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Posted by NON-PLAYER CHARACTER on 01.26.2009, 05:24 AM:

  [*NO SIGS!*] Isakaya High School – Role-Play Only, Filler Thread



It is a school day. The weather is warm and breezy. The students are relaxing in some free time in homeroom. The sensei has gone off to a meeting.

[What is this thread? Why is it here? See Saddletank's first and third posts on this page.

Posted by Saddletank on 01.26.2009, 05:46 AM:


I pushed my test revision files aside and sat back from my desk, lacing my fingers together behind my head and letting out a seemingly painful groan as I stretched. Enough of sitting here filling my head with the social and political reforms of the Meiji Era. The social and political reforms of the Meiji Era sucked anyway.

I looked about me at my classmates all of whom seemed to think along similar lines to me. They needed some waking up...

I reached into my bag and drew out a sheet of paper and proceeded to fold it carefully up into a paper dart, my tongue tip sticking out the corner of my mouth as I concentrated on the task.

When it was done I trimmed the wings for balance and, as surreptitiously as it is possible to throw a paper plane in a classroom study period, which is not very, launched it in the direction of the door towards the group of desks where Maho, Chi, Kazuo, Jun and Icchan sat. As I let it go I turned back to my desk as though in innocence and pretended to study the trees outside...

Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 01.27.2009, 12:52 PM:


I felt something softly jab me in the back of the head and let out a squeak. I turned in time to see a now slightly-crumped looking paper plane wafting to the ground. Huh?

I bent down and picked up the plane, plopping it onto the desk in front of me.

To hell with revision! Detective Chi is on the case!

I carefully looked from one classmate (Or as I had now silently dubbed them 'suspects') to the next. No, no, no...aha!

Sadoru was sitting very still and looking out of the window. What is it everyone says? It's always the person you least suspect. Well, he looks very innocent. Too innocent for my liking!

I ripped off a sheet of paper from my book and carefully fashioned my own plane. Along one wing I wrote "Chi Airways" and on the other "Flying you to your revision getaways!"

I lifted my plane in the air, admiring my handiwork.

"Ah!" I said quietly to myself "C'est magnifique!"

I carefully took aim and fired my plane at Sadoru, watching with delight as it went crashing into his head. I quickly turned in my seat and buried my head back in my revision book. The picture of innocence.

Posted by Roarkiller on 01.27.2009, 11:33 PM:



Or not.

A brief flash of white caught my attention as my eyes moved up to see Kashikoi bending down and picking up something, and then started to look around with zero discretion.

Now what could she be up to...

A short while later, a much clearer white flew Kamikaze-style into Sadoru's head, and with much amusement, Kashikoi quickly looked down again.


Taking out a piece of paper myself, I wrote in big lettering "GOD IS WATCHING" with my marker, folded it into a small square, wrote Kashikoi's name on it, and threw it neatly on top of her head.

And looked down again, hand on forehead for an authentic "I'm busy thinking" pose.

Posted by Kazegami on 01.28.2009, 02:08 PM:


Well that was a waste of time... The teacher left the room and I shut my books, just hard enough so that each made a little snap as it closed. I liked doing that. Made it feel almost as though I wouldn't have to open them again. Seriously, what are the chances that any of us here are ever going to need know any of this? Slouching a bit in my chair, I continued drawing a little pattern on the back of my hand. I'd started it in the second half of the lesson, when my attention span had begun to reach its limits. I put my pen down and regarded it. It looked like some sort of miniature tribal tattoo, and I quite liked it. Of course, it'd have to be washed off before I got home: okaasan hated it when I did this. Gave a bad impression apparently.

Chi suddenly gave a little yelp and I looked up, surprised. Oh. She'd just dropped something by the looks of it. I sighed. Boring... However, my interest was piqued slightly when she dropped a slightly battered paper plane onto her desk. As paper planes go, it was quite well made. I watched as she tore a blank page from one of her jotters, and folded into a plane of her own. She wrote her name along the wing, and something else that I hadn't time to read before she sent it sailing across the room. I smiled as it made a direct hit to Sadoru's head.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a movement to my left, then little square of paper landed squarely (pun intended) on Chi's head. "Tch, square planes? What next?" I said quietly, still smiling.

