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Posted by Saddletank on 07.27.2007, 02:10 PM:

  Anime Club: Full Moon eps.27-28-29-30

Here are my thoughts scribbled down as I watched each episode.

Hm, a new opening for season 3, and a new theme tune. I think I prefer the original, there seems to be a wee bit of fanservice creeping into this one (lots of schoolgirls in short skirts that weren't there before).

A few new characters appear in the intro - who's the guy in the yellow shirt and black waistcoat who looks a bit like a Spanish Matador?

I notice the opening focuses more on other characters and less on Mitsuki. Is this significant? And hm, Mitsuki wearing angels wings and floating in the air as though dead - that's not a very nice image...

I liked the second single's song arrangement. Its quite close to the musical box melody which is nice and is what I was expecting, especially after hearing Madoka's arrangement which was heavy, almost pop-rock, like a power ballad - that was very much so-so; unimaginative.

This episode had a good ending in which Takasu told Madoka to think carefully about why she's singing - it made a nice parallel to early in the story where Mitsuki had to answer for herself the same question.

I thought the 12YO Mitsuki playing the music box in front of her friends was dangerous - they might remember it used the same melody as Full Moon's new single about to be released in a few days time and one of them might ask awkward questions about it - but no-one did, so maybe my paranoia is too active and the show writers didn't see the potential pitfall to this.

I liked this episode, it was one of the 'side story' ones and was very cute and fluffy, tales of young love always make me feel nice. But even though it was off the main plot, I think Mitsuki learned something from the encounter between two of her friends.

Ah! So here's the yellow shirted Matador-type. What a scumbag! I hated this character which means he's well written because I assume the viewer is suposed to hate him. Sure, being a shinigami is all about coming to the land of the living and taking the souls of those dying/about to die but does this goon have to simply upset the lives of unrelated random people just for kicks? (spooking Full Moon's horse for example). Nasty little creep.

As this guy gets a slot in the opening credits I fear he'll be back.

Hm and a new transforming animation sequence for Mitsuki in which we get to see a hint of her breasts. I wish they'd kept to the spirit of the original in which nothing was seen, that seems to suit the cute innocent style of the show much better.

And what's with Mituski being able to see Takuto and Meroko and other Shinigami if she's not supposed to on pain of them being punished? What does Mitsuki have going for her that she can see Shinigami when no other humans can?

Nice twist at the end though, where Izumi says Meroko will be his in the future - presumably there'll be a conflict between him and Takuto at some point?

Another one of those rather moralistic sugary episodes that while I can see the value of the lesson being taught the writers go over the top sometimes, eh?

Something really bothered me about this episode and that was Takuto's strong negative attitude to the message Mitsuki wanted to send to Eichi. Does he still have a romantic attachment to her? How can that work out? He's from the spirit world and forbidden to have contact with humans. Or is he trying to send Mitsuki the message that her attempts to contact Eichi are hopeless and she shouldn't expect too much?

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 07.27.2007, 08:12 PM:


.....don't diss the Izumi Lio guy....My sister says I act like him the most out of everyone in the series....
I didn't like the second opening. Annoyed me a bit, especially to the last episode. I almost killed it.(Oh, yay! A few more episodes away and I can talk about the old guy.><I wonder if that's the reason I love roses...I'll explain it at that episode.)

I love the second single.(Eternal Snow. I was singing it at school....T_T'....Don't do that unless you want to be forced to sing it in English...or sing it either way..)

Posted by Farren on 07.29.2007, 08:39 PM:


what is the series about

pigeons funk the impossible

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