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Posted by Saddletank on 04.23.2009, 11:59 PM:


"No, I don't think I want to eat there, it's too noisy. Pick somewhere else."
"Alright, hows about under the Sakura trees, on the benches at the end of the main block, near the bike sheds? I'll grab my bento and meet you there."

"For me or for you? If you, I'll go. If me, you go."
I grinned, "For you of course. I've already got one." I gave him a friendly nudge on the shoulder with my fist, "She's a person, Icchan, not a Pokemon card. You don't own girls, you talk to them. You know? Talking? Use brain and mouth to interact...?" I gave him a teasing look. "But if you're shy..." I waved him away and went over to the new girl.

"Hi," I said, maybe a bit too cheerily, "I'm Sadoru. Okayu Sadoru, pleased to meet you. And welcome to the strangeness of 1-A. A friend and I are about to go have lunch, wanna join us?"

Posted by Kazegami on 04.25.2009, 09:28 AM:


I stirred from the physics-induced torpor as the bell for lunch rang. Physics was simply not a good subject. T'was far too stuffed with calculations. I watched as Sadoru, diplomatic as ever, approached the new girl and invited her to lunch. Funny how easily these things came to some people.

Feeling a little despondent, I looked around for a friendly face to spend the lunch hour with. Tak- NO. Hibiki...? No. Chi? Maybe. Tanaka? Most definitely. Perfect. I'd been meaning to talk with her some more since Sunday, she seemed such a nice person. I wanted to return her kindness somehow, though I didn't know how I could. "Ano... Tanaka-chan, is it okay if I have lunch with you today?" I asked timidly, the thought she may have other plans only now occurring to me.

Posted by fenkashi on 04.27.2009, 11:33 AM:


The bell rang and I got up to stretch. Physics was not my favourite class. There were moments when I felt a little enlightened but mostly it was just very dry and hence, boring. A glance to left told me that Yuichi was already gone and I signed, resigned.

After putting my things in my bag, I looked up to see Icchan coming my way and waved but he promptly turned in the opposite direction. My hand was left hanging in the air for a moment before I lowered it and wondered what I'd missed. My eyes tracked him as he made his way to Sadoru-san.

Shrugging, I pushed my chair in and met Kazuo-san's eyes over some heads. He made his way over to me and I smiled in greeting.

"Ano... Tanaka-chan, is it okay if I have lunch with you today?"

"Sure, I'd love that," I agreed, brightly and added in jest, "Everyone seems to be running away from me today so I could use the company."

Posted by Roarkiller on 04.28.2009, 02:58 AM:


"I'm the friend," I raised my hand (and eyebrow) as I walked towards the two, for fear of what he might say about me.

"Sorry about being all boys, but I can pick out a girl partner if you're uncomfortable."

Posted by Maho_Fushida on 04.28.2009, 03:24 AM:


"Sorry about being all boys, but I can pick out a girl partner if you're uncomfortable."
I'd not being paying any attention around the room until just then, mostly because I'd wangled it so Hikari and I sat side by side for physics and got to do experiments together.

Experiments. Haha. I chuckled inwardly at the double entendre but as I packed my things away, kind of really not trying to spend every single second of my time staring into her eyes... I heard Icchan's voice as he went by.

I sighed, rolling my eyes at his comment then whispered very faintly to Hikari, so no-one else would hear, "Girl partners are fine." I got up and looked down at her, smiling.


Posted by hikari on 04.28.2009, 08:42 PM:


Well, that was fascinating as always, I thought, suppressing a yawn and shoving my books away. Then, I remembered the silly note passing that had gone on during class between me and Maho and was almost thankful for the class designed for wasting our time.

People started moving around, slowly rousing themselves, and Maho turned to speak to me:

"Girl partners are fine."

"Hm?" I asked, leaning closer without meaning to before pulling back.

Classroom. This is the classroom, Hikari. You are not to swoon every time she breathes in your direction, I told myself firmly before rolling my eyes back at her, "I haven't a clue what you're talking about but I couldn't agree more."

She smiled and asked about lunch.

"Mm, yes please. Someplace far, far away from here and maybe where I can get some food - I forgot mine at home."

Posted by yoshiko on 04.29.2009, 07:16 AM:


That was fun... Even sitting by myself, not speaking to anybody, I rolled my eyes. Science-y things really took it out of me. As I put my books away in my bag, a shadow grew over it. I looked up to see a boy with spiky red hair waving at me.

"Hi, I'm Sadoru. Okayu Sadoru, pleased to meet you. And welcome to the strangeness of 1-A. A friend and I are about to go have lunch, wanna join us?"
He seemed nice, if a bit pompous. I returned the wave wearily and answered, "Hi, I'm Miyamoto Yoshiko. Unless you remembered from this morning, in which case you can ignore that." I was just going to respond to the offer when another guy appeared.

"I'm the friend."
"I see..." With a little smile, I added, "Wouldn't it be more polite to form a queue? I don't know if I can handle this many people at once."