Posted by Saddletank on 01.29.2009, 06:55 AM:


Dink! "Hey!" A Chi Airways plane slid out of my hair and onto the floor, though I just caught it in time as it went down. I looked at the message.

Er... hardly. Glancing round I caught sight of the culprit - at least I assumed it was the culprit. I wasn't sure if it was her handwriting and someone malicious might have put her name on it. As I looked towards the door though, it was obvious it had been her. Every single other face between her and me was staring at me, some chuckling, some wide-eyed, some grinning, wondering at this new development.

Except Chi. She seemed to be having problems of her own. I stood up and pushed my chair back with a scrape and wove between the desks. A few people had already got up and were forming pairs and small groups, chatting. I went around them until I reached my target.

"Hello flight control. One of your planes went off course. If I'm going to a getaway I won't want to revise when I get there. More like swim in the sea." I paused. Then an idea came. "Talking of which, do you?"

It wasn't swim club tonight so the pool would be nearly empty. An after school dip suddenly had appeal. Icchan might even have some trunks this time... I looked up over at him and saw he was studiously working away or thinking something. A sure sign of 'up to something'.

"What's that?" I pointed at the square of paper on Chi's desk.

Posted by Roarkiller on 01.29.2009, 11:01 AM:


I'm sorry master... the force is weak within me.

I lowered my hand further, low enough to look through my fingers.

Oooh, perpretator and victim face off.

The urge to laugh was almost unbearable at the thought of both reading my "missile".

Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 01.29.2009, 12:20 PM:


I once was again vicously attacked by an enemy of the paper variety.


I swivelled in my seat looking for the owner of the author of my odd little note. I let out a bark of laughter and looked down at my desk again, I heard step behind me and looked up to see Sadoru.

"Hello flight control. One of your planes went off course. If I'm going to a getaway I won't want to revise when I get there. More like swim in the sea."

"No no you see! Its a getaway FROM revision. I guess I didn't make that very clear. Thank you for the return of my plane though!" I grinned and held up his crumpled paper plane "And this, belongs to you?"

"Talking of which, do you?"

"Like to swim? Yep! Everyday in the summer, I swim in the pool at ho-" I stopped realising how boastful that might sound, I flushed a little and carried on "Why do you ask?"

"What's that?"

"Its my secret note! I hoped it might be a love confession but no such luck." I smiled, holding up the note so he could read it "Though I think i'd take God over sensei anyday!"

I looked round the classroom once again, puzzled. "I don't know the handwriting...any ideas?"

Posted by Saddletank on 02.06.2009, 06:14 AM:


"No no you see! Its a getaway FROM revision. I guess I didn't make that very clear. Thank you for the return of my plane though!"
"Ah... no... then again I've had my head full of revision all day so I'm a bit slow." I put my head on one side and looked down at her quizzically.

"And this, belongs to you?"
She held up the square-folded bit of paper. "No. I'm innocent this time." I stuck my hands in my pockets and swivelled my gaze around the room. It could have been anybody - in the five minutes since Sensei left us to it, people were up from desks and chattering in groups all over. No guilty looking gaze lifted from a desk that I saw - though I was sure the guilty party would be one of those still 'studying'.

"Like to swim? Yep! Everyday in the summer, I swim in the pool at ho-"

"Why do you ask?"
She just failed to cut herself off at 'home' and looked awkward about it. But I wasn't bothered by that, "You have a pool at home? For real? Whoa that's cool! It would be great in the summer to have some of the class round for a swim!"

"No I asked because there's no swim club meeting tonight but I have my stuff with me. The pool'll be pretty much empty and I was thinking of asking a few people over for a swim, and maybe a bite of something afterwards. You interested?"

I looked at her face again, the traces of embarrasssment still lingered, "Hey, don't worry about it, some of us are allowed to be well off, it doesn't bother me."

Then I asked her about the mysterious squared paper.

"Its my secret note! I hoped it might be a love confession but no such luck. Though I think I'd take God over sensei anyday!"

"I don't know the handwriting...any ideas?"
She looked around the room. I did so again, just because she was. Infectious, that.

Then I looked at the handwriting, I knew it at once. I glanced over at the writing's owner but he was one of the 'pretending to study' brigade.

