep her waiting! I stopped suddenly and ran back in giving Kodo-Ra a big but quick hug, “Arigato! Arigato gozaimasu! Bai-Bai! Mata ashita, ne?” I ran back out into the hallway and almost got run down by a speeding Chi.

"Byee you guys!"
“Waah! Nooo! Oh? Ah, ohi, bai!” I checked all my ribs for fractures and watched her go running out the door. Sadoru had already got there. A couple of other people had bags and looked to be leaving.

“Ameashi desu. Natsuba-san?”
“Mummy!” I jump down into the entryway and ran into her arms, giving her a big hug, “I missed you so much! I did! I did! I had a lovely time, there was food and fireworks and drinks and I met so many nice people in my class and we sat round a campfire and told stories! And I slept very well thank you and I brushed my teeth and ate properly and, and, I had a lovely time!”

I let go and pulled her hand, “Come and meet Okayu-san, it’s his house and he organised everything and, oh, Sadoru! Arigato for letting me stay and giving such a wonderful party!”

“This is my mummy!”
I beamed, quite unnecessarily I realised.

06.05.2008, 08:18 PM natsuba is offline   Profile for natsuba Add natsuba to your buddy list Send an Email to natsuba
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I caught Sadoru-san motioning to me. I got the message pretty clear and it was a 'no'. I looked between him and Icchan before nodding. What exactly Sadoru-san was telling me not to tell Icchan, I wasn't sure; he might have been referring to letting him listen in...but I stepped back from him and gave a Sadoru-san a mock-salute as I stepped back from Icchan, who seemed to be busy with Na-chan anyways.

Suddenly there was a flurry of activity following the sound of the doorbell. A few people at the door were leaving. Na-chan left for it in a rush too and I went after her. I wanted to say goodbye properly but she was in such a rush that she was at the door before I could move. And by the time I did, Sadoru-san was in front of me, talking to who seemed to be Na-chan's mother.

I bowed a greeting to her from behind and observed. So this was the woman who had raised Na-chan. She seemed the complete opposite of her. Not severe by nature maybe but her worn out look gave her a sense of severity. I'd looked at her for less than two seconds and I wished she'd show some expression...a smile, anything. It was unnerving, the way she was looking at Sadoru-san. Na-chan however seemed unphased by her.

Of course, it's her mother...but...

She introduced Sadoru-san and talked happily with her mother and I wondered about Na-chan's childhood yet again. Na-chan had her Shadow to perhaps account for her behavior but what had possessed her mother to raise her like that...removed from everything and seemingly everyone.

Post last edited by fenkashi on 06.05.2008, 10:41 PM.

06.05.2008, 10:39 PM fenkashi is offline   Profile for fenkashi Add fenkashi to your buddy list
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"No, I-"

Bang, flash, gone. Oh, and back again to hug Seisaku. If it was any other girl, I would've been thrown back, but hey, this was Na-chan we're talking about.

I sighed. Somebody needs to keep a leash on this girl.

I dumped Natsuba's breakfast on to a nearby table and walked briskly after Tanaka, who was, as I was, interested inher mother. What I saw was a surprise. No, a shock.

She was... barely there. She looked so frigid and cold that the it seemd as though the cold air around her had frozen up. Surprisingly, she still managed to exude an air of dignity and feminism, but...

This is Natsuba's mother?!

Suddenly, I didn't feel like making acquaintances her.

Unfortunately, Tanaka had bowed, and I bowed slightly automatically. I quickly shook off the tense feeling and exuded my usual air of confidence, the one I use to hide my distaste.

Turning to Tanaka, I whispered to her, "I think I'll be going now myself, wouldn't want to make a scene in front of her mom. Besides, I don't feel like being around an Ice Queen, at any rate."

06.06.2008, 06:59 AM Roarkiller is offline   Profile for Roarkiller Add Roarkiller to your buddy list Homepage of Roarkiller
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“Ameashi desu. Natsuba-san?”
“Hai, of course. She’s just he…” Then suddenly Na-chan was ‘here’. Very much so. Wow, you just reinvented the definition of excited. I smiled and watched them hug. Or rather watched Na-chan hug while her mother stood there arms by her sides. Hug her back then. I watched this weird meeting of opposites.

An extra from Day of the Zombies had come to collect Na-chan in lieu of her mother. It was peculiar; Yin and Yang, Black and White, Happy and Sad, Alive and Dead… I’d never seen such a miserable person.

