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Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 03.31.2012, 12:52 AM:


LL: My part-time job. I really, really hate it. I'm starting to think the best thing to do would just be to quit. It may take ages to find another one, and that one might pay badly, but it has got to beat this. It's not that my job is particularly strenuous, but it's boring and tiring and because it's a large department store you're never treated as an individual. I don't know my bosses or anyone there hugely well, I spend most of my time just standing there, hours pass by hugely slowly. I'm ringing in sick today, and my manager was like 'I'll call you back' and I just know I'm going to be yelled at. There's no sense of sympathy and understanding, they're just aware of what an inconveniance you're being - even though because I have a weird shift I'm always that 'extra' person who gets sent to help other departments or cover people when they're on breaks, so I'm hardly a key member anyway. I don't know, I'm just not sure I can keep working somewhere which makes me unhappy. Maybe the best thing to do would to just quit for the exam period then find somewhere else afterwards? I have a lot of good retail experience now and I think I interview well so it shouldn't be impossible...

I don't know, sorry for the rant. Just frustrated.

Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 03.31.2012, 06:00 AM:


Well, might be best for you, NC. I wish I had a job though.. That sounds like a job I'd be fine at. I'm not very good at fast paced work since I like to go at my own pace. But not knowing my coworkers or bosses well would bother me.

I was thinking about my last job and how I never took breaks. I was the only one who wasn't able to take breaks unless someone else was working with me. I hated phones, I still hate them, and I didn't really enjoy taking phone calls to get orders (that's where my mess ups would come from). I also disliked my hours being cut back despite being a good employee who was always doing my work and never slacked off. My boss even wrote up a rule saying the others weren't allowed to talk to me unless they needed to.

I loved all the girls I worked with, but there were just so many things that seemed unfair. I also need to learn to speak up, but I'm not very good at even doing that since I'm usually very content with whatever I am given. But it was unfair.

HL: Saw a movie with my boyfriend last night and fell asleep on him in the car. XD My mom decided to take us all to the movies. I ate so much food.. I think Chinese buffets and movies are the right times to pig out..

Posted by Jelly on 03.31.2012, 11:49 AM:


I've also been there, kind of. The last part-time job I had was as a waitress at a restaurant and the pay and everything else was pretty bad, so I decided to quit and do something else. I hate what employers today have become... It's because there are so many desperate people wanting jobs that employers can do as they want, because if you complain about it and quit they can easily get another one... It should be the opposite way though, I mean you hire your service to them and they should take better care of their employees... I'm especially angry with my previous bosses at the restaurant and my other job before that, because they both payed out too little and when I called the first one he did not even seem to have used a calculator, cause everything was all messed up and miscalculated... And my other boss was also way off. I wonder if they're just too stressed out and mess up or if they're actually trying to cheat and see if I notice... And right now in in Sweden there's been a lot of articles in the news about how companies and employers hires a person for a few weeks for free and then fires them and take the next one. And also a lot of cheating with taxes and stuff. For example, they've discovered that one really big Swedish company haven't payed their taxes for several years, and I think it was the same with many other companies. I get so tired of it all, and there's just more and more that appear every day, not just with this but all what with SOPA and stuff and people getting getting beaten up right at a square outside a supermarket without anyone trying to stop it (yes it happened last week pretty close to where I live) and just people not helping each other and caring just about themselves... I'm seriously wondering where the world is going right now...
I too apologize for ranting, but I'm kind of frustrated.. Anyway Nausicaa_Cat, my best advice to you is that if you think you can survive some time without your current job then maybe you should go for it. If it's a job you're gonna have for some time then it's best you like it there after all. Or can't you look for a job before quitting this job, and then quit when you've found another? (Not sure how these things work in your country though)...


Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 03.31.2012, 02:09 PM:


Yeah, I believe she can look for another job to take on before quitting if possible. That would be a good option. But if she's busy with her studies right now, it might be especially hard.

My boss before my last one was one of the best ever and really respected her employees. Most of us knew her for a long time though and you didn't have to feel especially conscious around her. Actually most employers where she lives are a lot like that. It's a community I'd like to live in and would likely have to learn French in order to live there. Most businesses there are family run except for fast food restaurants. It's a place that's always full of tourists. There's also a little community of pinoys. If I can learn enough tagalog before summer, I might try talking to one that way first and freak them out.

I don't know how I'm going to work and maintain a high GPA during university. I guess I'll have to try. I've never felt very challenged as a high school student with anything I liked, and they offer the chance to do harder work.

LL: I'm extremely sick.

HL: Picking out courses for next year. I'm going crazy with the option of taking languages. Since the first year you aren't required to have picked out your major as an arts student, it'll be interesting. But we have to run it through the academic advisor.

