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Posted by k.i.r.a on 02.09.2008, 07:49 AM:


Originally posted by J.L.Jones
Was i the only one bored to hell with this?!?! I was told it is an incredible film but 10 mins in and i fell asleep!!!

ghost in the shell is good

Posted by ={HSA}= MORO on 02.28.2008, 01:09 AM:


saw this about a month ago... well Ghost in the Shell 2: innocence
i really liked it, kinda creepy, mostly slow passed, but had a good vibe, a good balance of action/mystery/suspense/boring-ness
overall id give it a 7/10


Posted by Ramah on 04.23.2008, 06:47 PM:


Really liked the first film.

Hated the second film.

Loved the first series of S.A.C.

Loved the second series of S.A.C.

Really liked Solid State Society.

On the whole, for me at least, Ghost in the Shell is required viewing, especially Standalone Complex.

Royal: I'm very sorry for your loss. Your mother was a terribly attractive woman.

Posted by Saddletank on 04.23.2008, 07:03 PM:


The second movie had it's good moments. The scene with Batou feeding his dog was just wonderful and the big gunfight scene between Batou, Togusa and the drugs/mafia gang was a brilliant set piece. I enjoyed the ending a lot, however the middle section lost direction and I got the impression the director was trying to be too clever by half with his CGI budget and forgot the basics like a clear story. GITS2 had some of the best individual scenes in but was the weakest of the 3 movies.

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