“This is my mummy!”
My smile which had never faltered widened, Na-chan could melt the biggest iceberg, or bring back to life the deadest zombie “Hajimemashite. You have an amazing daughter Ameashi-san, you must be very proud of her. It was fantastic having her as a guest.”

Someone came up on my other side, from a flash of orangey-red in my peripheral vision I knew it was Tanaka. I gave her a quick glance during which I saw Icchan was there too, before returning my attention to our visitor, see anything odd? my eyes had said to them both.

06.06.2008, 09:43 AM Saddletank is offline   Profile for Saddletank Add Saddletank to your buddy list Send an Email to Saddletank

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“I missed you so much! I did! I did! I had a lovely time, there was food and fireworks an…”
After a few seconds I switched the noise off and smiled wanly down at her.

Very nice. That’s good. Wonderful. Hurry up, I need to get out of here before things happen.

“…his house and he organised everything and, oh, Sadoru! Arigato for letting…
First name terms already? But then that’s your way, it always was.

I spoke to the boy, “Thank you very much for having Na-chan, I hope she wasn’t too…” weird for you “…much trouble.”

“Now. Na-chan. Get your things and say your goodbyes, mummy needs to go.”

What on earth are you wearing? Whose yellow shorts are those? Why aren’t you wearing your own clothes? You didn’t do anything strange again did you? I was getting more and more nervous, the need to politely conclude this meeting and get away began to override all other considerations.

“Hurry up now dear, we need to be off.”

06.06.2008, 09:48 AM NON-PLAYER CHARACTER is offline   Profile for NON-PLAYER CHARACTER Add NON-PLAYER CHARACTER to your buddy list
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Na-chan looked at me said something and dashed off before I could really even be there. It was probably her mother like she said, right on time as well.

Na-chan seemed to be happy to see her, but all I could see was a rather cold woman, not really caring but just getting by trying to deal with as little as possible. Its easy to minimize problems by sheltering her so that was an answer to that question, but Im yet to figure out if it was the right answer.

I gave her a smile as she dashed around a bit more getting her things together before she was off. I felt anger from this woman and I hardly wanted any directed at me, I was liable to call her on it. I just sat and watched. I felt powerless and probably was.

06.06.2008, 12:02 PM Miyrru is offline   Profile for Miyrru Add Miyrru to your buddy list Send an Email to Miyrru

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“Get your things and say your goodbyes, mummy needs to go.”
“Hai! Chotto matte!” I turned to Sadoru and beamed up at him, “Arigato! I had a super time! It was such fun!”

I went over to Tanaka and gave her a hug, “Arigato, for the things you said. I won’t forget. Bye!”

To Icchan I said, “Aomori. In the forest, one day, hm? Go do it and take someone nice with you!” I gave him a hug as well.

You’ll see them all tomorrow! No need for this!

Except I might not, if mummy has one of her crazy shouting episodes and takes me out of school again…

After they’d spoken I went down the hallway to the back door and found Hibiki. He got a hug and a goodbye too then I found someone’s huge shoes and putting my small feet in them, slip-slapped across the wet lawn to the tent and went in. Aigyo-Aoi was still asleep, she must be so tired. I knelt beside her wrapped up form and hugged her, kissing her hair where it stuck out from under a blanket.

“I’m going now. We’ll talk again, something wonderful is coming, I know it is. Be safe.”

Back in the house and sans-clown shoes I went to find Kazuo and he got a hug too, “Bai-bai, tomodachigai.”

Finally I found Kodo-Ra again he’d come out into the corridor too. “What a lovely smile, save it for me and show it to me again.” I put my arms round his waist for ten seconds and held him tight, arigato, I’m so happy, don’t mind the flocks of birds. Turning away I found my bag and violin which I hadn’t played once and went back to the front door. Smiling round at everyone I said to mummy.


it’s over…

We went out. The urge to look back was very strong but I resisted. We reached the car. We went…

06.07.2008, 03:04 AM natsuba is offline   Profile for natsuba Add natsuba to your buddy list Send an Email to natsuba
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“Thank you very much for having Na-chan, I hope she wasn’t too much trouble.”
Her body language was all too clear so rather than continue the conversation I just made some ‘no, not at all, any time’ noises and let that potentially interesting topic slide.