Honestly, I have no understanding of picking courses. I was only able to do so for two years during high school, but both times it was just a mess on how it was all planned.

EDIT: Employers here pay pretty well. I'm worried for my boyfriend though since people in the province next to mine are getting fed up with workers from his country coming in and taking jobs. He doesn't know about this at all and is really naive, so my friend was concerned since her brother was suing his work place because they fired most of their workers to bring in foreign ones.

Posted by Roarkiller on 04.01.2012, 06:00 AM:


Half the employees at my workplace are pinoys. Can't really blame them really; they're cheaper labour, amidst this hard economy.

Also, it's hard to blame my employers, when I'm the one who resigned (to focus on my studies).

But eh, when you got monkeys running the country, it's no wonder.

On topic though, I got three (belated) birthday presents today, so I guess it's a nice thing. Though it was really unexpected for my sis to give me cash, she's not one to be so practical in this kind of events.

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 04.01.2012, 02:41 PM:


Yeah, I know they're cheap labour and they work very hard (at least, here they do, and their employers and coworkers like them). Some of the work places choose to abuse them most though, which is where things go wrong.

My boyfriend is pretty naive to this (pretty sure his family was well off before his dad died). But his friend from back home and I were discussing it on facebook earlier. He doesn't think it's right also to the people here to be unable to get jobs as a result.

HL: Spent the afternoon at with my boyfriend and all his friends.

They all call me Miss. XD Well, the guys do. Some of them I already know and we would laugh because he would re-introduce me to them. The ones I didn't would shake my hand... and not let go.

There was a lot of karaoke. I'm pretty sure they want me to join their choir. o_o They're intent. Very intent. I was sick today so I probably seemed distant. Also pretty sure a couple of the guys were drunk at one point or just really enjoyed extreme singing.

Posted by Roarkiller on 04.02.2012, 05:35 AM:


Wishing what happened today was just a late april fools joke, but it's not.

I bombed my assignments. ALL of them.

I guess it started when I lost my thumbdrive, where all the files for my first assignment was. I had an updated backup online, but I didn't realize there was an excel file missing, used to fix a part's dimensions.

All my three assignments are linked. Which means my first two are bombed, and I have to redo almost everything so I can continue with my LAST assignment.

I've been FUBARed, in a very, very bad way.

Posted by husky51 on 04.02.2012, 08:10 AM:


hahahahahahaha, not laughing at your misfortunation, I would NEVER do that, just laughing at your use of the term 'FUBAR'... Haven't seen that acronym in a long time... (although MY memory of it is probably coarser than yours, lol... remember, I'm a sailor...)


Posted by fenkashi on 04.02.2012, 10:20 AM:


Ugh. Worst behind-the-eyes-headache ever. >_<

I just want to crawl under the covers and never see light again.


Posted by Mokiepoet on 04.02.2012, 11:59 AM:


Originally posted by fenkashi
Ugh. Worst behind-the-eyes-headache ever. >_<

I just want to crawl under the covers and never see light again.

Sounds like you might get migraines too. I feel for you! Hope the pain goes away ASAP!!
Winter is offically over in Texas(what little we get), we hit 90 yesterday! Already had to turn on the A/C!

"We're all born with selfish desires, so we can all relate to those feelings in others. But kindness is something made individually by each it's easy to misunderstand when others are trying to be kind to you." Natsuki

Posted by husky51 on 04.02.2012, 12:28 PM:


Originally posted by Mokiepoet
Originally posted by fenkashi
Ugh. Worst behind-the-eyes-headache ever. >_<

I just want to crawl under the covers and never see light again.

Sounds like you might get migraines too. I feel for you! Hope the pain goes away ASAP!!
Winter is offically over in Texas(what little we get), we hit 90 yesterday! Already had to turn on the A/C!

I used to get those kinds of headaches when working on my back as a mechanic under cars and busses. And I had to work thru them because of the bus schedules... Gawd, they hurt. I feel for ya, fen.
As for the weather, we are supposed to get below freezing by Thursday night... Sucks, lol

I would say that in Texas, it would matter as to which part of he state you're in. I got an ol' shipmate living in San Antone that retired as a Fireman not long ago...


Posted by Mokiepoet on 04.02.2012, 01:04 PM:


I prefer the colder weather! I loved CO the 4 months I lived there. There was a blizzard the 1st day I was there in April.
I just found the biggest black window spider I have ever seen!! It was on my garage door- I put it in a jar and showed it to my 4 and 5 yr old nephews, so they know if they see 1 like it, to get away and tell an adult. That was a pretty big highlight for me today!!