"Sorry about being all boys, but I can pick out a girl partner if you're uncomfortable."
"Hmm, don't you worry about that. I'll cope."

Leaving them hanging for a moment, I silently finished packing my things away. Then I pulled my bag up onto my lap and smiled up at them. "Alright then. Lunch it is. I take it you guys are paying?"

Posted by Maho_Fushida on 04.29.2009, 07:58 AM:


She didn't seem to be all there. Or here. Or anywhere. Unlike her to be so disconnected. Usually such a focused sharp little thing.

"I haven't a clue what you're talking about but I couldn't agree more."
"That's best. Just agree with me and everything will be fine." I patted her on the head like she was some cute but dim pet.

"Mm, yes please. Someplace far, far away from here and maybe where I can get some food - I forgot mine at home."
"Somewhere romantic, with palm trees, hot sun and miles of empty white sandy beach? I know just the place. Misato's Coffee Bar, in the mall. It's perfect. They do snacks and stuff, sandwiches. Teryaki. No palm trees though. Or beach. Hm... not too hot either... the sea's quite a way off... no fresh caught lobster... But it has me."

I bent down and put my mouth beside her ear, just because it excited me to do it, "And I'm buying, so its an offer you can't refuse."

Posted by Saddletank on 04.29.2009, 08:19 AM:


"Hi, I'm Miyamoto Yoshiko. Unless you remembered from this morning, in which case you can ignore that."
"Yes, I remembered. And sure, I'll ignore it." I gave her a smile and then Icchan came over.

"I'm the friend," he said
"Wouldn't it be more polite to form a queue? I don't know if I can handle this many people at once," she responded.
"Well that's fine, I can leave you two to it if you'd prefer," I said, lounging back on my bag as I rested it on a desk. I wore a nonchalant look.

Yoshiko gave Icchan a witty reply and packed her stuff away. I watched her.

Clever one, hm? Likes the boys.

A tiny alarm bell jangled in a far off corner of my head. I heeded it but things were cool.

"Alright then. Lunch it is. I take it you guys are paying?"
I stood upright and shouldered my bag, "I'm off to get mine. It's in homeroom. Icchan here--" I held out an open palm by way of introduction, "--will take you down to the cafeteria for a take out. I'll meet you on the benches at the bike-shed end of main block." I nodded at her and grinned, then clapped a hand on Icchan's shoulder.

"Alright with that? You have some spare money? I'll see you guys in a little while." Humming aimlessly and with hands stuffed in pockets I went towards the door.

Posted by Roarkiller on 04.30.2009, 06:51 AM:


""Alright then. Lunch it is. I take it you guys are paying?"

"I'm off to get mine. It's in homeroom. Icchan here will take you down to the cafeteria for a take out. I'll meet you on the benches at the bike-shed end of main block."

"Alright with that? You have some spare money? I'll see you guys in a little while."



My eyes met Miyamoto's, and she was looking rather expectant. Or maybe she was just staring at my gaping hole.

"Aa... eeehhh... (just say something!) ... I'm... not usually close to girls, so... (I meant something sensible?) ... ikou?" I said finally, swinging my arms towards the door like a broken clock.

Trans: Ikou = let's go

Posted by yoshiko on 04.30.2009, 07:23 AM:


"I'm off to get mine. It's in homeroom. Icchan here will take you down to the cafeteria for a take out. I'll meet you on the benches at the bike-shed end of main block."
"That sounds alright to me," I said, stealing looks at Icchan's confused face. I waved again to Okayu when he left and turned on Icchan. "Hello there."

"Aa... eeehhh... ... I'm... not usually close to girls, so... ... ikou?"
I raised an eyebrow at his attempts to make conversation, eventually breaking into a grin. "Sure." I stood up and walked slowly past Icchan to the open door, then stopped next to it and looked back at him. "Lead the way!" I smiled, leaned against the wall and waited for him to come to his senses. I saw confusion still etched into his face and thought, "I wonder if he's really as stupid as he looks...?

Posted by Saddletank on 04.30.2009, 09:59 PM:


I heard Icchan stammering behind me as I breezed out. It was evil of me but the guy had to get used to being around girls at some point. Mind you, he seemed to have been OK at the party with Na-chan and he hung out with Tanaka quite a bit so he wasn't a completely hopeless case.

Smiling to myself I went back up to 1-A and collected my bento then made my way slowly back down to the main entrance, putting on my outdoor shoes and going out the front door, turning left and making my way along in the spring sunshine to the end of the main block.

A couple of benches under the trees were empty though a good few students were around. I picked one and sat down, stowing my lunch under me. I leaned back, stretching and relaxed, legs out, ankles crossed, watching people go by. It was a pleasant spot and just warm enough out here now to be comfortable.

A group of senior year girls went by. Yep, very pleasant out here...