“Now. Na-chan. Get your things and say your goodbyes, mummy needs to go.”
You really don’t want to be here, do you?

Natsuba got her things and said her goodbyes, we’ll all see you tomorrow, you’re not emigrating you know! and the two of them went. I said the proper polite things at the door and stood there holding it open watching them go down to the road. Ameashi-san walked briskly in front, Natsuba trailed behind. I couldn’t hear any talking. They got in the car and drove away.

Quite a lot of the others had gone now. It turned out it was just Tanaka, Icchan, Kazuo, Rakki, Hibiki and Takako left. Either Morimoto-san was still asleep too or he’d left quietly without saying goodbye.

“That was. Interesting.” I said to Tanaka and Icchan who had come to the doorway with me, “Why do I get the impression that ‘I hope she wasn’t too much trouble’ didn’t mean at all what it usually means?” I looked around. I had a conversation with Kazuo to apologize about suddenly ending so thought I should go in search of him.

06.07.2008, 03:13 AM Saddletank is offline   Profile for Saddletank Add Saddletank to your buddy list Send an Email to Saddletank
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“Aomori. In the forest, one day, hm? Go do it and take someone nice with you!”
"Yeah su-"



When Natsuba let go, my body must've been as stiff as a board. It took a good ten seconds for me to regain my senses.

"You're... not going to hug me as well, right?" I said to Tanaka. I put up a hand before she could answer, and left the scene of the crime.

That was... so warm... wait, what am I THINKING?!

Sheesh... let's just go home already.

I grabbed my bag, checked to see if everything was in there, and said my goodbyes to everyone before taking me leave.

06.07.2008, 04:18 AM Roarkiller is offline   Profile for Roarkiller Add Roarkiller to your buddy list Homepage of Roarkiller

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Her station came up much too soon. The train slowed, stopped and the doors slid open, “Bye.” It was all I could think of to say.

She stepped off, turned to look back. I looked too. I wished I had a camera to freeze that moment for ever. The doors began to shut, as they closed I suddenly blurted out the truth, “I’ll think of you!”

Swish! Donk! The doors shut. The train began to move. I leaned on the glass and held up a hand in goodbye as her face slid away, I twisted round to get the very last glimpse of her.

Then she was gone, the train sped up, rattling and swaying. I remained leaning on the door and put my forehead against the glass.

Missing you already…

Suddenly... suddenly I was missing her a lot. I stood there quietly doodling invisible flowers with my fingertip on the glass while a hot stinging rushed up into my eyes. I wasn’t unhappy that she suddenly wasn’t there, these weren’t tears of longing, they were quite the opposite. As the stinging heat bloomed and the drops ran down my cheeks I had an impossibly big smile on my face. Not tears of longing, tears of joy.

I did think of her. All the way home. And after I got home too. These thoughts were unlike those of Hiromi which made me ache. These made me smile. Hug myself and smile. Grin even, like a madwoman. Weep like someone on their knees in the throes of religious conversion.

What is this feeling? I could take a guess though I didn’t dare to, in case… in case what? In case it goes wrong? Why would it go wrong?

Because. That’s why. Just because. Because in the past stuff going wrong is all you’ve known and now you don’t dare hope.

* * * * * * * * * *

I got in, emptied my bag, undressed and threw everything in the laundry. I put my yukata on and ran the bath. As it filled I went into my room and slid the shouji open and stepped out onto the polished boards of the back verandah. I put a palm to one of the uprights that supported the pitched roof and stood looking at the garden. The day was dull but at least the rain had stopped and the garden smelled wonderful, earthy and crisp. Spring was here, new growth, new beginnings. New… everything. A smile lit my face.

You’re smiling way too much these days, people will think you’re an escaped madwoman.

The escaped madwoman didn’t care. She went back inside. On my desk was a picture in a frame, a smiling ten year old stranger in a yellow dress. Picking up the frame I studied the girl’s face one last time before unclipping the holders and sliding the picture out. I placed it carefully in one of my old photo albums along with many similar ones and re-clipped the frame. It sat on my desk, empty.

“Need to fill you,” I told it. Pulling my huge bean bag, big enough for two, across to the open screen I plumped myself down in it, slobbing out horizontal. I flipped open my phone and dialed.

