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Posted by kittycatjess on 07.16.2006, 02:54 AM:

  member names

did you know there are over 72 padges of members who have never made a post thats 2,116 member names that other people could use but there going to waste and thats alot,
i just think theres no point in signing up when your not going to make a post no wonder poeple have so much trouble finding a login name to use
what does evryone else think bout poeple creating accounts they never use

(just humor me im really bored lol)


Posted by Cloud on 07.16.2006, 03:53 AM:


Really so much?
Well- I do not understand it too!
I would never sign up, if im not really interested in a forum.
And of course they took names, which nobody can choose anymore-
Im in other forums and there its a big problem (you can call yourself only with numbers like- "BuTTerFly8801k" because of more than 10000 users...thats sucks!)
If you only want to read here you have not to sign up...

First I wanted to call me Wolf, like in other forums, but it did not worked, because somebody had took this name and write...yeah- NOTHING!


I luv the susuwatari^^

Posted by Roarkiller on 07.16.2006, 07:41 AM:


Well, you could ask UO to delete that person. Personally, I think he should prune the members listing. It eats up bandwith and space anyhow.

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by kittycatjess on 07.16.2006, 07:49 AM:


yer and its a pita-pain in the ass


Posted by SpiritedSen on 07.16.2006, 08:00 AM:


I agree with roarkiller...I think that UO should delete all members who've never posted, and signed up more than, shall we say 3 months, ago?
Otherwise, as roarkiller says, it's just wasting space!


Posted by Feel_the_Light on 07.16.2006, 08:01 AM:


I agree, although i don't post an awful lot as i'm shy and nervous, but i still post.

Posted by SpiritedSen on 07.16.2006, 08:15 AM:


Awwwwww howell! Don't be nervous, everyone here's pretty friendly! But as you say, at least you have posted!


Posted by Feel_the_Light on 07.16.2006, 08:16 AM:


Thank you, all the ones i have talked to do seem pretty friendly.

Posted by Phyrra on 07.16.2006, 08:35 AM:


Don't be shy!! At the end of the day, no-one knows who you are in real life; so even if we passed each other in the street, I wouldn't think "Oh lowk, it's Howell!"

I think someone mentioned this a while ago... and did UO say that there were two downloads only available to registered members? I can't really remember now...

But it certainly is a problem... luckily for me Phyrra is available in lots of places, although not when i create e-mail adresses...

When I registered for my googlemail account, I tried loads of different names and each one was taken. Finally I tried "warlock.dan" and to my horror that was taken! I settled for "druid.dan", but I was still shocked that someone like me, called Daniel (or perhaps Danielle ~ does that shorten to Dan??) had come up with the obscure idea of using warlock with their name...

Some Daniel out there likes warlocks...


Thanks to mpw3d who made ths amazing sig! The avatar was made by Sarah, from

Posted by SpiritedSen on 07.16.2006, 05:30 PM:


Originally posted by Phyrra
I was still shocked that someone like me, called Daniel (or perhaps Danielle ~ does that shorten to Dan??)

When I registered for my googlemail account, I tried loads of different names and each one was taken.

Speaking as a Danielle...yes it does!! People always call me Dan, and I hate being called Dani!!
I have the same problem with LittleMissJoker, 'cos I love The Joker soo much!! It's my email, but I can never get it on forums and things like that! So I always end up being GuerillaInTheMist!! No one ever has that one!!


Posted by Roarkiller on 07.16.2006, 05:36 PM:


The only people I know who uses this name besides me is my brother who lacks originality. He has stopped now, though.

So see this name and it's guaranteed to be me.

Although it used to piss me off whenever people spell it as Roadkiller, or Roar Killer, or all that stuff. I mean hey, when you have had a name since you were a kid, you tend to treat it like your real name. And I like this name.

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by UO on 07.17.2006, 06:18 AM:


lol yeah phyrra, people need to register to download OYM and a large-sized InnocenceGITS trailer
i started that back then when people didnt really notice the forum, thought it might help a lil
I plan to take the restriction off on the download when i update those 2 movie sections
........... and that could be tonite, could be next week, or month ^^

Posted by LittleWing on 07.17.2006, 06:26 AM:


I agree with you kittycatjess! You´re totally right about the members listing.


"When you're old, all you want to do is stare at the scenery.
It's so strange. I've never felt so peaceful before."

Posted by SpiritedSen on 07.17.2006, 06:43 AM:


Originally posted by UO
people need to register to download OYM and a large-sized InnocenceGITS trailer

I literally have no idea what you're talking about!!?! I've never seen that...where are they?


Posted by nanafan on 07.17.2006, 08:40 AM:


i agree to delete them.. i don't know why they wouldn't post but whatever..
i just started posting here..and i am on a few forums so yeah lolz.


Posted by Toolfan1912 on 07.17.2006, 10:04 AM:


yeh i think there should be a system in place whereby if you dont use the account for say five months it gets deleted because there's at least 20-30 pages of members who never use the site at all. This amount of members will be taking up space for the forum owners.


Posted by Feel_the_Light on 07.17.2006, 10:37 AM:


i agree.

Posted by Roarkiller on 07.17.2006, 06:00 PM:


There should be such an option available, dunno if UO simply didn't bother or there wasn't such an option for this BB.

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by I-B4-E THUG on 07.19.2006, 02:02 AM:


Originally posted by Howell
I agree, although i don't post an awful lot as i'm shy and nervous, but i still post.

lol man ya cant be shy here, lol everybodies to nice & excepting of your personality, whatever it is (so long as you dont hate ghibli )

& it is useless joining if ya not gonna post. delete the accounts if they arent used in the 1st 3 months, but keep us experienced users in no matter what (i might be in hopsital or jial or rehab for 3 months lol)


Posted by kittycatjess on 08.02.2006, 10:52 AM:


also u can leave posts as a visiter so the only reason to really sign up is if ur gonna b a regular so u can av cool avatars lol


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