Posted by natsuba on 05.01.2009, 05:26 AM:


I quietly packed my things away and stood up, trying not to look around too much in case I saw Takeo-kun or Rakuin-kun... hm... silly me, what have you got yourself into?

A few people were chatting and going off together but I didn't feel much like being involved at the moment.

You mean being any more involved.

I collected my books under one arm and went off towards homeroom. I had the idea of taking my lunch out in the sun somewhere and being alone.

You mean as alone as you can be.

Other people in my head were less obvious today. I had practiced shutting them out or shutting them up and by sheer willpower it was working although I didn't know how I did it, I was just happy I could.

Posted by Roarkiller on 05.01.2009, 05:44 AM:


"Lead the way!"
I knocked over a few chairs as I made my way out as well, and we started walking to the cafeteria, trying hard to fall into her pace (and a distance of one foot between us).


Something not so uninteresting would be a nice start to a conversation, I thought.

"... so I was thinking of asking about your sudden transfer and all, but that sounds boring and tedious, so..."

Making the situation light-hearted would earn you bonus points.

"... so, um, let's talk about lunch. What do you not feel like having today? I've had ramen the past three days, so anything noodle-y is out for me."

Posted by yoshiko on 05.05.2009, 03:40 AM:


I couldn't help but notice the way he knocked chairs over just crossing the classroom, but I decided not to mention it. Wouldn't want to be mean! Soon we were walking down the corridor towards the cafeteria.

"Slow down!" I squeaked, trying not to let him get too far ahead of me. Whether he heard me or not, he did start walking at a more reasonable pace. "Much better."

"So... so... so... so..."
"So!" I said, smiling cheekily. I tried to give him a friendly elbow in the ribs, but he was still walking too quickly, so I missed and probably looked a bit silly. I hope he didn't see that! I didn't think he noticed, as he kept trying to make conversation.

"What do you not feel like having today? I've had ramen the past three days, so anything noodle-y is out for me."
"Ooooh... what do I not want?" I toyed with my hair with a pensive look, trying to think of something - anything! "That's really hard! I can't decide what I don't want... I'm up for anything really!"

Posted by Roarkiller on 05.05.2009, 06:26 AM:


"I can't decide what I don't want... I'm up for anything really!"

I was hard to stifle the laughter. The way she said it, it sounded almost, well... kinky.

"Ahem, sorry about that," I smiled innocently. "I'm thinking hot (yeah you are), so I guess curry would be a good idea, yeah?"

"Wonder if they have take-out for that."

Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 05.08.2009, 06:14 AM:


As I packed my books away I gave a loud yawn and stretch. Physics never was my best subject, though I did like learning about the universe. How the stars work, growing old before dying in massive supernovas...yes, I certainly like some physics. Today's however was as dull as dish water and I was glad it was over.

Scooping up my books with a large smile on my face I looked around eagerly to see who to have lunch with. Everybody seemed to be pairing off. Hmmm...

Catching sight of the back of Na-chan's head leaving the classroom, I raced out after but when I caught a sight of her face I stopped dead. She looked so unhappy.

Skipping a few steps so I was behind her I lay a hand on her shoulder "Hey are you okay?" I asked, concerned.

Posted by Kazegami on 05.08.2009, 07:26 AM:


"Sure, I'd love that. Everyone seems to be running away from me today so I could use the company."
"Really? I can't think why anyone'd want to run from you. But we're a strange lot I guess." I smiled, bemused. "So, is there anywhere in particular you want to go? Anyone else coming?" Could be a little awkward with just the two of us... or not. Yay, I'm decisive as always.

Posted by yoshiko on 05.08.2009, 07:54 AM:


Seeing Icchan trying so hard not to laugh made me giggle a bit myself. I dropped my view so he wouldn't think I was laughing at him and started to fidget with a loose thread coming from the hem of my shirt.

"I'm thinking hot, so I guess curry would be a good idea, yeah? Wonder if they have take-out for that."
"Well, I haven't tried Isakaya's curry yet, so that is a really good idea! You must be a mind-reader or something!" I faked a gasp. "Anyway, I think they will have take-out. Unless you already know they don't, and you're just trying to get me on my own! You sly dog." I winked and succeeded in snapping the thread.

Posted by fenkashi on 05.08.2009, 08:39 PM:


"Really? I can't think why anyone'd want to run from you. But we're a strange lot I guess."

"Oh, I'm sure they have their reasons - it'd be nice if they'd share with me but..." I trailed off and then returning his smile, said, "But hey, at least I found where to go when I need to hear nice things about me because of it. Thanks!"

I laughed and then suggested we get to lunch.
"So, is there anywhere in particular you want to go? Anyone else coming?"

"Um...outside somewhere? I don't know about you but physics lessons make me feel the need to air out my mind of the cobwebs afterward. Math is probably the only class that tops it in that department," I grinned before looking around the room. Most people were on their way out so I said, "It looks like everyone's already left. How about we go out and see if a group of people strikes our fancy?"

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