“Hi. Just got in. Yeah. Hm. You been in long?” I listened to her telling me of her walk home. I let her voice lift me up. “Right, pretty quick then? OK. Uhm, that’s good. Yes, well a bath first then eat. Then homework tonight. Huh, yeah, I know, I know. But it’s not due ‘til Wednesday so I might chill and let it slide one more evening.”

“Oh yes? Yeah, good, that’s good. Have fun. Well I’ll go out later, got some shopping to do. Oh, you know, stuff, just stuff. No, I’m not telling what! No! It’s secret. Nope, no way. Don’t push your luck Hikari, you’ll find out in due course… Oh really? Well, if you’re going to be like that I might not go shopping at all. Ha, ha, yeah, I know, so deal with it. The day I stop teasing you will see a snow storm in hell. You’re much too cute when you’re cross. Yeah, yeah, right, fibber! You wouldn’t want it any other way.”

“Must go, bath will overflow. Yeah, and you, well, sure, call me tonight. That would be cool. Yeah, bye.”

I put my phone on the floor and lay there. Then I slammed both fists into the bean bag at my sides and said “Yes!” I brought my feet up a little and began drumming them hard and fast on the bag, my fists too, pummeling like crazy, “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! YES!” I rolled over and got to my feet, I bounced out onto the verandah then barefoot jumped down to the wet grass and ran to the centre of the lawn where I leapt in the air and punched the sky. “YES!” I stood there, head back, sucking in air. It tasted fantastic, like a new world.

Which it was.

“Thank you!” I said, laughing at the sky, before running in over the wet grass to my bath.

* * * * * * * * * *

Late in the afternoon I got the train into Kawasaki. I only needed one thing and tried a couple of shops before I found the good quality one I was looking for. I picked it up and weighed it in my hand, trying a few experimental goes with it. I paid for it then went across the street to a party shop to buy a card and some gift wrapping for the box.

On a whim I went into a department store and looked at swimming costumes. My old one was too small now and way too frumpy. The only other one I had was the school one which was like an industrial bio-hazard suit and no-one swims in public in a school costume. In the end I didn’t get one. It wasn’t that I wasn’t in the mood. It would just be a lot more fun to go clothes shopping with someone.

Back home I got an indelible marker pen and wrote on my gift, signed my name under the message and added yesterdays date. Then wrote a message in the card.

That night as I lay in bed and sleep began to invade my thinking, my last coherent thought was what a weekend, what a strange, strange weekend, who would have possibly guessed…?

06.07.2008, 05:48 PM Maho_Fushida is offline   Profile for Maho_Fushida Add Maho_Fushida to your buddy list
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"Takako didn’t actually describe the connection, she just told me right afterwards that she’d learned her Mihariban had a name and what it was. Which I didn't think too much of at the time other than surprise that such a thing had a person's name. Then I learned later…”
He explained what he knew about what had happened with the fainting and the sudden appearance of this Mihariban's name. "So, whatever it was, they all saw it, or heard it. They shared it. Hibiki didn't faint though... for some reason. But he suddenly knew the name nonetheless. That surely means that the fainting was unnecessary to discover the name, which makes me wonder why it happened. If it really was a Mihariban that caused it, why would it bother doing that?" I didn't expect an answer to that. At the end of the day, it seemed like the only way to answer a question like that would be to ask the Mihariban themselves. And that doesn't look like the easiest of options.

“And that is pretty much everything I know. She mentions the name ‘Ama’ from time to time. Have you noticed?”
"Hai. Probably of the name of the Mihariban that's been staying with her since her father died don't you think?"
“I think Na-chan is in some way weird like she is because she’s had a Mihariban around her a long time. It’s – hm… he’s made her... the way she is.”

“Karinushi Sendo-san too. Apparently. And we have two people in class who have just acquired Mihariban.”

“And if Na-chan is the result of years of exposure… it bothers me. I think you understand.”
I nodded, staying silent. Of course it bothers you. It must worry you sick. I felt another wave of sympathy for Sadoru. Isn't that what makes you try so hard?
“I think, as long as Na-chan has a Mihariban, she’ll continue acting weird and doing unpredictable things. That’s why I said to Icchan that I don’t think any amount of life-education will get through to her. She’s like, an alien. As though years with a Mihariban have turned her into something that’s not an ordinary girl anymore.”