"We're all born with selfish desires, so we can all relate to those feelings in others. But kindness is something made individually by each it's easy to misunderstand when others are trying to be kind to you." Natsuki

Posted by captain george on 04.02.2012, 04:10 PM:


Originally posted by Mokiepoet
I just found the biggest black window spider I have ever seen!! It was on my garage door- I put it in a jar and showed it to my 4 and 5 yr old nephews, so they know if they see 1 like it, to get away and tell an adult. That was a pretty big highlight for me today!!

So happy i live in a place where the most dangerous insect is a bee

Got into some good studying form today, go me

Posted by husky51 on 04.02.2012, 11:12 PM:


YAY, got to see one of my grandsons that I haven't seen for about 6 yrs... YAYNESS!!!

I went to a pizza dinner with a set of his and his brothers grandparents.. I guess that you could call them my in-laws. Jacob is the son of my son and the others daughter, but they never wed. Donnie is Jacob's brother and it was Donnie that I hadn't seen. I consider Donnie, and others like him in the family, as my grandchild and always will. It was the other grandparents that told me he was in the area and invited me to the dinner. We all get along well...

I totally enjoyed my visit with the boys...


Posted by AmtrakDesertWindrider on 04.03.2012, 09:25 AM:


HL: Extended family coming over from the Jolly 'ol UK coming over for a while. Yay!

LL: Microsoft Train Simulator does not get along with my laptop...

風 の エンジニア
Also, Twilight Sparkle is best pony!

Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 04.03.2012, 11:44 AM:


HL: Went for lunch/shopping with my mum and we had a good time. The manager of the restaurant suddenly slid into the booth with us and rested his head on my shoulder for an extremely awkward amount of time. I mean, we hadn't spoken to him or anything previously. He was Italian though and I guess Italian men in general are a lot more relaxed and touchy feely with girls. It was weird but funny, aha.

And I found I'm A Cyborg and Thirst in HMV and bought them both for only a few quid, which in my eyes is a bargain. I love Park Chan Wook so much ahah.

LL: Had a fight-ish with my boyfriend this evening. I've felt down recently because it feels like I've slid in his priorities, and whilst he's always really important to me sometimes it's like I only fit in his life where convenient. Maybe that was true to a degree but after talking about it was also unfair somewhat. Agh, I don't know. Relationships are tricksy.

Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 04.03.2012, 12:06 PM:


I've never really had a fight with my boyfriend. There's arguments over silly things, but it's just how he is and he instigates me. Hope your problems can be solved. Maybe I'm just lucky.

HL: I got chocolate today from a teacher and we're doing a fun project!

Also all registered for my university classes! Yay! But my friends are being total downers about me going. Like saying I'll gain a bunch of weight from stress (but I always wind up losing when I'm stressed because I can't eat.. and I'm not allowed to sneak food to my dorm room) or scare my roommate, stuff like that. Well, the weight thing likely might only be a few pounds. I'm bound to get stressed out, but I'm sure I can come through it. As long as I don't develop an eating disorder and my boyfriend doesn't wind up thinking I'm dead, think I'll be good then.

There's probably a high chance of me being friends with the international students. High. As in so high of a chance, it scares my mom. I'm taking three language courses next year. It wasn't supposed to turn out that way, but hey, while they all think I'm going to die, I think I'll do fine. I sure do hope I will. I'd like my university years to be fun, but I can't see myself joining the parties or anything. While they encourage us to go to at least one, I... don't want to. I don't like being near liquor. At all. I'm not comfortable with drinking.

LL: Test tomorrow. :/ I'm also the first person listed to do a presentation in two weeks, and I have an essay due next week. Luckily I have all my resources for the most part, and it won't be a difficult essay to write. I'll get started on it this long weekend alongside my other project. Hoping the boyfriend gets his car fixed soon. Wish I could give him the money to help buy the part he needs, and that he'd talk to his power company about the price of power. They're ripping him off.

Posted by Roarkiller on 04.04.2012, 08:47 PM:



Which gives me two chances to get in now, one here and my already planned registration for Malaysia's tryouts.


I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by husky51 on 04.04.2012, 09:32 PM:


Good Luck, Roar...


Posted by Mokiepoet on 04.05.2012, 05:56 PM:


Not so much a HL...
So I took my 15 yr old to a psychologist today...after spending 1 hr w/ my child he said he wants to put her on meds! I know he went to school for 8 yrs, but 1 hour...I'm just kinda in shock. I don't like meds...

"We're all born with selfish desires, so we can all relate to those feelings in others. But kindness is something made individually by each it's easy to misunderstand when others are trying to be kind to you." Natsuki

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