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Posted by dballred on 08.21.2012, 06:13 PM:


Originally posted by Calforsale
Great directions dballred, got there on the first thing go! When you went there in real life, did you just walk past it or did you actually go inside?

I walked to it just to see it--And Maybe take a picture. Since it's a working studio, you can't get in without purpose or invitation.

Posted by saviour2012 on 10.20.2012, 07:02 AM:



New Trailer of the proposed First Studio Ghibli Live Action Film "GOD Warrior"

Director of the famous anime franchise of Neon Genesis Evangelion,Hideaki Anno, was also the Key Animator of the Film Nausicaa of the valley of the wind. And now from the influence of the Film he is going to direct the first Live action feature from the famous Animation Studio. Using only common film tricks and not using any CG imagary makes this movie more interesting.

Trailer and more info from twitch


The new GKIDS and Studio ghibli deal

The famous animation and foreign title distributor Gkids now hold the Pre 2002 13 titles by studio Ghibli. All these movies rights were previously held by Disney.
Note: Gkids only holds the Theatrical Distribution Rights of the movies, Disney Home Entertainment Still Holds the DVD rights and the Blu-ray will probably be held by them too.
For more info

Watch everything but only take the good things from it

Ask, think and learn. Because the more we know the more we grow.

Watching the wrong to happen is the same as commiting the wrong.

If it looks like things are forcing you to be creative, Then be creative.

its a uniquely Miyazaki film, one only he could make and its uniqueness places it beyond being easily critiqued.[About Porco Rosso]
taken from a quote of Saddletank and Orphic Okapi

Posted by husky51 on 10.20.2012, 11:07 AM:


Shades of Godzilla and Mothra!!! Tokyo is going down again...

I'd see it if only for the comparasion to the animated movies...

Random question: Does anybody know how many times Tokyo has been destroyed or severly ravaged by the film industry?


Posted by arren18 on 10.20.2012, 06:59 PM:


I'd never heard of this! It looks pretty cool.

And as for Husky's question, I don't think anybody has an answer to that.


Posted by husky51 on 10.21.2012, 04:57 AM:


Originally posted by arren18
I'd never heard of this! It looks pretty cool.

And as for Husky's question, I don't think anybody has an answer to that.

That numerous, huh... lol


Posted by Calforsale on 11.03.2012, 07:58 AM:


Just a little bit about Hayao's new movie:

Most of the stuff we all probably know but there was an interesting quote. Hayao said, its “not the sort of work that everyone in the audience can relax and watch”.


Posted by Roarkiller on 11.03.2012, 08:34 PM:


That sounds really cool. I'm all for venturing of new genres and storylines, although if it turns out like Porco Rosso, then it can't really be called new, lol.

Something fresh like Only Yesterday and Pom Poko would be good for the studio once in a while.

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by arren18 on 11.03.2012, 08:37 PM:


Yes, it sounds very interesting indeed, especially for Miyazaki. As good as he is at what he does, his films do tend to be along similar lines each time, so I'm excited to see something different from him.


Posted by Heidi80 on 11.04.2012, 04:42 AM:


Originally posted by Calforsale
Just a little bit about Hayao's new movie:

Most of the stuff we all probably know but there was an interesting quote. Hayao said, its “not the sort of work that everyone in the audience can relax and watch”.

Thank you for the link. It sounds really interesting. Just a little question:imbd callls this movie Kaze tachinu. Kaze is wind of course, but does anyone know what tachinu means?

Posted by husky51 on 11.04.2012, 04:55 AM:


Heidi, I tried to translate on three different sites and each time, all it did was repeat the same words back at me... This will take someone who speaks Japanese...


Posted by Calforsale on 11.04.2012, 06:03 AM:


wow lots of things come up when you search kaze tachinu, check out these pics!

Edit: Ok i just read that this film is based on a manga by himself and so these pics probably arent so exciting ;/

but anyway, i read on an imdb forum that the translation is 'The Wind Has Risen'.


Posted by husky51 on 11.04.2012, 02:59 PM:



I clicked your link and saw this picture on it.

I clicked the pic and found this statement:

Miyazaki depicted one more giant airplane in his recent manga "Kaze tachinu--風立ちぬ--A wind rises "
"Kaze tachinu" depicts the life of Horikoshi Jiro who worked as a airplane designer mainly in 1930s to 1940s. He is famous as the designer of carrier-based fighter Mitsubishi A6M Zero.
At the biginning of this manga, Miyazaki gives 3 pages to Italian airplane designer Caproni despite the manga has only 5 pages in its first issue. Caproni had fame from WW1 to WW2.