“Uh, gomen, that sounded tacky. Like something from a B-movie, but I’ve thought about this for hours - I didn’t sleep much last night, and I can’t see another angle on it.”
"Chigau, it sounds just about right." I said solemnly. This whole thing is like some sci-fi movie, remember?
“Kazuo, sorry, something about that thing with the rain and the bridge is bothering me. Would you come outside a minute please?”
"Yeah, sure." What's this? I followed him, curious. We'd just gone into the hallway when the doorbell chimed. Sadoru paused and then a moment later his mother called for him attend to it.
“Sumimasen, be right back.”
Eeh, what kind of timing is that? "'Kay." He left quickly, and I watched curiously from the back of the room. Had it not been for Na-chan's reaction, I would never have guessed who it was who now stood in the front hall of Sadoru's house. That... is Mummy? I frowned as Na-chan hugged the frail-looking woman gleefully. She seemed to appreciate her daughter's affection just about as much as a slap in the face. Iie... maybe she's just tired or something. She might not be like that all the time. Or, perhaps... I smiled slightly at the thought that came to me. ...perhaps Na-chan just makes everyone else look miserable by contrast.

Na-chan rushed around saying good-bye to everyone, coming to hug me quickly before going to Rakuin. "See you tomorrow, Na-chan." I smiled, putting one arm around her a little awkwardly. After seeing to Rakuin, she left quickly, following her mother without looking back or waving. Sadoru showed the odd couple out, turning back to talk to Icchan and Tanaka. I stepped forward and hovered closeby, trying to catch his eye. You've got me curious now. What was it?


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06.07.2008, 06:01 PM Kazegami is offline   Profile for Kazegami Add Kazegami to your buddy list
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Icchan said his goodbyes and went. As I shut the door behind him and turned I noticed Kazuo.

“Well, things are about over.” Tanaka was with us and as far as my memory went possibly Rakuin was the only other guest in the house.

Oh, and Hibiki was still here. Hadn't seen him for ages though, maybe he went?

Relaxing at last now I leaned back on the hallway wall and slid down to the floor, pulling up my knees and leaving them apart, rested my forearms on them. I put my head back against the wall.

“I need a long hot soak and a proper bed,” I said aloud to myself. I tilted my head own again, “Oh, Kazuo, where were we?”

Post last edited by Saddletank on 06.08.2008, 04:29 AM.

06.07.2008, 06:20 PM Saddletank is offline   Profile for Saddletank Add Saddletank to your buddy list Send an Email to Saddletank

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When I got in dad called me into the kitchen.

“Did you have a good time?”

“Hai! It was lovely, great fun, the people in my class are great, I’m making some great friends.”

“Good. This arrived yesterday.”
He smiled at me and held out the letter. I read it.

. . .

“Oh wow! Oh yeah! This is great, so it’s all decided?”

mum said, smiling. I grinned up at them. This was it!

“I start when, week after next, as we said?”

she said again, nodding, “As decided.”

“Do you know who the coach is? What’s he like?”

“What she’s like. She’s a female coach. Kanazawa Yvonne.”

My face lit up and my jaw dropped.

The Kanazawa Yvonne? Semi-finalist, hundred metres hurdles, Sydney two thousand?”

“I knew you’d be pleased.”

“She’s going to coach me? Oh, wow, dad! Mum! This is the best! Thank you! Thank you so much!”
A female coach was even better, it was better than better, it was perfect!

I jumped over to mum and gave her a hug, dad came up behind me and we all squished together squeezing tight. Dad kissed the top of my head.

“You’re going to be fast.” he said.

“I am,” I replied, “Fastest in the world!”

- - - - - -

Later in my room I was doing my homework. A thought came to me. I clicky-clicked my mechanical pencil against my chin.

This is going to affect everything. My free time, my schoolwork.

…My friends.

This will affect them too…

I sat silently thinking for a time. I thought long and hard about one person. I left my homework and went out walking. I went down by the river and watched it flowing.

Streams and rivers.

I have to tell you this. I have to tell you what changes this will make. Its not fair on you not to.
I heaved a big sigh then went back home and finished my work.

In the evening I went out for a run. While running I thought a lot more. I came to a decision.

06.08.2008, 04:57 AM ..Ayami.. is offline   Profile for ..Ayami.. Add ..Ayami.. to your buddy list

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Kashikoi suddenly took out her phone, and looked at it, grumbling. Have I missed something...?

"Gomen, I have to go. See ya tomorrow!"
Yeah, you definitely have missed something. Then she gave me a hug (just what you wanted!) and headed inside. "Um... bye?"