"Can I?" I asked Kashikoi-san, indicating one of her pens with my eyes and her notebook. I took the pen and on the inside cover of her book wrote 'ICCHAN'

Smiling I spun the book round to face her and handed the pen back.

Posted by Maho_Fushida on 02.07.2009, 07:26 AM:


I sat at my desk, school work forgotten and wondered what to do. I looked round at Hikari and let my eyes rest there a while but she was still hard at work, cramming away.

I decided to do the decent thing and not distract her.

Then I noticed the paper planes and stuff and saw Icchan throw something at Chi's desk. I sat back, leaning my chair back on its back legs and watched with an amused smirk on my face. I caught Icchan's eye and winked slowly.

Your secret is safe with me if you make it worth my while the look said.

Then I overheard Sadoru trying some kind of chat-up line with Chi - or it sounded like it. Swimming? Oh? That would be amusing. I had my things with me somewhere.

I continued to half watch Icchan, wondering if he would confess his crime.

Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 02.07.2009, 07:37 PM:


"You have a pool at home? For real? Whoa that's cool! It would be great in the summer to have some of the class round for a swim!"

The idea of the boisterous class laughing and chatting away in my quiet almost solemn house brought a smile to my face.

"It'd definitely be...interesting." I grinned to myself.

"No I asked because there's no swim club meeting tonight but I have my stuff with me. The pool'll be pretty much empty and I was thinking of asking a few people over for a swim, and maybe a bite of something afterwards. You interested?"

"Oh um sure! I think I have a swimsuit with me so that should be fine...Who else is coming?" I said.

"Hey, don't worry about it, some of us are allowed to be well off, it doesn't bother me."

"I just didn't want you to think I was being arrogant or something.." I replied softly, my eyes on the desk and my voice lowered.

"Can I?"

I couldn't help laughing when I saw the culprit.

"Aha!" I giggled, picking up the pen and writing my own note. 'And how shall we punish the perpetrator?'

Posted by Roarkiller on 02.07.2009, 09:31 PM:


I was suddenly aware of Maho's eyes boring into me and quickly looked down.

Hey wait, does she even know what I did?

I looked up again.

@#$%, I think she knows what I did.

I shook my head and mouthed Miru na! at her, hoping she wouldn't blow my cover.

[Trans: Don't look (at me)!]

Posted by Maho_Fushida on 02.10.2009, 05:18 AM:


Icchan looked very guilty, even mouthing a silent denial it was him.

Yes. Guilty. So obvious.

I smiled pleasantly at him in a 'Maho's caught you behaving inappropriately again' kind of way... and then spoke to Chi's back.

"Hello Chi-chan," I'd not called her that before. I'd only spoken to her properly at the party... ah, well, "Is anything happening after school today? I'm at a loose end. Anyone planning anything? Hi Sadoru. Are you alright?"

I'd overheard the suggestion of swimming and then stopping to get a snack but I didn't say anything. Eavesdropping was a little rude.

I turned my eyes to over my right shoulder again. Isn't it, Icchan?

Posted by Saddletank on 02.11.2009, 09:17 AM:


"It'd definitely be...interesting."
You and a garden is bad enough. You and a garden and a swimming pool... scary combination.

"Oh um sure! I think I have a swimsuit with me so that should be fine...Who else is coming?"
"No-one yet. Let's ask around." My eyes lifted over her head to Maho who sat behind. Hm, clumsy girl and scary girl... could be interesting.

"Yes. Your move." I winked at her wonderig if she'd throw a note back or walk over and trip at his feet and go flying just to show him who was boss.

Then Maho looked up.

"Hello Chi-chan," Chi-chan? Cute! "Is anything happening after school today? I'm at a loose end. Anyone planning anything? Hi Sadoru. Are you alright?"
I lifted a hand in a two-finger wave, "I'm fine. We were just talking about..." I paused, a little uncertain, I'm happy asking Chi to go swimming but Maho is... different. A different kind of girl... "We, er.... were talking about what to do actually. Uh. So you're..." I couldn't help a quick glance over at her usual friend, "...not busy then?"

Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 02.11.2009, 11:45 AM:


"Yes. Your move."