Also found another pic of this unusual plane... You can see the scale by the men at the rear of the plane.

Caproni often designed unique planes. Caproni Ca-60 was one of them. Ca-60 was a huge flying boat which has 9 wings and 8 engines. It flied only 90m in its test flight and crushed. The plane sank in the lake Maggiore and the 2 pilots died.

I also found this drawing from Kaze tachinu...


Posted by Heidi80 on 11.07.2012, 12:01 AM:


That's a gorgeus picture, Husky. Methinks this will be a bit like Porco rosso.

Posted by Calforsale on 11.13.2012, 07:00 AM:


I got this off a studio ghibli facebook fan page:

'Recently on his radio show, Toshio Suzuki hinted at an "incredible plan" for Studio Ghibli in the summer of 2013. This "Summer of Ghibli" remains a mystery of yet, but Isao Takahata's long-awaited feature film ("The Story of the Bamboo Cutter" currently scheduled for release next summer. In addition, Hayao Miyazaki's next feature (almost certainly based on his 2009 Kaze Tachinu comic) is also planned for a summer release. Meaning 2013 will see a double-feature release by Ghibli's founders.

Every Ghibli movie of the last 15 years is heralded as "Miyazaki's retirement," for example. But next summer will be a critical milestone for the studio, as it completes its "Five Year Plan." This plan introduced the next generation of feature film directors, while Miyazaki prepares to move to a more background role. Can Studio Ghibli survive in a post-Miyazaki era? Would the public accept the new directors? Fortunately, The Borrower Arrietty and From Up on Poppy Hill became hits, and Goro Miyazaki is already in the planning stages of his next film (a samurai period piece).

Although no official word has been made, it's entirely reasonable that "Bamboo Cutter" and "Kaze Tachinu" will be the final directorial feature films by Takahata (75) and Miyazaki (71). Advancing age and the long production times necessary for feature animation almost requires it. The time may be coming for Studio Ghibli's legendary founders to take the stage one final time.

This is where Ghibli is headed, and Toshio Suzuki's plans involve this in some fashion.

Here is the translation from Suzuki-san's radio show, provided by T. Ishikawa and posted on GhibliWiki:

One of the guests asked Suzuki a question near the end of the radio show.

Guest: When is Takahata-san's film released?

Suzuki: Well, Miyazaki... (narration is inserted on top of Suzuki's voice)

Narration: Sorry, we cannot yet broadcast this talk, but, actually Suzuki-san seems to have an incredible plan which is not swept irresistibly by the current of the times.

Guests: Wooooow! (Guests are astonished by Suzuki's plan)

Suzuki: I'm so sorry, but we make all of next summer into Studio Ghibli.

(Laughter and the applause by guests)

Narration: Probably, Calcifer's flame begins to blaze like a brick from now on.'


Posted by Calforsale on 11.22.2012, 08:45 AM:


'Studio Ghibli Titles New Films From Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata; ‘Grave of the Fireflies’ Picked Up For US Re-Release'

'ANIME NEWS: Possible Oscar nomination for Ghibli's 'From Up On Poppy Hill'


Posted by Orphic Okapi on 11.22.2012, 07:40 PM:


Oh my god. Guys, I will be IN JAPAN when this happens. I can't wait until next summer.

I like tea!

Posted by Wikidkid101 on 11.22.2012, 07:50 PM:


Originally posted by Calforsale
'Studio Ghibli Titles New Films From Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata; ‘Grave of the Fireflies’ Picked Up For US Re-Release'

'ANIME NEWS: Possible Oscar nomination for Ghibli's 'From Up On Poppy Hill'

This is cool, it would be great for the studio to win another Oscar and get some recommendation! It would be nice to see it go to something other than a mainstream Hollywood animation!!

Posted by Calforsale on 11.22.2012, 08:44 PM:


Even if it would just be up for the running, that would be cool.


Posted by arren18 on 12.13.2012, 04:56 AM:


Kaze Tachinu and Kaguya-hime no Monogatari have been announced officially. Especially exciting is that they will open on the same day, just like Totoro and Grave of the Fireflies, but not as a double feature.


Posted by Calforsale on 12.14.2012, 12:39 AM:


I'm really excited for these films! I really like the look of Hayao's poster, the girl looks great. And im so glad Isao is making another film, i love his characterization.


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