There seemed to be quite a lot of noise coming from the house now, and as I was about to go in, Na-chan came out, and I got another hug. Looks like everyone is leaving now... I guess I'll go soon too.

I looked out at the garden for a minute or two. My headache had subsided by now, and I felt quite comfortable out in the fresh air. When it sounded like Na-chan's noisy departure was over, I wandered into the house. It seemed that most people had left by now, and only a few remained: Sadoru, looking rather exasperated, and a confused Kazuo. I saw Seisaku too, and got the impression that something had just happened. Tanaka was near Sadoru and Kazuo, and seemed similarly quiet.

"Hello again," I said brightly. Hmmm... better not ask what's bothering everyone... "There's hardly anybody left here now. Actually, I think I might head off quite soon too..."

06.08.2008, 06:08 AM arren18 is offline   Profile for arren18 Add arren18 to your buddy list Homepage of arren18
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Only after Icchan had made a quick exit, I noticed that there were only four of us left, or five if he hadn't left yet. I don't want to be that last one to go... I checked my watch as Sadoru came over and sat down near me. Damn, yeah. I've got to go.

“Oh, Kazuo, where were we?”
For a moment I was torn between my two options: to stay a while and be late, or get home now and carry on with this tomorrow. No way am I being late. Not after the last time. "It's fine, we can carry on tomorrow. I have to go now anyway, said I'd be home by eleven." I sighed. It's not like they even need me there. "Better go get my stuff together."

The tent was empty when I got there. Gone already. Didn't even see him. It was probably best that way. Awkward moments had been avoided.

There wasn't much to re-pack, I was back in the house quickly. "Thanks for the party Sadoru, it's been great. I've had a really good time." I smiled gratefully. Well, overall I guess. "So... guess I'll see you tomorrow."

I turned at the door, and waved to him and the other two, before heading down the sloping street back home.

Post last edited by Kazegami on 06.08.2008, 11:36 AM.

06.08.2008, 10:07 AM Kazegami is offline   Profile for Kazegami Add Kazegami to your buddy list
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Na-chan left with her mother and I felt a little bit of a worry for her. There was a case to be made of mistreatment, but I wasn't that head strong. I figured that it was my time to leave as well. I went around saying little byes to everyone and thanking Sadoru and I left. I was still debating whither I would catch a train part way or just walk it. I figured I might as well just walk it as I had things I need to think about.

06.08.2008, 11:42 AM Miyrru is offline   Profile for Miyrru Add Miyrru to your buddy list Send an Email to Miyrru
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Everyone had gone except Tanaka-san, she went to the tent to get her things and came back out saying Takako was still asleep but had a fever. Not particularly wanting to be in a place I might not be welcome I called mom and she went in and checked, deciding that the girl needed to be got home at once.

In the end dad drove her home, I went with her and Tanaka-san came too, sitting in the back with our patient. After we had dropped off Takako we took Tanaka-san home.

I spent the afternoon tidying everything up, taking down the tents. It had stopped raining but everything was wet. It was a disgusting job – clearing the garden of forgotten glasses and dead fireworks, putting the dirty bedding through the laundry (it took four full washes) and a few other odd jobs. Then homework. Finally in the evening I went out on my bike and took some photographs in the clean cold air. When I got in mom caught me, “Sakkun, don’t forget this.” ‘This’ was the large gift-box Fushida had brought.

I took it up to my room and unwrapped it. I took it out of it’s box and stood it on my desk and was stunned. A bonsai. An oak. And quite beautiful, not mature but not a sapling either. It must have cost a lot. I was overcome, it was far too much of a gift for someone to give who I hardly knew. There was a glossy leaflet with it about how to care for it but I wouldn’t need it. Mom had four of her own on the lounge windowsill – a Zelkova, a Chinese Willow, a Sakura and a Camphor – so she would show me how to care for it. I carefully carried it over to the window and made space for it on the end of one of my shelves where it would get the most light. In summer it could sit out on the balcony on a table, there was a small folding square metal one in the shed that would be perfect, it just needed a rub down and repaint.

I looked at the tree. Fushida, arigato, you crazy girl, that’s far too much!

06.08.2008, 12:17 PM Saddletank is offline   Profile for Saddletank Add Saddletank to your buddy list Send an Email to Saddletank
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