"Indeed." I said, grinning evilly.

"Hello Chi-chan, Is anything happening after school today? I'm at a loose end. Anyone planning anything? Hi Sadoru. Are you alright?"

I flicked my eyes towards Sadoru, it was his idea afterall and I didn't wish to be rude.

He answered her question, albeit slightly hesitantly. I didn't feel any dislike towards the idea of her coming, simply he didn't really know how to ask her.

"Yup!" I said smiling at her "We're going to go for a swim, why don't you come along?"

I looked over at Icchan for a second and back at Maho, "Oh excuse me one teency second please!"

Picking up my 'GOD' note I got up from my seat and carefully walked a long circuit around the classroom, making sure that Icchan definitely didn't notice what I was up to. I snuck up behind him, even holding my breath so as to make as little noise as possible. I waited till I was right behind him than lent down, my mouth just behind his ear.

Now, lets see if we can't make him jump...

"Icchan!" I whispered loudly "I came to return this!" and with that I flung the note on to his table.

Posted by Roarkiller on 02.12.2009, 01:41 AM:


I pulled my eyes back onto the paper on my desk.

Miru na miru na miru na miru na miru na miru na miru na miru na miru na miru na mi-


"Icchan! I came to return this!"
My hand quivered, enough for my head to drop an inch from it's support. In instant reflex, I jerked my head back and to my left, and my cheek made contact with--


-- something really soft and moist.

My mouth was agape as I looked into... Kashikoi's eyes.

And I had a feeling my eyes looked exactly like hers right now.

Posted by Saddletank on 02.12.2009, 12:23 PM:


I watched Chi go and speak with Icchan and Icchan's obviously guilt ridden head jerk up and to the side and strike... Oops! Well, that's one way to break the ice and get noticed by girls. It might technically be assault but still...

"Tch, square planes? What next?"
I had sort-of caught Kazuo's comment of a few minutes ago but my chat with Chi had distracted me. I looked round now to see him quietly watching the developing scene... I had a smirk on my face and jerked my head towards Icchan and rolled my eyes.

"Watch this. Super cool dude about to win over a girl's heart."

Posted by Nausicaa_Cat on 02.12.2009, 12:34 PM:


He jerked, his head moving back, and his cheek pressing lips!

My eyes widened with suprised and I jumped back.

"Aiieeeee!" I yelped with suprise, almost backing into the desk behind me.

"Icchan! What were you...Why did you...!" I stuttered, my cheeks flushing red.

It had obviously been an accident, and my fault for doing it in the first place.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you...I didn't mean to make you jump like that!" I squeaked apologetically.

Posted by Maho_Fushida on 02.13.2009, 04:09 AM:


"I'm fine. We were just talking about... We, er.... were talking about what to do actually. Uh. So you're... ...not busy then?"
"No, I'm not busy. I don't go to any after school clubs and my homework is up to date. And my usual friends are busy." I noted where he had glanced and made myself not glance there too. Or go even a little pink.

Sadoru's hesitancy amused me. I had not been listening when he had come over to talk to Chi but the tone of voice I had heard had sounded confident and friendly enough but with me he was different.

Don't you like me?

"Yup! We're going to go for a swim, why don't you come along?"
Chi broke into my thoughts as she answered my question. Swimming? Now I did think about Hikari and was disappointed she was busy. Swimming. Not done that yet... I made certain images go away and focussed back.

"All right. I'll come. My stuff's in my locker anyway."

Chi went to talk to the Perpetrator and Sadoru and I exchanged looks. I saw Kazuo turn round and I lifted a palm to him and smiled.

Need to talk with you.

Posted by Roarkiller on 02.13.2009, 08:46 AM:


Strictly speaking, honey, it was a jerk, not a jump, but let's not get technical.

"Ah, no, ha ha, it's alright," I laughed nervously, desperately trying to cover the embarrassment, the only emotion I could never hide. "I can take it as a good omen, eh?"

I unfolded the paper and looked at the short line, then and Kashikoi, then at the paper again. Then I brought it up high above my head at a full arm's length and said cheekily,

"God, thank you for that brief moment of happiness."

"See, I told you God was watching,"
I grinned at Kashikoi.

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