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Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 07.14.2012, 03:09 PM:


HL: Work went nice and quickly today and was quite fun at points!

LL: Pretty much similar to my previous comment, my ex is just behaving so disappointingly lately. He's not being rude or mean or anything, it's just that he's being such a coward and making things so difficult. The way he broke up with me still really frustrates me and was done in such a pathetic way, and it's horrible because I want to look back on the relationship fondly but he's making it difficult for me to do so.

Posted by husky51 on 07.14.2012, 04:06 PM:


Not trying to be mean, but maybe it is better to find out now...?

Big Hugs to you, NC


Posted by Saddletank on 07.14.2012, 06:44 PM:


NC - can you not just have an adult conversation with him about it and ask him to be reasonable and mature and let you both put it behind you?

Isakaya High School Roleplaying Info

"An old man like me stands no chance fighting against a high school girl in her underwear" - Oshino Meme, Nekomonogatari (Kuro)

Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 07.14.2012, 07:09 PM:


Ah, yeah I've asked him to come for a coffee or something so we can just clear the air or whatever. It just feels like whenever we talk, despite him saying how he wants to be friends, he always just goes on about how guilty he feels and I end up consoling and reassuring him. Somehow in all this he has ended up the victim? And I just feel that this whole thing has been so weird and he hasn't told me the complete truth but I don't know, hopefully he'll do so when I see him.

Geez, boy troubles. Thanks for listening/reading my complaining :')

Posted by husky51 on 07.15.2012, 03:48 AM:


Yeah, girl troubles ain't no picnic, either... lol

finished my first day back at work... a lot cooler and better travel than in the desert... YAY!!!


Posted by fenkashi on 07.15.2012, 06:00 AM:


HL: I have solved my boy troubles! And I had a really good day.

LL: I think I picked up different boy troubles. >_<

*hugs NC* I hope the talk helps.


Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 07.15.2012, 09:25 AM:


HL: Bought a really beautiful vintage style bike for university.

With baskets and everything.

LL: Still worrying over university. Talked about getting a loan and keeping fingers crossed. Need to get myself a job up there while going to school.

Also, we're allowed to buy our books, but... I don't know what my books are? I emailed them asking and a couple other questions regarding what I can bring into my dorm room.

I hope they give me a schedule when I get there too. I have one my mom made up but I'm not gonna find it until I start packing. :s Which will be next month.. I'm feeling really emotional over all this.

And I also really wish my boyfriend wouldn't be on the other side of the world at that time. T.T But I have my friend who I'm living with next year who will keep me sane until I get out and make friends there. It'll all be fine once I go. Going to go see my dorm room and stuff next month before moving in.

Posted by husky51 on 07.15.2012, 02:47 PM:


Rooting for you, FFF


Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 07.15.2012, 09:03 PM:


Aww, thanks husky. :'3

WeirdLight: Trying to get my boyfriend to agree to a date... not working. :B

He refuses to go outside because he doesn't want to tan anymore so he can be lighter skinned before heading home. Which kinda makes me sad because now he refuses to go for walks or go swimming. :/

And if I ask to go to the city or do anything, he tells me "I'm tired". But if his friends want to go, he takes me with them. Yet he complains I'm too awkward with them, when they won't try and speak English to me. It's not like I can just speak in his language. >.<; I don't know what he expects of me to do. I've told him that, and he just gets more frustrated.

But I want to go on one date, one date. D': But everyone else makes plans with him when he only makes them with me last minute.. there's only a month and a half left and then I don't know when I'll see him again.. or talk to him.


Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 07.16.2012, 09:24 AM:


FFF, tell him he's being a bonehead. It's hugely unfair of him to expect you to find it entirely easy around his friends if they don't always speak your language, he needs to appreciate the effort you're making to keep up with them at all. As well as this if he's afraid of his skin darkening (which I understand is a social hang-up for some asians, but frankly it's dumb) than he can wear a hat or something - he shouldn't sacrifice spending precious time with you over something so superficial.

Maybe he's drawing away a little bit because he's scared of the upcoming long distance you guys are going to have to deal with?

HL: Went out for lunch and ate cake~
LL: None as of yet today.

Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 07.16.2012, 02:13 PM:


I've actually gotten quite mad over how he expects me to just conform. XD His friends understand better than he does sometimes, as I talk to the majority of the younger ones on FB quite often, and they've apologized sometimes over not speaking to me because they're afraid their English in poor (when it's not, but I understand that, although I tell them to make an effort to try).

If I mention moving away, he gets a really sad expression he tries hiding, but he hasn't tried to distance himself yet. He's used to separation, yet that doesn't mean he wants to be parted from me. Besides, we'll make every effort towards making that distance little.

He did get happy when I mentioned wanting to go on a date soon though.

LL: Well, I may not be celebrating my anniversary though. His mom is having surgery and is afraid they'll lack the funds for their trip. I told him I didn't want anything then and that we can just celebrate it next year. He didn't agree or disagree yet.

Posted by husky51 on 07.16.2012, 05:46 PM:


An anniversary can be as little as simply sitting, holding hands and eating a cookie together. Or whatever... It doesn't HAVE to cost anything if there are monetary constraints...



Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 07.16.2012, 06:19 PM:


Originally posted by husky51
An anniversary can be as little as simply sitting, holding hands and eating a cookie together. Or whatever... It doesn't HAVE to cost anything if there are monetary constraints...


It's more of a time constraint and what he planned on giving me. XD I can't afford much to give him and I don't have anymore paintings done either. We weren't planning on doing anything fancy.. just cooking together.

I don't know what he planned on giving to me. To him, it was quite a big deal and he was sad to know I have to move in three days before our anniversary and stay there. But he's getting me a bunch of stuff on his trip, so I figured might as well not give me something then and wait for that stuff.

Nothing lavish, but I wanted stuff from his country and if he could find me some kpop CDs and clothes. XD Since it's all cheaper there for the most part. 40$ in his money is 1$ in mine. I trust him and what he'll pick up for me since he knows exactly what type of clothes I like and wear and what music I listen to and what I find cute and don't.

I don't know if other girls' boyfriends pick out clothes for them. He's never bought me clothes before, only a jacket as a present, but when we go shopping, he always knows what I like before I set eyes on it. XD

Posted by husky51 on 07.16.2012, 07:19 PM:


Not to be rude, but sizes, too? i don't know if Canada uses the metric system for clothing sizes... but if not, then that has to be converted over to metric as that is what is used, at least in Japan, over there.


Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 07.16.2012, 11:00 PM:


Originally posted by husky51
Not to be rude, but sizes, too? i don't know if Canada uses the metric system for clothing sizes... but if not, then that has to be converted over to metric as that is what is used, at least in Japan, over there.

He already converted my size for me. lol Because I'm the same size as him over there.

Him here - XS, S. There, he's a Large.

I'm a S, M. So he and his sister both said I'll be a Large.

I'm a large in most Asian sized clothes, but even then they can be big on me. The only thing I won't fit into is shoes for sure, since I have bigger feet than all his girl friends and his sister and mom here. But he shouldn't have trouble finding me clothes... but his grandmother might call me fat like she calls him.

I got a free sized Japanese shirt with a DVD. XD It was big on me. I told him when he gets to the airport in Japan to pick me up something there.

WeirdLight: Recurring pain in my right side... only if I think about it though. It hit me suddenly the other day during a meeting too. If it persists, I'll go see my doctor about it, since it's been going on for awhile but vanishes after a moment or two. Once I move around, it disappears.

Posted by Roarkiller on 07.17.2012, 02:32 AM:


Save my sister, everyone else in my family has the same foot length. Even though my dad and mom are much shorter than the three stooges in the house.

And because my dad has wide shoulders, except for my youngest brother who is, er, rather wide, all the males in the family wear the same sized tops and bottoms.

Of course, that means my mom has a headache everyday figuring out what belongs to who, but yeah

I am me.
I am who I am.
I am Roarkiller.
No one else is me.
Isakaya High RPG Site

Originally posted by fenkashi
Screw your opinions, they are not relevant ^^.

Posted by husky51 on 07.17.2012, 02:43 AM:


That's what iron-on name tags are for, Roar...


Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 07.17.2012, 09:30 AM:


lol Reminds me when I go shopping for men's shoes with my boyfriend for his relatives. They're all so small! I mean, his are small, but his shoe size is bigger than all of there's (which he gloats about, and then I remind him his 12-year-old cousin I think is adorable will catch up to him someday since he's one size below).

But they always make him buy the most expensive shoes.
Me: Do they know what this costs?!
Him: Well, I don't think they care about that, but it can't be worth 10$ to them over there..
Me: But you can't afford to keep buying them these shoes! Even I can't afford them!

Unfortunately, he does not understand sales or getting discounts on things. I see if we get married, I'll be in charge of budgeting... and buying. He's good at budgeting to pay bills, but nothing else..

Posted by husky51 on 07.17.2012, 12:48 PM:


Our young FFF is already comtemplating marriage???? She's too young...

Of course, who am I to talk.... My wife was only 17 when we met. And a few months later we were married...

Plucked her right off of the school bus... (Did I mention that I was the driver?)


Posted by foreignfilmfreak on 07.18.2012, 09:45 AM:


Pfft hahaha, husky. XD And it's only contemplating in the long run. I don't want to date someone unless there's a possibility of marriage in the future. That's just me though. I'm the only person I know who actually wants to get married and not live my life as a single mother, as many of the girls I knew wanted.

LL: Overwhelming loneliness this morning. Don't like this at all! :/ But I don't know how to get rid of it.. Oh well, guess I'll have to wait until university to make some friends. At least 1 friend.

HL: Had fun cooking yesterday with my boyfriend, but I can't help feeling he thinks I'm stupid. XD But what I cook is very different from what he cooks (and I like raw food compared to thoroughly cooked). He'd be like "What, why can't you cut that properly? Don't you watch cooking shows?".

I'm a leftie. :B My cutting skills are minimal because everyone thought I'd kill someone since I can't hold a knife like a righty.

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